Releases: tebe6502/Mad-Pascal
Mad Pascal 1.7
[STRIPED] for arrays with a maximum range of 0..255
new target, neo6502 (-t neo)
GRAPH.INC: Circle (faster version)
fixes lib/aplib.pas
fixes lib/zx0.pas
improved CASE optimization
added directive {$UNITPATH filename} as equivalent to {$LIBRARYPATH filename}
added ability to specify a path for a module declared by USES, e.g:
uses crt, vector in '...\3d_vector.pas';
added support for LIBRARY modules
added EXTERNAL modifier for variables, procedures, functions
added ability to set compilation address from program level, e.g.:
program name : address;
library name : address;
Mad Pascal 1.6.9
- improved memory allocation for arrays [0..0], 'ABSOLUTE $0000' is enforced initially, 1 byte of memory is saved
- added possibility to declare arrays without specifying their size, e.g.:
var tab: array of byte = [1,3,4,3,1];
var tb: array of char = 'abcdefghij';
- new compiler directive {$bin2csv filename} allows you to initialize arrays e.g.:
var tb: array of byte = [ {$bin2csv filename} ];
- new compiler directive {$optimization loopunroll}, {$optimization noloopunroll}, performs FOR loop unrolling with fixed parameters
- new BLOWFISH module allowing to encrypt, decrypt character strings according to specified key
- new example a8\AES-Rijndeal
Mad Pascal 1.6.8
resignation of type expansion for expressions from SHR
new SAPR resource type, SAPRPLAY
for RMTPLAY, as the second parameter you can specify the address for variables on the zero page
SizeOfResource(variable, name)
unit SHA1
unit xSFX
unit SYSTEM: NtoBE, RorByte, RorWord, RorDWord, RolByte, RolWord, RolDWord, SarShortint, SarSmallint, SarLongint
possibility to instantiate an array of CHAR type by STRING (if string is shorter spaces will be inserted), e.g:
tab: array [0..15] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF';
fixed passing function values through arrays
added support for VBLKI interrupts (immediate) via SetIntVec, GetIntVec (
rewritten compiler code for mod separable modules
rewritten code for handling arrays with pointers to records 'tab: array [0..x] of record^'
added optimization 'Common head/tail Sequence coalescing'
Mad Pascal 1.6.6
- improved implementation of EXIT
- added ability to generate code for RAW (-target)
- added support for INLINE modifier for procedures and functions
- added ability to declare a variable on the null page by using REGISTER modifier
- added support for TEXTFILE (TEXT) type
- new unit INIFILES
- unit SYSUTILS: CompareMem, TryStrToInt
- unit SYSTEM: CompareByte, Pos, Delete
- improved passing of parameters to objects (OBJECT) without participation of program stack :STACKORIGIN (in most cases)
- added possibility to mark a variable as ephemeral [volatile]
[volatile] vcount: byte absolute $d40b; - for OBJECT added methods CONSTRUCTOR, DESTRUCTOR
- added support for macros {$define label (parameters) := expression}
- added 'FOR element IN array' construction for arrays not exceeding 256 bytes
- more free memory on the zero page, FXPTR, PSPTR pointers are now allocated depending on whether they are used
- added support for FLOAT16 type
- added support for procedural type
- unit ZX2
Mad Pascal 1.6.5
- rewritten handling of CASE OF
- rewritten code optimization for arrays not exceeding 256 bytes
- optimization for conditions '>', '<='
- added memory allocation for STRING-type arrays (so far only the pointer was put away, it worked like 'array of ^string')
- new platform added, Commodore C4 Plus
- unit GRAPHICS: procedure Font(charset: pointer);
- unit MISC, RMT, CMC, MPT: DetectAntic
- unit SYSTEM revised to include ATARI, C64, C4Plus platforms
- unit ZX0
- unit HCM2
- added support of $resource (RCDATA, RCASM) for C64, C4Plus platforms, resources are sorted by ascending addresses
- extended RCDATA resource with possibility to specify ofset for read file
- added support for Pascal compliant syntax for ASM block, no { } brackets required
- added new directive {$codealign proc = value}, {$codealign loop = value} allowing to align generated code
Mad Pascal 1.6.4
- multiplying procedures u8x8, u16x16 replaced by code from CC65
- adding the POKEY reset code at the beginning of the program launch
- optimization of conditional IF expressions () and () and ... IF () or () or ...
- GRAPH, FASTGRAPH: SetActiveBuffer, SetDisplayBuffer, NewDisplayBuffer, SwitchDisplayBuffer, example demoeffects\lines2.pas, line3.pas, line4.pas
- GRAPH: Ellipse procedure (X, Y, StAngle, EndAngle, xRadius,yRadius: Word);
- MATH: Hypot
- SYSTEM: Length(string_array[element])
- SYSTEM: GetMem, FreeMem
- SYSUTILS: corrected FindFirst, StrToFloat
- SYSTEM: corrected Val(string, real, code) ; Val(string, single, code)
- new CIO unit: Opn, Cls, Get, Put, BGet, BPut, XIO
- new SIODISK unit, separated from the SYSTEM
- new S2 unit, integrated with handler installer VBXE-S2: (S_VBXE.SYS)
- new DEFLATE unit, which performs DEFLATE decompression (procedure unDEF), example compression\undef.pas
- new LZ4 unit, implementing LZ4 decompression (procedure unLZ4), example compression\unlz4.pas, unlz4_stream.pas
- new APLIB unit, which performs apLib decompression (procedure unApl), example compression\unapl.pas, unapl_stream.pas
- new CRC unit: function crc32(crc: cardinal; buf: Pbyte; len: word)
- a new PASCAL procedure/function modifier, causing a new memory block to be assigned/released for variables each time a procedure/function is called, example 'math\evaluate.pas'.
- added ability to disable ROM while maintaining system operation, {$DEFINE ROMOFF}
- shorter names of the switch -zpage (-z), -stack (-s), -data (-d), -code (-c), -define (-d), -ipath (-i)
- added possibility to generate code for C64 (-t c64)
Mad Pascal 1.6.3
v1.6.3 Add files via upload