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ticean edited this page Jun 29, 2011 · 3 revisions

Installing the Module

The module follows best practices. All files are neatly organized in the ScaleWorks namespace, so if you ever need to remove the module it should be fairly easy. However, the module does have to overwrite the Zend locale files. As far as I know there isn't a way to neatly override them. So if you're just testing this out and need to bail, restore /lib/Zend/Locale/Data/

Copy Files

To install the module, download the files and extract to your Magento root directory.

Enabling Bitcoin Currency

Once the module is installed, BTC can be enabled manually with 2 simple steps:

Step 1: Install BTC Currency

  1. In Magento Admin, click "System | Config" from top menu.
  2. In left menu, click "Advanced -> System".
  3. In the Currency section, select 'Bitcoin'. If keep your other currencies be sure to use Ctrl-Click so you leave them selected.
  4. Click "Save Config" at the top of page.

Step 2: Currency Setup

  1. In Magento Admin, click "System | Config" from top menu.
  2. If you have a multi-store setup choose the desired "Current Configuration Scope" above the left menu.
  3. In left menu, click "General -> Currency Setup".
  4. In "Currency Options" section you can choose the Base and Default Display currencies.
  5. Select Bitcoin in Allowed Currencies. Again Ctrl-Click to select multiple.

Update Currency Conversion Rates

Be sure to update the currency conversion rates before allowing customer to purchase product!!


  1. In Magento Admin, click "System | Manage Currency Rates" from top menu.
  2. Select Import Service "Bitcoincharts".
  3. Click Import.
  4. The BTC currency will be updated with a conversion rate. The rate can be saved as-is or adjusted manually.
  5. Click "Save Currency Rates".

Scheduled via Magento Cron

For the scheduled update to work, cron should be enabled on your Magento installation.

  1. In Magento Admin, click "System | Config" from top menu.
  2. If you have a multi-store setup choose the desired "Current Configuration Scope" above the left menu.
  3. In left menu, click "General -> Currency Setup".
  4. Go to the "Scheduled Import Settings" tab.
  5. Set Enabled to 'Yes'.
  6. Set Service to 'Bitcoincharts'.
  7. Set the other configurations to desired settings.
  8. Click "Save Config".

Configure Bitcoin Payment Method

  1. In Magento Admin, click "System | Config" from top menu.
  2. In the left menu, click "Sales | Payment Methods"
  3. Go to the "Bitcoin" section.
  4. Enter your configuration settings.


Enabled True enables the payment method so it appears as an option in checkout.
Title The payment method name that appears in the checkout frontend.
New Order Status New orders are set to this status until enough confirmations are received. The the order status is changed to "Processing".
Https Bitcoin Connection True enables an HTTPS connection to the bitcoin service. The service must be configured for HTTPS. This is _**highly recommended**_ if you are accessing bitcoin over a network.
Bitcoin Host The bitcoin host name.
Bitcoin Port The bitcoin port. Bitcoin standard is 8332.
Bitcoin Username The bitcoin API username.
Bitcoin Password The bitcoin API password.
Minimum Confirmations The number of confirmations in the block chain before a transaction is considered complete.
Debug Unused
Sort Order The order in which the payment method will be displayed in the frontend. Methods are ordered in ascending order.