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Support Windows #1826

imjasonh opened this issue Jan 8, 2020 · 43 comments

Support Windows #1826

imjasonh opened this issue Jan 8, 2020 · 43 comments
design This task is about creating and discussing a design Epic Issues that should be considered as Epics (aka multiple sub-tasks, …) kind/design Categorizes issue or PR as related to design. kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. lifecycle/frozen Indicates that an issue or PR should not be auto-closed due to staleness. priority/important-longterm Important over the long term, but may not be staffed and/or may need multiple releases to complete.


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imjasonh commented Jan 8, 2020

This issue tracks work needed to make Tekton run on a Kubernetes cluster with Windows nodes. Please contribute your use cases, ideas and experience.

First, some assumptions I've been operating under:

  1. Tekton controller components themselves don't need to run on Windows nodes. The cluster could have N Linux nodes and M Windows nodes, run the controller on one of the Linux nodes, and run requested workloads on Windows nodes. If we decide full-Windows clusters are the goal, then we'll need to expand this work to cover getting controller components built and running for Windows.
  2. The user has to explicitly specify they want a TaskRun to execute on a Windows node, using nodeSelector -- Tekton isn't responsible for somehow detecting that a TaskRun should run on a Windows node. We might change how a TaskRun's Pod is generated based on the user's specification, but ideally we wouldn't have to, for simplicity.

If either of these are contentious, or you have more to add, please comment.

Next, some things I'm fairly sure will break without trying:

  1. Building Images: Entrypoint binary injection is done today by prepending a step containing the entrypoint binary, which copies that binary to /tekton/entrypoint -- to support Windows, that binary will have to be built to run on Windows, and will have to be based on some minimal Windows image (i.e., not distroless as it is today). This is doable with manifest lists, which ko has some support for. Likewise, internal support images used to implement resources (git-init, creds-init, google/cloud-sdk, etc., will need to be able to be built for Windows)

  2. File Paths: Step ordering works by looking for files to exist at some predetermined path, and those paths are specified using /-separated paths (/tekton/tools, /tekton/downward/ready, etc.) -- this is likewise true for /workspace, /tekton/home, etc. If we decide in the future to use fsnotify to watch files instead of polling, we'll have to make sure that works for Windows too (or fallback to polling).

  3. Script Mode: Script mode is implemented today by writing an executable file to /tekton/scripts/something, then invoking it as the Command in the step container. Writing this file and making it executable, as well as where it exists, will require work to support Windows.


@imjasonh imjasonh added kind/feature Categorizes issue or PR as related to a new feature. design This task is about creating and discussing a design Epic Issues that should be considered as Epics (aka multiple sub-tasks, …) priority/important-longterm Important over the long term, but may not be staffed and/or may need multiple releases to complete. labels Jan 8, 2020
@vdemeester vdemeester added the kind/design Categorizes issue or PR as related to design. label Jan 8, 2020
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@imjasonh any special reason for this to be on the priority list? I will remove it for now, feel free to bring it back to the API WG if needed

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lukehb commented Jan 20, 2021

@imjasonh In the spirit of your "please contribute your use cases, ideas and experience" statement above, I'd like to chime in here. We are building out a CI/CD product on top of Tekton, specifically for building Unreal Engine projects. We are quite close to getting something in the hands of users; however, Windows support is a blocker for adoption of our product so we are highly motivated to see Windows support land in Tekton. I have been following this issue basically since it was opened and was wondering how things are going internally on this front?

If it is a matter of putting in the legwork, we may be able to help by collaborating with the Tekton maintainers to make it happen and get it upstreamed.

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If it is a matter of putting in the legwork, we may be able to help by collaborating with the Tekton maintainers to make it happen and get it upstreamed.

Thanks @lukehb that's really helpful. I'm not aware of any active effort to work on this, so your help will be useful. :)

I think the first step would be figuring out what doesn't work currently. What happens when a TaskRun pod executes on a Windows node? What happens when the controller and webhook components run on a Windows node? I suspect basically nothing will work at first, but having an idea exactly what breaks will help us move forward.

The entrypoint binary we inject into each TaskRun pod is not currently built for Windows, but I believe it could be relatively easily. Same for the controller components. I suspect this will end up being the first work, and likely far from the last. :)

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lukehb commented Jan 20, 2021

I'm not aware of any active effort to work on this, so your help will be useful. :)

Okay, in the case we will have some internal discussions about prioritising this on our roadmap. We will likely have a lot of questions to make sure we are on the right track, what is the best place to riff back and forth? The Tekton slack?

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This is slightly related to #856 although more complicated 😅. Following up on @imjasonh thougts, we also need to discuss what would be the minimum viable first iteration of supporting windows ; I would guess being able to run TaskRun on Windows (with having the controller & co on Linux) would be a good start but we can discuss this.

