UMCCR WGS tumor/normal reporting
umccrise is a Snakemake workflow that post-processes results from the Illumina DRAGEN WGS tumor/normal pipeline and generates HTML reports helpful for researchers and curators at UMCCR.
- Summary
- Detailed Workflow
- History
- Example Reports
- Usage
- Installation
- Reference data
- Testing
- Advanced usage
- Updating
- Development
- Docker
- Building reference data
In summary, umccrise can:
- Filter artefacts and germline leakage from somatic variant calls
- Run PCGR to annotate, prioritize and report somatic variants
- Run CPSR to annotate, prioritize and report germline variants
- Filter, annotate, prioritize and report structural variants (SVs) from Manta
- Run PURPLE to call copy number variants (CNVs), recover SVs, and infer tumor purity & ploidy
- Generate a MultiQC report that summarizes quality control statistics in context of background "gold standard" samples
- Generate a cancer report with mutational signatures, inferred HRD status, circos plots, prioritized copy number and structural variant calls
- Run CACAO to calculate coverage in common hotspots, as well as goleft indexcov to estimate coverage problems
- Run Conpair to estimate tumor/normal concordance and sample contamination
- Run oviraptor to detect viral integration sites and affected genes
See for a detailed description of the workflow.
See for the version history.
Below are example reports for a HCC1395/HCC1395BL cell line tumor/normal pair sequenced and validated by the SEQC-II consortium.
1. MultiQC (quality control metrics and plots)
2. Cancer report (mutational signatures, circos plots, CNV, SV, oncoviruses)
Given input data from DRAGEN somatic
and germline
output folders, or a
custom set of BAM or VCF files, umccrise can be run with:
umccrise <input-data ...> -o umccrised
For more options, see Advanced usage.
Create a umccrise
directory and install the umccrise GitHub repo along with
the required conda
environments with the following:
mkdir umccrise
cd umccrise
git clone umccrise.git
bash umccrise.git/
The above will generate a
script that can be sourced to load
the umccrise conda environment on demand:
umccrise needs a 64G bundle of reference data to run. From within the UMCCR AWS
setup, sign in to AWS, and run umccrise_refdata_pull
aws sso login --profile sso-dev-admin
export UMCCRISE_GENOMES=${PWD}/refdata/genomes
Alternatively, you can specify a custom path with --genomes <path>
. The path
can be a tarball and will be automatically extracted.
The path can also be a location on S3 or GDS, prefixed with s3://
or gds://
umccrise /input --genomes s3://umccr-refdata-dev/genomes
Versioned locations would also be checked. For the case above, umccrise will check the following locations in the order specified:
, ands3://umccr-refdata-dev/genomes
, assuming that the reference_data package version is1.0.2
umccrise will sync the reference data locally into a ~/umccrise_genomes
directory. You can symlink any other path to that path if you want a different
location. If the data is already downloaded, umccrise will only attempt to
update the changed files or upload new ones. To avoid attempts to check S3/GDS
again at all, specify the downloaded location directly:
--genomes ~/umccrise_genomes
Another option to specify the reference data is through an environment variable
If you have access to UMCCR's AWS account, you can sync the reference data from
. If you have access to UMCCR's NCI Gadi account, you
can sync the data from /g/data3/gx8/extras/umccrise/genomes
. Otherwise, you
can build the bundle from scratch following the
details below.
The reference data is versioned as a python package at
aws s3 sync hg38 s3://umccr-refdata-dev/genomes_${ref_data_version//./}/hg38
aws s3 sync hg38-manifest.txt s3://umccr-refdata-dev/genomes_${ref_data_version//./}/hg38-manifest.txt
Load the umccrise environment, clone the repo with toy test data, and run nosetests:
git clone
TEST_OPTS="-c -j2" nosetests -s umccrise_test_data/
umccrise on AWS is run via AWS Batch in a defined compute environment. This is set up and maintained via the umccrise Terraform Stack. This stack also defines the version of umccrise that is used within AWS and how umccrise jobs are triggered.
