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Simultaneous Synthesis and Verification of Neural Control Barrier Functions

Implementation of the Branch-and-Bound Verification-in-the-Loop Training (BBVT) scheme for Neural Control Barrier Functions, as presented in our ECC 2024 paper titled "Simultaneous Synthesis and Verification of Neural Control Barrier Functions through Branch-and-Bound Verification-in-the-Loop Training".

Control Barrier Functions (CBFs) that provide formal safety guarantees have been widely used for safetycritical systems. However, it is non-trivial to design a CBF. Utilizing neural networks (NNs) as CBFs has shown great success, but it necessitates their certification as CBFs. In this work, we leverage bound propagation techniques and the Branchand-Bound scheme to efficiently verify that a NN satisfies the conditions to be a CBF over the continuous state space. To accelerate training, we further present a framework that embeds the verification scheme into the training loop to synthesize and verify a neural CBF (nCBF) simultaneously. In particular, we employ the verification scheme to identify partitions of the state space that are not guaranteed to satisfy the CBF conditions and expand the training dataset by incorporating additional data from these partitions. The NN is then optimized using the augmented dataset to meet the CBF conditions. We show that for a non-linear control-affine system, our framework can efficiently certify a NN as a CBF and render a larger safe set than state-of-the-art nCBF works. We further employ our learned nCBF to derive a safe controller to illustrate the practical use of our framework.

BBVT Scheme


Create a conda environment

conda create --name <your_env_name> python=3.7

conda activate <your_env_name>

Install dependencies

pip install torch==1.11.0+cu113 torchvision==0.12.0+cu113 torchaudio==0.11.0 --extra-index-url

pip install lightning==1.9.5 stable-baselines3==1.8.0

pip install termcolor scipy matplotlib cvxpy cvxpylayers gurobipy gymnasium tensorboard==2.11.2 pygame pymunk

Install this repo

git clone

cd ncbf-simultaneous-synthesis-and-verification

python -m pip install -e .

Replicate the Results

Inverted Pendulum (Assessing the Verification Efficiency and the Size of the Safe Set)

Inverted Pendulum Scheme

  1. Configuration

    The configuration files are in safe_rl_cbf/Configure

  2. Train the nCBF

    python3 safe_rl_cbf/main/ --config_file inverted_pendulum.json
  3. Test the nCBF (replicate Fig. 4 )

    python3 safe_rl_cbf/main/ --config_file inverted_pendulum.json

    Figures can be found in logs/CBF_logs/<prefix>/fig

  4. Safe Policy Learning


    python3 safe_rl_cbf/RL/main/ --config_file inverted_pendulum.json


    python3 safe_rl_cbf/RL/main/ --config_file inverted_pendulum.json

2D Navigation (Combine learned nCBF with Reinforcement Learning)

Inverted Pendulum Scheme

  1. Train nCBF

    python3 safe_rl_cbf/main/ --config_file point_robot.json
  2. Test nCBF (replicate Fig. 6d)

    python3 safe_rl_cbf/main/ --config_file point_robot.json
  3. Safe Policy Learning (replicate Fig. 6a and Fig. 6b)


    python3 safe_rl_cbf/RL/main/ --config_file point_robot.json


    python3 safe_rl_cbf/Analysis/
    python3 safe_rl_cbf/RL/main/ --config_file point_robot.json

Understanding Our Code

The structure of the code is similar to our system diagram, shown above.

  1. Branch-and-Bound Verification-in-the-Loop Training (BBVT)

    There is a class named BBVT, which manages the different modules to complete the training and verification process. The definition can be found in:

  2. Learner

    The Learner stores the training and testing data in DataModule and optimizes the neural network through a Pytorch model, named NeuralCBF.

    The Learner is defined in:


    The DataModule is defined in:


    The NeuralCBF is defined in:

  3. Verifier

    The Verifier checks if the Control Barrier Conditions hold in each hyperrectangles. If not, those hyperrectangles will be refined.

    The Verifier is defined in:


    The computation of function Eq. 7 and Eq. 14a can be found in:


    The Hyperrectangle refinement is defined in:



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