@lukehb there is different medium. For short discussion, slack or the tekton-dev mailing would be appropriate. To start designing the feature and dig into why we want this and detail how we could do this, there is the TEP process. An example related to other architectures is TEP-0019. We can bootstrap this by having discussion on the working groups (the main WG or the API one).

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@imjasonh Is there any way I can help out with the entrypoint issue to keep this moving forward? I'd be happy to make some tweaks and test the options discussed here if needed.

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I was able to get ko to build a valid entrypoint image by removing the file extension .exe on: pkg/build/gobuild.go#L440 and pkg/build/gobuild.go#L700 which means that the file extension is not needed.

With this change the entrypoint is working and we don't need to modify the current behaviour of Tekton. I did notice though that I can't pull the image if it includes files from kodata. I haven't figured out why that is yet...

The error I'm getting with kodata included is:

failed to register layer: re-exec error: exit status 1: output: open \\?\C:\ProgramData\docker\tmp\hcs370407523\Files\var\run\ko\refs\heads\controller-windows-images: The system cannot find the path specified.

I've checked the image layer on disk and the files do exist.

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TBBle commented Jul 20, 2021

If you run dockerd with the DOCKER_WINDOWSFILTER_NOREEXEC env-var set non-empty, you should get more information about that failure in the logs.

My immediate guess is that the file or one of the elements of the path is actually a link to an earlier layer, but the target is missing for some reason. It also could be a symlink with no target, which should work, but possibly something in the import process is trying to follow the link when it shouldn't be.

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imjasonh commented Jul 28, 2021

The ko Windows PR is merged! 🎉

I was able to get ko to build a valid entrypoint image by removing the file extension .exe on: pkg/build/gobuild.go#L440 and pkg/build/gobuild.go#L700 which means that the file extension is not needed.

Oh the .exe suffix isn't needed? That simplifies things, I'll make that change to ko then (ko-build/ko#400) -- thanks!

I've rebuilt the base image, and entrypoint with the exe-dropping change, please try them out and see what else breaks 😆

edit: and nop image:

With this change the entrypoint is working and we don't need to modify the current behaviour of Tekton. I did notice though that I can't pull the image if it includes files from kodata. I haven't figured out why that is yet...

Yeah, while I was working on the ko PR I had quite a lot of trouble with the kodata part. The PR as merged should support kodata now, with the exception of files in kodata that are symlinks, which will just be ignored for Windows images. If this is something we think we need we can investigate re-adding it, I don't think it should block entrypoint work at least.

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@imjasonh Good job on the ko PR. I've done some testing with the ko built images you provided and it appears everything is working! 😄 🎉

The only outstanding problem for Windows that I am aware of is support for script mode which is being addressed by #4128.

kind: Task
  name: windows-task
    - name: output-workspace
      mountPath: c:/output
  - name: clone-repo
    image: aidendeloryn/windows-base-example:latest
    command: ["git"]
      - "clone"
      - "--depth"
      - "1"
      - "--single-branch"
      - ""
      - "C:\\workspace"
  - name: build-binary
    image: aidendeloryn/windows-base-example:latest
    command: ["go"]
      - "build"
      - "-a"
      - "-v"
      - "-o"
      - "ko.exe"
      - "main.go"
  - name: print-version
    image: aidendeloryn/windows-base-example:latest
    command: ["ko"]
      - "version"
  - name: print-help
    image: aidendeloryn/windows-base-example:latest
    command: ["ko"]
      - "--help"
  - name: copy-bin
    image: aidendeloryn/windows-base-example:latest
    command: ["cmd"]
      - "/c"
      - "copy"
      - "C:\\workspace\\ko.exe"
      - "C:\\output\\ko.exe"
kind: TaskRun
  name: windows-taskrun
    - name: output-workspace
        claimName: local-workspace-pvc
    name: windows-task
    nodeSelector: windows
$ tkn taskrun list
NAME              STARTED         DURATION   STATUS
windows-taskrun   8 minutes ago   1 minute   Succeeded

$ kubectl get pod windows-taskrun-pod-tfwvq
NAME                        READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
windows-taskrun-pod-tfwvq   0/5     Completed   0          2m26s

$ kubectl describe pod windows-taskrun-pod-tfwvq
Name:         windows-taskrun-pod-tfwvq
Namespace:    default
Priority:     0
Node:         k8s-windows/
Start Time:   Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:34:24 +1000
Annotations: devel
Status:       Succeeded
Controlled By:  TaskRun/windows-taskrun
Init Containers:
    Container ID:  docker://275d296316b81c314e069daad78989dbe243af9777c16e76224560cd55cf84f3
    Image ID:      docker-pullable://
    Port:          <none>
    Host Port:     <none>
    State:          Terminated
      Reason:       Completed
      Exit Code:    0
      Started:      Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:34:26 +1000
      Finished:     Mon, 02 Aug 2021 11:34:27 +1000
    Ready:          True
    Restart Count:  0
    Environment:    <none>
      /tekton/tools from tekton-internal-tools (rw)
      /var/run/secrets/ from kube-api-access-ndjzr (ro)

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imjasonh commented Aug 2, 2021

@imjasonh Good job on the ko PR. I've done some testing with the ko built images you provided and it appears everything is working! 😄 🎉

The only outstanding problem for Windows that I am aware of is support for script mode which is being addressed by #4128.

