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reference controls checkbox

Usagirei edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 6 revisions


Similar to the Label, but has a interactable part that can be checked by the user.


Name Type Description
text String Text to be displayed, can be null
image Image Image to be displayed, can be null
checked Boolean Checkbox State
on-change Callback<Boolean> Called when the Checkbox state changes.
Argument determines checked state.

Layout Attributes:

Name Type Description
width Float Width
height Float Height
min-width Float Minimum width
min-height Float Minimum height
max-width Float Maximum width
max-height Float Maximum height
stretch Option Stretch Mode (use along min/max attributes)
Possible Values: none horizontal vertical both

Common Attributes (Not Bindable):

Name Type Description
name Identifier Control Name. Used for Callbacks
data-context Identifier Changes Data Context Property