(this is a GitHub only release, there will be no matching release on CRAN)
Part 6:
Add DFA functionality #839 (credits: Ian Meneghel Danilevicz and Victor Barreto Mesquita)
Add fragmentation metrics, same function as in part 5 but now applied at recording level #839
Circadian rhythm analysis now ignore invalid nights controlled with new parameter "includecrit.part6".
Circadian rhythm analysis now provides consistent results for both regardless of whether time series are stored with or without valid windows with parameter save_ms5raw_without_invalid.
Part 2 + 6: Revised and simplified IV and IS calculation which now ignores invalid timestamps and also comes with phi statistic (credits: Ian Meneghel Danilevicz). In part 2 we used to have 2 calculation, which is now replaced by just one and applied to all valid data points in the recordings. In part 6 this is repeated by for the time window as specified with parameter part6Window. Further, IVIS now uses argument threshold.lig as threshold to distinguish inactivity from active.
Part 2: Increase sensitivity clipping detection from 80% to 30% of a window. If the long epoch has more than 30% of its values close to the dynamic range of the sensor then it will be labelled as clipping.
Part 4: Now also has copy of part 5 variable ACC_spt_mg.
Part 5:
Moving LXMX from part 5 to part 6 as these are circadian rhythm analysis.
Omitted fragmentation metrics for spt window as not meaningful given that part 5 only focusses on valid daytime behaviours.
includenightcrit.part5 added to allow for controlling inclusion of windows in part 5 based on their amount of valid data during spt window. Default remains the same.
Fix incorrect usage of part 5 inclusion criteria testing, which used fraction as percentage.