Inputs can be provided to umccrise as a positional argument (see Usage) or alternatively as named arguments (see examples below). This is useful when dealing with DRAGEN input, which have two paired input directories (somatic and germline). The patient and sample identifiers can also be explicitly set for DRAGEN data - in some instances this is required as these identifiers cannot be automatically inferred.
# DRAGEN input with named arguments
umccrise --dragen_somatic_dir PATH --dragen_germline_dir PATH -o umccrised/
# Explicitly setting subject identifier for provided DRAGEN input
umccrise --dragen_somatic_dir PATH --dragen_germline_dir PATH --dragen_subject_id IDENTIFIER -o umccrised/
To set the number of allowed CPUs to use, set the -j
umccrise <input-folder> -j30
The umccrise workflow includes multiple processing stages, that can optionally be run in isolation. The following stages are run by default:
(part ofsmall_variants
(part ofcoverage
The following stages are optionally available and can be enabled with -T
# Run only multiqc and PCGR:
umccrise /bcbio/final/ -T multiqc -T pcgr
To exclude stages, use -E
# Runs all default stages excluding `conpair` report for contamination and T/N concordance
umccrise /bcbio/final/ -E conpair
umccrise supports bcbio-nextgen and DRAGEN projects as input. However, you can also feed custom files as multiple positional arguments. VCF and BAM files are supported. The sample name will be extracted from VCF and BAM headers. For now, the VCF file is assumed to contain T/N somatic small variant calls, and the BAM file is assumed to be from the tumor.
umccrise sample1.bam sample2.bam sample1.vcf.gz sample3.vcf.gz -o umccrised -j10
You can also provide a TSV file as input. If any input file has an extention
(e.g. umccrise input.tsv
) the file is assumed as a TSV file with a
header, and any of the following columns in arbitrary order:
(WGS tumor BAM, required)normal
(WGS normal BAM, required)exome
(optional tumor BAM)exome_normal
(optional normal BAM)rna
(optional WTS BAM, however required for neoantigens)rna_bcbio
(optional path to RNAseq bcbio workflow, required for neoantigens)rna_sample
(sample name in the RNAseq bcbio workflow above, required for neoantigens)somatic_vcf
(tumor/normal somatic VCF calls, optional. If not provided, SAGE will be run)germline_vcf
(germline variant calls, optional)sv_vcf
(SV calls, optional)
By default, umccrise will process all batches in the run in parallel. You can
submit only certain samples/batches using -s
arguments, e.g.:
# of all samples in a project, takes only sample1 and sample3, plus all corresponding normal/tumor matches:
umccrise /input/project/final -s sample1 -s sample3
Or you might want to exclude certain samples/batches with -e
# takes all samples in a project, excluding sample1 and sample2 and corresponding normal/tumor matches:
umccrise /input/project -e sample1 -e sample2
source # load the umccrise environment
cd umccrise ; git pull ; cd .. # if the umccrise codebase changed
If dependencies changed:
conda activate miniconda/envs/umccrise
conda env update -f umccrise/envs/umccrise.yml -p miniconda/envs/umccrise
conda env update -f umccrise/envs/pcgr_linux.yml -p miniconda/envs/umccrise_pcgr
# conda env update -f umccrise/envs/pcgr_macos.yml -p miniconda/envs/umccrise_pcgr # for macos
conda env update -f umccrise/envs/hmf.yml -p miniconda/envs/umccrise_hmf
Changes pulled in umccrise
repository clone folder will affect immidiately due
to use of the -e
option in pip install -e
. To do the same for other related
packages, you can clone them as well (or move already cloned repos from
, and run pip install -e
on them as well:
git clone ngs_utils ; pip install -e ngs_utils
git clone ; pip install -e reference_data
git clone ; pip install -e vcf_stuff
You can pull the ready-to-run docker image from DockerHub:
docker pull umccr/umccrise:latest
An example command to run umccrise on docker could be (although YMMV):
docker run -t --cpus 4 \
-v=$PWD/umccrise_test_data/results/bcbio_test_project_docker:/output_dir \
-v=$PWD/umccrise_test_data/data/bcbio_test_project:/bcbio_project \
-v=/codebuild/output/refdata/genomes:/work/genomes \
umccr/umccrise /bcbio_project -o /output_dir --genomes /work/genomes
This example assumes that:
- You are running this umccrise container against the umccrise_test_data
- You have figured out the genome data files and directory hierarchy for
. See the building reference data section below.
