Package sqlbuilder
provides a set of flexible and powerful SQL string builders. The only goal of this package is to build SQL string with arguments which can be used in DB#Query
or DB#Exec
defined in package database/sql
Use go get
to install this package.
go get
We can build a SQL really quick with this package.
sql := sqlbuilder.Select("id", "name").From("demo.user").
Where("status = 1").Limit(10).
// Output:
// SELECT id, name FROM demo.user WHERE status = 1 LIMIT 10
In the most cases, we need to escape all input from user. In this case, create a builder before starting.
sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
sb.Select("id", "name", sb.As("COUNT(*)", "c"))
sb.Where(sb.In("status", 1, 2, 5))
sql, args := sb.Build()
// Output:
// SELECT id, name, COUNT(*) AS c FROM user WHERE status IN (?, ?, ?)
// [1 2 5]
This package includes following pre-defined builders so far. API document and examples can be found in the godoc
online document.
- Struct: Builder factory for a struct.
- CreateTableBuilder: Builder for CREATE TABLE.
- SelectBuilder: Builder for SELECT.
- InsertBuilder: Builder for INSERT.
- UpdateBuilder: Builder for UPDATE.
- DeleteBuilder: Builder for DELETE.
- UnionBuilder: Builder for UNION and UNION ALL.
- Buildf: Freestyle builder using
-like syntax. - Build: Advanced freestyle builder using special syntax defined in Args#Compile.
- BuildNamed: Advanced freestyle builder using
to refer the value of a map by key.
There is a special method SQL(sql string)
implemented by all statement builders. We can use this method to insert any arbitrary SQL fragment into a builder when building a SQL. It's quite useful to build SQL containing non-standard syntax supported by a OLTP or OLAP system.
// Build a SQL to create a HIVE table.
sql := sqlbuilder.CreateTable("users").
sqlbuilder.Select("columns[0] id", "columns[1] name", "columns[2] year").
// Output:
// CREATE TABLE users PARTITION BY (year) AS SELECT columns[0] id, columns[1] name, columns[2] year FROM `all-users.csv` LIMIT 100
Following are some utility methods to deal with special cases.
- Flatten can convert an array-like variable to a flat slice of
recursively. For instance, callingFlatten([]interface{"foo", []int{2, 3}})
returns[]interface{}{"foo", 2, 3}
. This method can work with builder methods likeIn
/etc to convert a typed array to[]interface{}
or merge inputs. - List works similar to
except that its return value is dedecated for builder args. For instance, callingBuildf("my_func(%v)", List([]int{1, 2, 3})).Build()
returns SQLmy_func(?, ?, ?)
and args[]interface{}{1, 2, 3}
. - Raw marks a string as "raw string" in args. For instance, calling
Buildf("SELECT %v", Raw("NOW()")).Build()
To learn how to use builders, check out examples on GoDoc.
clause is the most important part of a SQL. We can use Where
method to add one or more conditions to a builder.
To make building WHERE
clause easier, there is an utility type called Cond
to build condition. All builders which support WHERE
clause have an anonymous Cond
field so that we can call methods implemented by Cond
on these builders.
sb := sqlbuilder.Select("id").From("user")
sb.In("status", 1, 2, 5),
sb.Equal("name", "foo"),
sb.Like("email", "foo@%"),
sql, args := sb.Build()
// Output:
// SELECT id FROM user WHERE status IN (?, ?, ?) AND (name = ? OR email LIKE ?)
// [1 2 5 foo foo@%]
There are many methods for building conditions.
- Cond.Equal/Cond.E:
field = value
. - Cond.NotEqual/Cond.NE:
field <> value
. - Cond.GreaterThan/Cond.G:
field > value
. - Cond.GreaterEqualThan/Cond.GE:
field >= value
. - Cond.LessThan/Cond.L:
field < value
. - Cond.LessEqualThan/Cond.LE:
field <= value
. - Cond.In:
field IN (value1, value2, ...)
. - Cond.NotIn:
field NOT IN (value1, value2, ...)
. - Cond.Like:
field LIKE value
. - Cond.NotLike:
field NOT LIKE value
. - Cond.Between:
field BETWEEN lower AND upper
. - Cond.NotBetween:
field NOT BETWEEN lower AND upper
. - Cond.IsNull:
field IS NULL
. - Cond.IsNotNull:
. - Cond.Exists:
EXISTS (subquery)
. - Cond.NotExists:
NOT EXISTS (subquery)
. - Cond.Any:
field op ANY (value1, value2, ...)
. - Cond.All:
field op ALL (value1, value2, ...)
. - Cond.Some:
field op SOME (value1, value2, ...)
. - Cond.Var: A placeholder for any value.
There are also some methods to combine conditions.
SQL syntax and parameter marks vary in different systems. In this package, we introduce a concept called "flavor" to smooth out these difference.
Right now, MySQL
, PostgreSQL
, SQLServer
, SQLite
, ClickHouse
and Presto
are defined in flavor list. Feel free to open issue or send pull request if anyone asks for a new flavor.
