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addyosmani edited this page Feb 15, 2013 · 10 revisions

If you're new to Yeoman and have been invited to contribute to the codebase or participate in discussions, welcome to the project!

What is Yeoman?

Yeoman is an open source project which defines an opinionated stack for web application development. It includes a golden bundle of tools and frameworks, provided with documentation and authority. Our aim is to help developers quickly build beautiful web apps. For more details on project features, see

Who are we targeting?

Medium to advanced JavaScript developers who have already started with client side MVC/MVVP/MVVM. Flex/Flash devs and Native mobile devs are secondary audience with the goal to demonstrate a comparable HTML5 webapp development environment.

What are we aiming to deliver with V1?

For complete details on our goals with Yeoman 1.0, see the road to 1.0.

Who is involved?

The Chrome Developer relations team and select external contributors from the community.


Paul Irish driving the project
Addy Osmani leading the development of the CLI and Docs
Eric Bidelman working on Insight (Yeoman analytics and logging)

External Contributors:

Sindre Sorhus
Mickael Daniel

who are both helping greatly with pushing development of the CLI and other aspects of the project forward.

A note on repos

The Yeoman org has a number of repos. This one is for the main project codebase, yeoman/ contains the site content designed by B-Reel as well as the current holding page (the content of which can be seen on Should you require access to other repos, feel free to ask Paul or Addy and we'll sort that out.

That's about it. If you have any questions, comments or concerns, get in touch with us and we'll do our best to help.