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addyosmani edited this page Jan 30, 2013 · 3 revisions

Developers looking for an end-to-end workflow with Yeoman may be interested in getting it working with specific middleware, such as Express. Express, if unfamiliar with it, is a popular web application framework for Node. Whilst Node itself is quite low-level and requires modules such as Connect for a middleware layer. Express builds on top of Connect, offering a readable routing API and a view engine.

A typical workflow using Express would be to first use the express binary to generate a new application as covered in the official getting started guide then later create your corresponding client-side views/code. This workflow, whilst not difficult from the outset can prove challenging from a tooling perspective - how do you generate CRUD views for the server-side and client-side which compliment each other? How can you get Express to work with LiveReload? and so on.

We attempted to answer these questions in an experimental Yeoman sub-project called Express Stack. It's a proof of concept end-to-end stack for development using Yeoman 0.9.6, Express and AngularJS.

                                                                             Command flow

                                          |                            |
                          +-------------> |  AngularJS CRUD Generator  |      init angularcrud
                          |               |                            |      init angularcrud:crud
                          |               +----------------------------+
      |                  ||
      |     Yeoman       |+               +----------------------------+
      |                  | +              |                            |      init express
      +------------------+ +------------> |  ExpressJS CRUD Generator  |
               +                          |                            |
               v                          +----------------------------+
        Middleware (server.js)
               + ^
               | |
               | |   Enable LiveReload, asset serving
               v +
      |   ExpressJS      |

Note: This project is currently considered an experiment and is likely to break after Yeoman 1.0 is released. We do however have plans on upgrading it soon after to maintain forwards and backwards compatibility.

The high-level goals of the stack are to provide:

  • Custom version of Yeoman's server.js with support for Express middleware
  • LiveReload supported out of the box
  • Generator for Express and CRUD generator for AngularJS
  • Proof-of-concept application using AngularJS

This stack assumes that you develop both the server and client portions of your application within the same directory. By the end of setup, you will be able to see how to do this using the demo application which has a server directory for Express code and an app directory for your client-side code.

Installation (assume you have already installed Yeoman@0.9.6)

Clone this repository:

git clone git://
cd yeoman
git checkout express-stack

This should give you:

  • yeoman-custom - A custom build of Yeoman 0.9.6 with support for Express middleware
  • generators - Express and AngularJS Crud generators for scaffolding
  • demo - A sample application

Install Yeoman@0.9.6 and Grunt

npm install -g yeoman
npm install -g grunt

and then from the express-stack root:

  1. npm install
  2. grunt install
  3. follow output of step 2 and update your system path
  4. Now your system has a new command yeomen (notice the e, instead of a in yeoman? - e is for express), which will run this custom copy of yeoman bundled with the custom generators listed below.

Getting started with the stack

After you've gone through the installation process, you have two options - you can either start a brand new application using the below commands or skip to the demo where some included sample code is available for you to try out.

yeomen init angularcrud            # Standard Angular app
yeomen init angularcrud:crud post  # Angular CRUD routes/views
yeomen init express post           # Express CRUD
yeomen server

# you can then navigate to #/api/post/index to verify
# that the routing is working with Express correctly

Note: should you receive any warnings about Express not being present, npm install express should resolve this.


You should now be able to navigate to demo and run yeomen server to run it. Note, if you have multiple versions of yeoman installed locally, you may wish to directly use the binary in yeoman-custom, otherwise everything should work.

Native support

Yeoman 1.0 will include improved support for other middleware and we hope to improve our documentation on how to support using Rails, PHP and so on in a similar setup to Express Stack.