What's Changed
This version has a fix for supporting sbtn (sbt native) client
π Features
π Bug Fixes
- airframe-sql: Fixes AllColumn qualifier parser @xerial (#2782)
- airframe-log: Fixes #2779 Suppress stacktrace when reloading LogManager @xerial (#2781)
- airframe-log: Fixes #2777 Use the default System.err for supporting sbtn @xerial (#2780)
π Dependency Updates
- Update protobuf-java to 3.22.1 @xerial-bot (#2776)
- Update auth to 2.20.7 @xerial-bot (#2762)
- Update antlr4, antlr4-runtime to 4.12.0 @xerial-bot (#2765)
- Update circe-parser to 0.14.5 @xerial-bot (#2774)
- Update sqlite-jdbc to @xerial-bot (#2768)
- Update scalafmt-core to 3.7.2 @xerial-bot (#2769)
- Update airframe-http, ... to 23.2.5 @xerial-bot (#2766)
π Internal Updates
- Update trino-main to 410 @xerial-bot (#2778)
- Update trino-main to 409 @xerial-bot (#2775)
- Update trino-main to 408 @xerial-bot (#2770)
Full Changelog: v23.2.5...v23.2.6