WRF Version 4.5
This is the Version 4.5 release of the WRF Model. This release includes all components of the system: WRF-ARW, WRF-Chem, and WRFDA.
Acknowledgements: We would like to thank Cenlin He (NCAR RAL), Greg Thompson (JCSDA, UCAR), Anders Jensen (RAL, NCAR), Dylan Reynolds (SLF), Joseph Olson (NOAA-GSL), Wayne Angevine (NOAA-CSL), Andrea Zonato (Department of Environmental, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento, Trento, Italy), Jun Tang (Amazon), Jeff Adie (NVIDIA Corporation), Hugh Morrison (NCAR-MMM), Brian Vanderwende (NCAR), Jordan Schnell (NOAA), Kengo Miyamoto (RIST), Zhang Chunxi, Maria Frediani (NCAR RAL), Michael Laufer (Toga Networks, a Huawei Company), Erick Fredj(The Jerusalem College of Technology, Rutgers University, Toga Networks, a Huawei Company), Joseph Brodie (Rutgers University), Lori Garzio (Rutgers University), Sen YANG, Deqin LI, Liqiang CHEN (Institute of Atmospheric Environment, China Meteorological Administration, Shenyang) for their contributions to this release.
New features in WRFV4.5
- A new package to compute two-moment prognostics for graupel/hail and a predicted density graupel category is added in the Thompson scheme (mp_physics=38). Other updates to the scheme include a change to the Y-intercept relationship for one-moment graupel and replacement of air temperature for wet-bulb temperature in riming and mixed phase processes (Jensen et al., in review). This code requires the datafile "qr_acr_qg_mp38V1.dat" to run, which can be found on the file system for the NCAR community HPC "Cheyenne" under /glade/work/wrfhelp/WRF_files/ and online at http://www2.mmm.ucar.edu/wrf/src/wrf_files/. Details
- A scale-aware or grid-distance-dependent option is added to the new Tiedtke scheme. The code is based on the paper by Wang (2022) with two minor changes removed. The option becomes active automatically when grid sizes is less than 15 km. PR1806 and PR1840
- A new k-epsilon-theta^2 PBL scheme, including two additional prognostic equations for dissipation rate and temperature variance, has been included in the WRF model (see Zonato et al.,2022:A New K–ε Turbulence Parameterization for Mesoscale Meteorological Models. Monthly Weather Review, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1175/MWR-D-21-0299.1). This scheme is designed for finer grids. It works with sfclay=2(time step = 90), sfclay=1(time step = 60), diff_opt=1 km_opt=4). Details
- Add support to build WRF on ARM64 (aarch64) architecture systems with the NVIDIA HPC SDK Compilers (nvfortran,nvc). Details
- Provided AMD AOCC Compiler support at the time of configuring WRF for AMD Architectures including Zen1, Zen2 and Zen3. Details
Bug fixes and enhancement in WRFV4.5
- Substantial updates are added to the MYNN-EDMF, including a reorganization of the subroutines as part of the “universalization efforts”, which are meant to keep the scheme similar in all dycores. The major physics changes include (1) improved conservation of scalars which improves performance in medium-range global forecasting, (2) revised subgrid clouds which leverages the prognostic q’2, (3) vacate bl_pbl_physics = 6 (now only run with bl_pbl_physics = 5); will instead regulate the closure level with new namelist variable “bl_mynn_closure” set to 2.5, 2.6, or 3.0, (4) important bug fixes for the TKE budget and the bl_mynn_tkebudget flag is not renamed to tke_budget for use in other schemes (although may not be hooked up for other schemes yet), (5) new downdraft option (hidden hard-coded flag in module_bl_mynn.F) but still under development to best fit within the MYNN-EDMF, (6) and many miscellaneous tuning/minor bug fixes.Details
- Fix an error with O31D exceeding vertical dimension kte. In WRFV4.4, we introduced ozone output o3rad when o3input = 0, that is to use ozone profile provided by the RRTMG code. But the use of output array accessed memory with the vertical dimension > kte. This can cause segmentation fault on some systems. Details
- Update P3 microphysics. Details
- Bug fix for the vertical levels of TKE in the EEPS scheme and more features are added in this scheme. Details
- Fixed a bug for lightning diagnostic option 3, an option for lightning potential index calculation. The bug prevented nested case to run, and may produce NaNs in the diagnostics. Details
- Fix an issue in roof longwave calculation in the bep_bem urban scheme (module_sf_bep_bem.F), in which a misplaced parenthesis is corrected. Details
- The hard-coded tunable canopy heat capacity parameter in Noah-MP is added to MPTABLE for the convenience of tuning. Details
- Fixed a dimension error for arrays refl, t and z in module_ltng_crmpr92.F.Details
- Update hydro directory to match WRF-Hydro v5.3.0. Details
- NoahMP submodule is updated to its v4.5 branch.Details
- Stop intentionally removing OpenMP flags when compiling certain listed source program files, which causes problems with a Fujitsu Fortran compiler. Details
- Change configure to test for RPC package instead of checking hardcoded paths, so that non-standard RPC installs can still be found. Details
- Fix numerical divergence on x86 and arm64. It is recommended to use armclang for best performance of WRF on arm64. Details
- Correct string test in configure to avoid 'Unexpected Operator' error. Details
Data assimilation
- Add a regularized version of WSM6 and its TL/AD for 4DVar with ice-phase hydrometeor analysis variables.Details
- Enhance AHI radiance DA, including all-sky observation error model, Level-2 AHI product read, and more diagnostic output. Details
- Address a bug introduced in WRF v4.3 that affects users using chem_opts = 201 (MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_KPP) and 202 (MOZART_MOSAIC_4BIN_AQ_KPP). Users experienced a stalled simulation upon writing history files. This was caused by the pH diagnostics added in v4.3 (#1342) not being activated with the namelist option mozart_ph_diag = 1. Details
- Add an option to use GFS total ozone (2D) in the TUV photolysis (phot_opt=4) to scale the simulated column to the GFS total column in the calculation of photolysis rates. Details
- chem_opt=100 is separated from chem_opt=108 and 109. This is because species in chem_opt=100 (HCL, CLNO2, MG, K, CA) are referenced by the aerosol module for chem_opt=108, 109 leading to memory mapping errors. Details
- Update the firebrand spotting parameterization to (1) allow likelihood of spotting on short grass and (2) fix the location and height of ember release. Details
- Fix two numeric operators that are consecutive. Details
- Change the exponent letters of the constants those are compared to double precision variables in SUBROUTINE FIND_RC0 from ‘E’ to ‘D’. Details
- Remove excessive print statements in CLM. Details
- Fix small indexing error in ISHMAEL MP scheme. Details
- Check the existence of WRF_CMAQ. Details
- Update REAME.namelist to include new options and missed pre-existing options.