To build the bundle from scratch, follow instructions for each kind of data below.
- Download hg19 and hg38 versions of the likely heterozygous sites for AMBER
from the HMF website at
Amber3 (link valid as of May 2020)
mv GermlineHetPon.hg19.vcf.gz genomes/GRCh37/hmf
mv GermlineHetPon.hg38.vcf.gz genomes/hg38/hmf
- Download hg19 and hg38 versions of GC profile for COBALT from the HMF website
Cobalt (link valid as of May 2020)
mv GC_profile.hg19.1000bp.cnp.gz genomes/GRCh37/hmf
mv GC_profile.hg38.1000bp.cnp.gz genomes/hg38/hmf
Version 2.1 (latest, 500G, hosted by Broad Institute):
wget -c | \
# can optionally remove LCR becaues we annoatate vs LCR futher anyway, but the file will be already small enough:
#bcftools filter -i 'FILTER="PASS" & segdup=0 & lcr=0 & decoy=0 & (AN_popmax>=500 & AF_popmax>=0.01 | \
#AN_popmax>=100 & AF_popmax>=0.01)' gnomad.genomes.r2.1.sites.vcf.bgz -Ob | \
bcftools annotate -x ID,^INFO/AN_popmax,^INFO/AF_popmax,FORMAT -Oz -o gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.vcf.gz
Normalise (see chapmanb/cloudbiolinux#279, however after all just 5 indels will be changed, so not a big deal):
norm_vcf gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.vcf.gz -o gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.norm.vcf.gz --ref-fasta $ref
$ bcftools view gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.vcf.gz -H | wc # with lcr&segdup&decoy
$ bcftools view gnomad_genome.common_pass_clean.vcf.gz -H | wc
Convert to hg38
# spartan vcf /data/cephfs/punim0010/extras/hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz ../GRCh37/gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.norm.vcf.gz hg38.fa gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.norm.vcf.unsorted
bcftools view gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.norm.vcf.unsorted | bcftools sort -Oz -o gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.norm.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf gnomad_genome.r2.1.common_pass_clean.norm.vcf.gz
The PCGR data bundle gets refreshed every release, so please select the appropriate one from PCGR's README!
# Download the data bundles
pip install gdown # or use `$(pwd)/miniconda/envs/${ENV_NAME}_pcgr/bin/gdown`
gdown<GDOCS_ID_SEE_PCGR_DATABUNDLE_README> -O - | tar xvfz - # hg19
gdown<GDOCS_ID_SEE_PCGR_DATABUNDLE_README> -O - | tar xvfz - # hg38
# (Optional) if you are running on AWS, upload the PCGR data bundles to S3 like this:
gdown<GDOCS_ID_SEE_PCGR_DATABUNDLE_README> -O - | aws s3 cp - s3://umccr-umccrise-refdata-dev/Hsapiens/GRCh37/PCGR/pcgr.databundle.grch37.YYYMMDD.tgz
gdown<GDOCS_ID_SEE_PCGR_DATABUNDLE_README> -O - | aws s3 cp - s3://umccr-umccrise-refdata-dev/Hsapiens/hg38/PCGR/pcgr.databundle.grch38.YYYMMDD.tgz
Copy GRCh37 from bcbio-nextgen:
cp -r /g/data/gx8/local/development/bcbio/genomes/Hsapiens/GRCh37/coverage/problem_regions problem_regions
Generate SegDup:
cd problem_regions
wget .
