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Journal / Conference Papers

[1] Jim-Hong Yoo, “Review of Disinfection and Sterilization – Back to the Basics”, ic journal, 2018.
[2] S.Mohapatra, “Sterilization and Disinfection”, Elsevier Public Health Emergency Collection, 2017.
[3]Beatrice Casini and Benedetta Tuvo, “Evaluation of an Ultraviolet C (UVC) Light-Emitting Device for Disinfection of High Touch Surfaces in Hospital Critical Areas”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2019.
[4] Nicholas G.Reed, “The History of Ultraviolet Germicidal Irradiation for Air Disinfection”, Public Health Reports, 2010.
[5] Nicholas G.Reed, “UV Radiation and the Skin”, ic journal, 2013.
[6] R.V.Pereira and M.L.Bicalho, “Evaluation of the effects of ultraviolet light on bacterial contaminants inoculated into whole milk and colostrum, and on colostrum immunoglobulin G”, HSS Public Access, 2019.
[8] David Deharbe and Stephenson Galvao, “Formalizing FreeRTOS: First Steps”, Formal Methods: Foundations and Applications, 12th Brazilian Symposium on Formal Methods, SBMF 2009, Gramado, Brazil, August 19-21, 2009.
[9] Prof. Vishal Vaidya, Narotam Sharma, “Real-Time Navigation of Robot with Path Memorizing Algorithm”, International Journal of Engineering Technology, Volume 8, 2019.
[10] Guangming Song, Hui Wang, Jun Zhang, and Tianhua Meng,” Automatic Docking System for Recharging Home Surveillance Robots”, IEEE, Volume 57, No 2.
[11] Se-gon Roh, Jae Hoon Park, Young Hoon Lee, etc.,” Flexible Docking Mechanism with Error-Compensation Capability for Auto Recharging System of Mobile Robot”, International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems, vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 731-739, October 2008.
[12] Roberto Quilez∗ , Adriaan Zeeman .etc,” Docking autonomous robots in passive docks with Infrared sensors and QR codes”, International Conference on Testbeds and Research Infrastructures for the Development of Networks & Communities (TridentCOM), June 2015.

Reference / Hand Books

[10] Neil Kolban, “Kolban’s Book on ESP32” Kolban's book on ESP32 by Neil Kolban


[11]Ultrasonic sensor, DigitalKey
[12]Op Amp basics,ElectronicComp