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Problem definition

shic15 edited this page Jun 3, 2021 · 1 revision


Sterilization is a key element in blocking the spread of highly contagious diseases. Humans are prone to errors whereas robots are not; they can repeat the same task again and again with high precision. Pathogens continuously mutate through environmental changes and sometimes because of man-made causes. This leaves the hospital staff at high risk of getting infected with different diseases, to avoid it, the hospital environment must be occasionally sterilized. This can be done using manual labor or robots. Robots can be more efficient and cost-effective in such tasks, while also preventing UV exposure to workers. So the development of a low-cost sterilization robot is the idea behind solving this problem.

Many companies provide autonomous robots with several intelligent features but at the same time, it also makes them very expensive to be used by a substantial number of people, especially in developing countries like India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc. For countries like India with a huge population, these are not cost-efficient, and currently, sterilization in hospitals is performed using disinfectants. Surgical equipment and the area which are prone to contamination are cleaned by medical staff. If the hospital provinces are not sterilized properly infections will spread exponentially. So, to make sure that the provinces are pathogen-free we developed an autonomous UV sterilization robot. This robot will navigate autonomously in a pre-recorded path and also performs obstacle avoidance in case of any obstacle placed in its path. A web page-based interface is designed to avail manual control, wifi connection details, and execution of different paths.