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e2 docs serialization

Divran edited this page Apr 22, 2021 · 4 revisions

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String = vonEncode(Array Data)

Encodes an array into a string using vON (10 ops)

String = vonEncode(Table Data)

Encodes a table into a string using vON (10 ops)

Array = vonDecode(String Data)

Decodes a string into an array using vON (10 ops)

String = vonError()

Returns the last von error (1 ops)

Table = vonDecodeTable(String Data)

Decodes a string into a table using vON (25 ops)

String = jsonError()

Returns the last json error (1 ops)

String = jsonEncode(Table Data)

Encodes a table into a string using json (50 ops)

String = jsonEncode(Table Data, Number Prettyprint)

Encodes a table into a string using json (50 ops)

Table = jsonDecode(String Data)

Decodes a string into an array using json (50 ops)

Expression 2 ⚙️

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