A comprehensive library of algorithms for creating perfect mazes.
Aug 13, 2024 - Java
A maze is a type of puzzle involving a collection of paths, usually where a player has to find a route from start to finish.
A huge variety of algorithms exist for generating and solving mazes. These are not only fun to implement, but also are a good way to familiarise yourself with programming techniques, algorithms, and languages.
A comprehensive library of algorithms for creating perfect mazes.
Pathfinding and maze generation algorithms visualizer
Java library for maze generation
💡 A randomly-generated maze game
A game close to bomberman, but aim to escaping a maze. Game included random maze generation, nice gui and animation along with a lot other features moreover implemented bunch of Design patterns such as Singleton, Flyweight, Factory, Command and much more.
Minecraft maze generator plugin
This project is a GUI game made in Processing 2, which generates random maze and player has to reach the destination of the maze.
Maze game using Randomised Kruskal's Algorithm
A maze console game written in vanilla java using OOP concepts.
Simple maze generator and basic GUI in Java.
Maze generation and solution in java
JavaFX Application using DFS for maze traversal and random maze generation
Maze generation algorithms in java with visualization
A minecraft plugin: a highly customizable dungeon/maze generator.
This project creates a random obstacle map (matrix) where an obstacle is generated with a 100% of probability if it has at least another wall around it, but less or equal than MAX_AROUND_WALLS obstacles surrounding it: (0 < obstacles around <= MAX_AROUND_WALLS). To count the number of walls around, it is used the 8-neighbour model. However, if t…
A group project of testing different algorithms of maze solving
Pathfinding Visualizer with JavaFx
A maze visualization with advanced algorithms to generate a maze and path find between two points.
Fun maze generating/solving app project for Java practice
Generates and displays a maze using disjoint sets