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Alternative method for upgrading a TiddlyWiki on Tiddlyhost

Simon Baird edited this page Jan 24, 2023 · 4 revisions


The official method for upgrading is described here. It will upgrade an "external core" TiddlyWiki, but it does convert it to a regular internal core TiddlyWiki in the process. Here's an alternative way to upgrade that avoids that conversion.

Note there is a way to convert internal core TiddlyWikis to external core, so you could instead upgrade using the normal method and then convert back to external core.


  1. Download your existing site, the one you want to upgrade, by clicking "Download" in the actions menu on your Tiddlyhost sites list.

  2. Create a new throwaway site on Tiddlyhost using the latest TiddlyWiki version, either external core or internal core, whichever you want to use once your done upgrading. (You could also clone a template if you want to.)

  3. Open the brand new site, click the "Tools" tab in the right sidebar, then click the "import" button. Find and select the downloaded file from step 1, import all the content, and then click the save button to save. Reload the site and make sure everything is working and your content was imported correctly.

  4. Back in the Tiddlyhost sites list, click "Download" in the actions menu of the brand new site.

  5. Now click "Upload" from the actions menu of the original site, and then select the file you downloaded in step 4. Confirm the upload, then visit the upgraded site and make sure it looks correct.

  6. Delete the throwaway site created in step 2 since you don't need it any more.

Just in case something does go wrong, you could restore the older version by uploading again with the downloaded file from step 1.