gunzip -c genomicSuperDups.txt.gz | cut -f2,3,4 >> segdup.bed_tmp
gunzip -c genomicSuperDups.txt.gz | cut -f8,9,10 >> segdup.bed_tmp
grep -v gl segdup.bed_tmp | sed 's/chr//' | bedtools sort -i - | bedtools merge -i - > segdup.bed
bgzip -f segdup.bed && tabix -f -p bed segdup.bed.gz
rm segdup.bed_tmp genomicSuperDups.txt.gz
Generate ENCODE:
gunzip -c ENCFF356LFX.bed.gz | bgzip -c > hg38/problem_regions/ENCODE/encode4_unified_blacklist.bed.gz
tabix -p bed hg38/problem_regions/ENCODE/encode4_unified_blacklist.bed.gz
rm ENCFF356LFX.bed.gz
Generate the regions for variant calling: hg38-noalt chromosomes excluding the ENCODE blacklist
bedtools subtract -a hg38_noalt.bed -b problem_regions/ENCODE/encode4_unified_blacklist.bed.gz > hg38_noalt_noBlacklist.bed
The blacklist removes ~2.3% of the noalt genome size:
$ bedsize hg38_noalt_noBlacklist.bed
$ bedsize hg38_noalt.bed
The blacklisted regions contain no hotspots:
bedtools intersect \
-a problem_regions/ENCODE/encode4_unified_blacklist.bed.gz\
-b hotspots/merged.vcf.gz
Lift over to hg38:
convert () {
f=$(basename $1)
echo "Processing $f"
zless $1 | py -x "('chr' + x) if not x.startswith('MT') else 'chrM'" | grep -v chrG > $f.hg19 bed /g/data3/gx8/extras/hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz $f.hg19 $f.unsorted
bedtools sort -i $f.unsorted | bgzip -c > $f
tabix -p vcf $f
convert ../../GRCh37/problem_regions/segdup.bed.gz
mkdir GA4GH repeats
cd GA4GH
for fp in $(ls ../../../GRCh37/problem_regions/GA4GH/*.bed.gz) ; do convert $fp ; done
cd ../repeats
convert ../../../GRCh37/problem_regions/repeats/LCR.bed.gz
convert ../../../GRCh37/problem_regions/repeats/polyx.bed.gz
cat ../../../GRCh37/problem_regions/repeats/sv_repeat_telomere_centromere.bed | py -x "('chr' + x) if not x.startswith('MT') else 'chrM'" | grep -v chrG > sv_repeat_telomere_centromere.bed_hg19 bed /g/data3/gx8/extras/hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz sv_repeat_telomere_centromere.bed_hg19 sv_repeat_telomere_centromere.bed_unsorted
bedtools sort -i sv_repeat_telomere_centromere.bed_unsorted | > sv_repeat_telomere_centromere.bed
cd GRCh37/hmf -g GRCh37 \
--principal --key-genes --features CDS | sort -k1,1V -k2,2n | grep -v ^MT | grep -v ^GL \
| bedtools merge -c 4 -o collapse -i - > coding_regions.bed
cd hg38/hmf -g hg38 \
--principal --key-genes --features CDS | sort -k1,1V -k2,2n | grep -v ^chrM \
| bedtools merge -c 4 -o collapse -i - \
> coding_regions.bed
Using pyensembl package:
# use ENSEMBL_VERSION=75 for GRCh37, ENSEMBL_VERSION=95 for hg38
if [ ! -d $PYENSEMBL_CACHE_DIR/pyensembl ] ; then
# In 2 steps: first on loging node to make it download the files:
pyensembl install --release $ENSEMBL_VERSION --species human
# when it starts `Reading GTF from`, go into a worker node and run again.
Combining Hartwig's and PCGR hotspots. Stats:
- Hartwig's: 10211 changes in 3650 locations,
- PCGR: 10627 changes in 2494 locations.