This is great news!! 🎉

Before we release and document Windows support, we also need to:

  • bring in the combine script that makes a distroless+windows frankenbase image, and integrate it into the release process
  • write some e2e tests that cover basic Windows support, and script mode support for Windows. This will require some modifications to our dogfooding/CI cluster to add a Windows node pool.

Once we have e2e tests and nightly builds verifying the behavior, we can get this out the door for end users. That shouldn't block our own internal guinea pig testing, though.

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With the last few PRs merged, we have a Tekton nightly release that includes an entrypoint image built for Windows! 🎉

Please try it out and report any bugs or issues:

kubectl apply -f

Unless there are any show-stoppers, Windows support should be included in the next release, v0.29 scheduled to be released very soon.

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I just tried out hybrid workflows:

kind: Pipeline
  name: mypipeline
    - name: task-win
          - name: hello-windows
            command: ["cmd", "/c"]
            args: ["echo", "Hello from Windows Container!"]
    - name: task-lin
          - name: hello-linux
            image: alpine
            command: ["echo"]
            args: ["Hello from Linux Container!"]        
kind: PipelineRun
  name: mypipelinerun
    name: mypipeline
    - pipelineTaskName: task-win
          # without this I get the error: Creating a symlink "/tekton/steps/0": symlink \tekton\steps\step-hello-windows /tekton/steps/0: A required privilege is not held by the client.
            runAsUserName: "ContainerAdministrator"
    - pipelineTaskName: task-lin

I found that running the Windows container with ContainerAdministrator user is mandatory (see comment within yaml). Is there a way we can work around that? Like with Linux containers, running Windows containers with full privileges isn't a good practice.

Apart from that it works great, awesome work!

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TBBle commented Oct 14, 2021

Oh that's tricky. The things that would normally grant symlink-making privileges to non-admin users (Developer Mode, Local Security Policy, Group Policy) are not really container-suitable. I'm kind-of surprised no one's hit this before, but I couldn't see anyone else bouncing off this in Windows containers.

I feel like this is a kubernetes-containerd-hcsshim-Microsoft problem, and would ideally have an option to grant the relevant privilege (SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege) in securityContext.windowsOptions, similar to the existing (Linux) securityContext.capabilities field.

In the meantime, it might be possible for an appropriate RUN command to be added to the Windows container entrypoint, something like

RUN ntrights +r SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege -u "User Manager\ContainerUser"

referencing this and this, and assuming a copy of ntrights.exe is sourced from the Windows 2003 resource kit.

There's probably other ways of doing this, I saw a wide variety of PowerShell scripts to do it too, however the entrypoint image is nanoeserver-based, so PowerShell is not present.

So perhaps someone can knock together a Go program to RUN to grant the privilege, since we have Go in the entrypoint image pipeline already.

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thanks for the workaround!

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Hello folks, great work on this feature!

I plan to make Tekton v0.29 release tomorrow .

  • Do you think 🪟 Windows support 🪟 is ready to be marked as available in the release notes?
  • In terms of limitations, I understand Windows containers need to run in privileged mode. Anything else I should be mention in the release notes?
    Thank you!

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Do you think 🪟 Windows support 🪟 is ready to be marked as available in the release notes?

Yes please! I would like to try to use clear wording that we "provide an entrypoint image that can execute TaskRuns on Windows nodes", and not that we "support" it. This behavior is today not covered by e2e tests, and it's very early days. This is similar to conversations we had around including other CPU architectures in Tekton releases -- they're "provided", but might not be guaranteed to be "supported" if you experience bugs. The community will do its best. 😄

But at the same time, I want to get as much use and feedback and bug reports as we can get, since this will be helpful in our path toward "supporting" it in the future. So having a release that people can use to try it out is a very exciting step forward. 🎉

In terms of limitations, I understand Windows containers need to run in privileged mode. Anything else I should be mention in the release notes?

Aside from lack of reliable support (😅), nothing comes to mind. If others on this thread are more aware of limitations we're currently imposing, please add them.

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In terms of limitations, I understand Windows containers need to run in privileged mode. Anything else I should be mention in the release notes?

I have just a few things that might be worth mentioning:

  • PipelineResources have not been tested for Windows tasks and probably won't work.
  • If a Windows task and a Linux task are both sharing a PersistentVolumeClaim workspace, the affinity assistant may need to be disabled (those two tasks cannot run on the same node).
  • There is a Windows page in the docs folder which outlines some important details about running Windows workloads in Tekton.

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Shall we close this one and open separate issue for the remaining limitations, or would you prefer to keep this one open?

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I'm fine with closing this one. 👍

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