By default, all builders uses DefaultFlavor
to build SQL. The default value is MySQL
There is a BuildWithFlavor
method in Builder
interface. We can use it to build a SQL with provided flavor.
We can wrap any Builder
with a default flavor through WithFlavor
To be more verbose, we can use PostgreSQL.NewSelectBuilder()
to create a SelectBuilder
with the PostgreSQL
flavor. All builders can be created in this way.
stores type information and struct fields of a struct. It's a factory of builders. We can use Struct
methods to create initialized SELECT/INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE builders to work with the struct. It can help us to save time and avoid human-error on writing column names.
We can define a struct type and use field tags to let Struct
know how to create right builders for us.
type ATable struct {
Field1 string // If a field doesn't has a tag, use "Field1" as column name in SQL.
Field2 int `db:"field2"` // Use "db" in field tag to set column name used in SQL.
Field3 int64 `db:"field3" fieldtag:"foo,bar"` // Set fieldtag to a field. We can call `WithTag` to include fields with tag or `WithoutTag` to exclude fields with tag.
Field4 int64 `db:"field4" fieldtag:"foo"` // If we use `s.WithTag("foo").Select(table)`, columnes of SELECT are field3 and field4.
Field5 string `db:"field5" fieldas:"f5_alias"` // Use "fieldas" in field tag to set a column alias (AS) used in SELECT.
Ignored int32 `db:"-"` // If we set field name as "-", Struct will ignore it.
unexported int // Unexported field is not visible to Struct.
Quoted string `db:"quoted" fieldopt:"withquote"` // Add quote to the field using back quote or double quote. See `Flavor#Quote`.
Empty uint `db:"empty" fieldopt:"omitempty"` // Omit the field in UPDATE if it is a nil or zero value.
// The `omitempty` can be written as a function.
// In this case, omit empty field `Tagged` when UPDATE for tag `tag1` and `tag3` but not `tag2`.
Tagged string `db:"tagged" fieldopt:"omitempty(tag1,tag3)" fieldtag:"tag1,tag2,tag3"`
Read examples for Struct
to learn details of how to use it.
What's more, we can use Struct
as a kind of zero-config ORM. While most ORM implementations requires several prerequisite configs to work with database connections, Struct
doesn't require any config and work well with any SQL driver which works with database/sql
. Struct
doesn't call any database/sql
API; It just creates right SQL with arguments for DB#Query
or a slice of address of struct fields for Rows#Scan
Here is a sample to use Struct
as ORM. It should be quite straight forward for developers who are familiar with database/sql
type User struct {
ID int64 `db:"id" fieldtag:"pk"`
Name string `db:"name"`
Status int `db:"status"`
// A global variable to create SQL builders.
// All methods of userStruct are thread-safe.
var userStruct = NewStruct(new(User))
func ExampleStruct() {
// Prepare SELECT query.
// SELECT id, name, status FROM user WHERE id = 1234
sb := userStruct.SelectFrom("user")
sb.Where(sb.Equal("id", 1234))
// Execute the query.
sql, args := sb.Build()
rows, _ := db.Query(sql, args...)
defer rows.Close()
// Scan row data and set value to user.
// Suppose we get following data.
// | id | name | status |
// |------|--------|--------|
// | 1234 | huandu | 1 |
var user User
fmt.Printf("%#v", user)
// Output:
// SELECT,, user.status FROM user WHERE id = ?
// [1234]
// sqlbuilder.User{ID:1234, Name:"huandu", Status:1}
In many production environments, table column names are usually snake_case words, e.g. user_id
, while we have to use CamelCase in struct types to make struct fields public and golint
happy. It's a bit redundant to use the db
tag in every struct field. If there is a certain rule to map field names to table column names, We can use field mapper function to make code simpler.
The DefaultFieldMapper
is a global field mapper function to convert field name to new style. By default, it sets to nil
and does nothing. If we know that most table column names are snake_case words, we can set DefaultFieldMapper
to sqlbuilder.SnakeCaseMapper
. If we have some special cases, we can set custom mapper to a Struct
by calling WithFieldMapper
Following are special notes regarding to field mapper.
- Field tag has precedence over field mapper function - thus, mapper is ignored if the
tag is set; - Field mapper is called only once on a Struct when the Struct is used to create builder for the first time.
See field mapper function sample as a demo.
It's quite straight forward to create a nested SQL: use a builder as an argument to nest it.
Here is a sample.
sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
fromSb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
statusSb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
sb.From(sb.BuilderAs(fromSb, "user")))
sb.Where(sb.In("status", statusSb))
fromSb.Select("id").From("user").Where(fromSb.GreaterThan("level", 4))
statusSb.Select("status").From("config").Where(statusSb.Equal("state", 1))
sql, args := sb.Build()
// Output:
// SELECT id FROM (SELECT id FROM user WHERE level > ?) AS user WHERE status IN (SELECT status FROM config WHERE state = ?)
// [4 1]
The function sql.Named
defined in database/sql
can create a named argument in SQL. It's necessary if we want to reuse an argument several times in one SQL. It's still quite simple to use named arguments in a builder: use it as an argument.