- Overlap: 2960 changes in 968 locations.
The overlap is small, so we better merge sources into a single VCF.
First, download HMF TSV file and convert to VCF:
wget -O KnownHotspots.tsv.gz
echo "##fileformat=VCFv4.2" > hmf.vcf
echo '##INFO=<ID=HMF,Number=.,Type=Flag,Description="Hotspot is from HMF">' >> hmf.vcf
echo "#CHROM\tPOS\tID\tREF\tALT\tQUAL\tFILTER\tINFO" >> hmf.vcf
gunzip -c KnownHotspots.tsv.gz | py -x "print('\t'.join([x.split()[0], x.split()[1], '.', x.split()[2], x.split()[3], '.', '.', 'HMF']))" >> hmf.vcf
bgzip hmf.vcf
tabix -p vcf hmf.vcf.gz
Prepare PCGR hotspots:
bcftools view -h $SRC | grep ^## > pcgr.vcf
echo '##INFO=<ID=PCGR,Number=.,Type=Flag,Description="Hotspot is from PCGR (cancerhotspots.org_v2)">' >> pcgr.vcf
bcftools view -h $SRC | grep ^#CRHOM >> pcgr.vcf
bcftools view -H $SRC | bioawk -t '{ print $1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8";PCGR" }' >> pcgr.vcf
bgzip pcgr.vcf
tabix -p vcf pcgr.vcf.gz
bcftools merge -m none hmf.vcf.gz pcgr.vcf.gz -Oz -o merged.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf merged.vcf.gz
# Adding into the workflows repo:
gunzip -c merged.vcf.gz | grep -v ^## > /Users/vsaveliev/git/umccr/workflows/genes/hotspots/hotspots.tsv
Convert to hg38
cd ../hg38/hotspots
gunzip -c $INP \
| py -x "x.replace('##contig=<ID=', '##contig=<ID=chr') if x.startswith('#') else 'chr' + x" \
| py -x "x.replace('chrMT', 'chrM')" \
| grep -v chrG \
| gzip -c > merged_hg19.vcf.gz vcf /g/data3/gx8/extras/hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz merged_hg19.vcf.gz ../hg38.fa merged_unsorted.vcf
bcftools sort merged_unsorted.vcf -Oz -o merged.vcf.gz
tabix -p vcf merged.vcf.gz
and out_150_hg19.mappability.bed.gz
from ->
HMFTools-Resources ->
Sage (link valid as of May 2020)
To hg38:
convert ../../GRCh37/hmf/NA12878_GIAB_highconf_IllFB-IllGATKHC-CG-Ion-Solid_ALLCHROM_v3.2.2_highconf.bed.gz
convert ../../GRCh37/hmf/out_150_hg19.mappability.bed.gz
We use
HMF fusions
for SV prioritization. See NGS_Utils/ngs_utils/refernece_data/
cd GRCh37
mkdir snpeff
cd snpeff
unzip *.zip
rm *.zip
cd hg38
mkdir snpeff
cd snpeff
unzip *.zip
rm *.zip
We use DVC to track reference data in the reference_data repo
git clone reference_data.git
cd reference_data.git
# The first time we did:
rsync -trv /g/data/gx8/extras/umccrise_genomes/hg38 genomes/
dvc init
dvc add genomes/hg38
# Alternatively, could used `run`:
#dvc run -n copy_hg38 -o genomes/hg38 rsync -trv /g/data/gx8/extras/umccrise_genomes/hg38 genomes/
dvc remote add -d storage s3://umccr-refdata-dev/dvc-storage
dvc push
# To pull the ref data, do:
dvc pull
# To update, do:
rsync -trv /g/data/gx8/extras/umccrise_genomes/hg38 genomes/
dvc add genomes/hg38
git add genomes/.gitignore genomes/hg38.dvc
dvc push