Simulating Evolution of Predator and Prey using Genetic Algorithms
Create Creature classCreate Predator, Prey from CreaturesCreate Food classAdd generation of Food supply to SimulatorGenerate Predator population in SimulatorGenerate Prey population in SimulatorAdd movement functions to PredatorAdd movement functions to PreyDetecttion of Prey/Predator/FoodChoosing a direction in accordance to the detectionAttraction to Prey/Preadtor/FoodChoosing a direction in accordance to the attraction measuresApply net force on an entityGenetic Algorithm for breedingA net result for all weights and biases used for net force- Conculsive report
- Graph data
- Addition of Water Bodies
- Adding Hiding spots
- Control Panel for various optional features such as enabling/disabling field of view
- Cross species effects (ones attraction effects the other)
- Main
- Submission
- Results and End Conclusion