Mad Pascal 1.6.8
resignation of type expansion for expressions from SHR
new SAPR resource type, SAPRPLAY
for RMTPLAY, as the second parameter you can specify the address for variables on the zero page
SizeOfResource(variable, name)
unit SHA1
unit xSFX
unit SYSTEM: NtoBE, RorByte, RorWord, RorDWord, RolByte, RolWord, RolDWord, SarShortint, SarSmallint, SarLongint
possibility to instantiate an array of CHAR type by STRING (if string is shorter spaces will be inserted), e.g:
tab: array [0..15] of char = '0123456789ABCDEF';
fixed passing function values through arrays
added support for VBLKI interrupts (immediate) via SetIntVec, GetIntVec (
rewritten compiler code for mod separable modules
rewritten code for handling arrays with pointers to records 'tab: array [0..x] of record^'
added optimization 'Common head/tail Sequence coalescing'