Here is a sample.
now := time.Now().Unix()
start := sql.Named("start", now-86400)
end := sql.Named("end", now+86400)
sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
sb.Between("created_at", start, end),
sb.GE("modified_at", start),
sql, args := sb.Build()
// Output:
// SELECT name FROM user WHERE created_at BETWEEN @start AND @end AND modified_at >= @start
// [{{} start 1514458225} {{} end 1514544625}]
There are several modifiers for arguments.
represents a list of arguments. Ifarg
is a slice or array, e.g. a slice with 3 ints, it will be compiled to?, ?, ?
and flattened in the final arguments as 3 ints. It's a tool for convenience. We can use it in theIN
expression orVALUES
represent the tuple syntax in SQL. See Tuple for usage.Named(name, arg)
represents a named argument. It only works withBuild
to define a named placeholder using syntax${name}
marks anexpr
as a plain string in SQL rather than an argument. When we build a builder, the value of raw expressions are copied in SQL string directly without leaving any?
in SQL.
A builder is only a way to record arguments. If we want to build a long SQL with lots of special syntax (e.g. special comments for a database proxy), simply use Buildf
to format a SQL string using a fmt.Sprintf
-like syntax.
sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
explain := sqlbuilder.Buildf("EXPLAIN %v LEFT JOIN SELECT * FROM banned WHERE state IN (%v, %v)", sb, 1, 2)
sql, args := explain.Build()
// Output:
// [1 2]
Package sqlbuilder
defines special syntax to represent an uncompiled SQL internally. If we want to take advantage of the syntax to build customized tools, we can use Build
to compile it with arguments.
The format string uses special syntax to represent arguments.
refers successive arguments passed in the call. It works similar as%v
refers nth-argument passed in the call. Next$?
will use arguments n+1.${name}
refers a named argument created byNamed
is a"$"
sb := sqlbuilder.NewSelectBuilder()
sb.Select("id").From("user").Where(sb.In("status", 1, 2))
b := sqlbuilder.Build("EXPLAIN $? LEFT JOIN SELECT * FROM $? WHERE created_at > $? AND state IN (${states}) AND modified_at BETWEEN $2 AND $?",
sb, sqlbuilder.Raw("banned"), 1514458225, 1514544625, sqlbuilder.Named("states", sqlbuilder.List([]int{3, 4, 5})))
sql, args := b.Build()
// Output:
// EXPLAIN SELECT id FROM user WHERE status IN (?, ?) LEFT JOIN SELECT * FROM banned WHERE created_at > ? AND state IN (?, ?, ?) AND modified_at BETWEEN ? AND ?
// [1 2 1514458225 3 4 5 1514458225 1514544625]
If we just want to use ${name}
syntax to refer named arguments, use BuildNamed
instead. It disables all special syntax but ${name}
and $$
Some SQL drivers doesn't actually implement StmtExecContext#ExecContext
. They will fail when len(args) > 0
. The only solution is to interpolate args
in the sql
, and execute the interpolated query with the driver.
Security warning: I try my best to escape special characters in interpolate methods, but it's still less secure than Stmt
implemented by SQL servers.
This feature is inspired by interpolation feature in package
Here is a sample for MySQL.
sb := MySQL.NewSelectBuilder()
sb.NE("id", 1234),
sb.E("name", "Charmy Liu"),
sb.Like("desc", "%mother's day%"),
sql, args := sb.Build()
query, err := MySQL.Interpolate(sql, args)
// Output:
// SELECT name FROM user WHERE id <> 1234 AND name = 'Charmy Liu' AND desc LIKE '%mother\'s day%'
// <nil>
Here is a sample for PostgreSQL. Note that the dollar quote is supported.
// Only the last `$1` is interpolated.
// Others are not interpolated as they are inside dollar quote (the `$$`).
query, err := PostgreSQL.Interpolate(`
CREATE FUNCTION dup(in int, out f1 int, out f2 text) AS $$
SELECT $1, CAST($1 AS text) || ' is text'
SELECT * FROM dup($1);`, []interface{}{42})
// Output:
// CREATE FUNCTION dup(in int, out f1 int, out f2 text) AS $$
// SELECT $1, CAST($1 AS text) || ' is text'
// $$
// SELECT * FROM dup(42);
// <nil>
Package squirrel is another SQL builder package with outstanding design and high code quality.
Comparing with squirrel
, go-sqlbuilder
is much more extensible with more built-in features.
Here are details.
- API design: The core of
. Nearly all features are built on top of them. If we want to extend this package, e.g. supportEXPLAIN
, we can useBuild("EXPLAIN $?", builder)
in front of any SQL. - ORM: Package
doesn't provide ORM directly. There is another package structable, which is based onsquirrel
, designed for ORM. - No design pitfalls: There is no design pitfalls like
squirrel.Eq{"mynumber": []uint8{1,2,3}}
. I'm proud of it. :)
This package is licensed under MIT license. See LICENSE for details.