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reference controls slider

Usagirei edited this page Apr 10, 2018 · 5 revisions


A Numeric Range Slider.


Name Type Description
type Option Orientation.
Possible Values: horizontal vertical
value Float Current Value
min-value Float Value at the Start (Left, Top) Position
max-value Float Value at the End (Right, Bottom) Position
on-change Callback<Float> Called when the Slider value changes.

Layout Attributes:

Name Type Description
width Float Width
height Float Height
min-width Float Minimum width
min-height Float Minimum height
max-width Float Maximum width
max-height Float Maximum height
stretch Option Stretch Mode (use along min/max attributes)
Possible Values: none horizontal vertical both

Common Attributes (Not Bindable):

Name Type Description
name Identifier Control Name. Used for Callbacks
data-context Identifier Changes Data Context Property