Releases: yfdyh000/tabutils
Release notes for 2017.08.17
Set multiprocessCompatible to true, although this support is incomplete.
[Fix] Tabs tooltip always shown as "Collapse Stack" in Fx55+
[Fix] textStyle of Tabs has broken since Fx53 [Bug 658467]
[Fix-follow] Fix Bookmark All Tabs broken in the previous version, #110
update locale/de, #130
No new updates is expected, and this add-ons will stop working in Firefox 57. See
Release notes for 2017.02.04 - 2017.01.27
- Reduce blinking for page's context menu showing, #121
- [workaround] Avoid breaking with Add Bookmark Here ², #110
- [Fix] behavior of reuseBlank in gBrowser.addTab, resolve issues: #103, #100, #96, #44, #32.
- Modify the error message for "Failed to hook "
- [Fix-follow] Code cleanup
- [Fix] handleDroppedLink fail since Fx52b1
- Improve responsiveness of context menu under e10s, #121
- Improve openSelectedLinksInTab's performance
- [Fix] autoStack for loadTabs is broken since Fx52b1
- [Fix] Fix two "Failed to hook" since Fx52
- [Fix] Mouse scroll to focus a tab advances two tabs at a time, #122. Thanks to Erdem Uncuoglu.
Many fixes, but not all
Note: fixing coding for some problems is still difficult. Please continue with feedback if that issue is not labeled as "bug" or listed in Projects. If you are interested in coding, please ask any questions regarding progress or difficulties.
- [Fix] mouse scroll to focus tab broken since Fx48, fix #97
- [Fix] Enter key on Address bar to open in new tab, since Fx50, fix #115
- [Fix] Avoid Bookmark Properties dialog appears as blank since Fx49, #110
- [Fix] Datetime as title for "Bookmark All Tabs…" now works for Fx44+, #65
- [workaround] Fix middle click on link get it open in the foreground if e10s turn on, #117
- [Fix] extensions.tabutils.openTabNext=1[All] not work since Fx51, #109
- [Fix] Allow open new privacy-browsing or non-e10s window when single-window mode is enabled. #98
- [Fix] Sound indicator should be located on right side of tab, #90
Please wait for AMO review and auto-update if you need to use this on Release or Beta.
[Add] "extensions.tabutils.autoCleanupStack"
Add "extensions.tabutils.autoCleanupStack" pref for automatic cleanup orphaned stack. This reset like color settings. #94.
[Fix] gBrowser.mFaviconService has been removed since Fx47, it causes problems if you have configured custom toolbar button. fix #89.
[Fix] Back/forward menu and Session History Menu be broken since Fx43
Note: These menu updates slower is the official bug, see bug 1278090.
Some fixes for previous release
compatibility updates for recent versions (about Firefox 44-46)
Fixed some major problems for recent versions. Not fixed all compatibility issues yet.
- Reduce burrs for Undo button in dark theme, #4
- [Workaround] Avoid Bookmark Properties dialog appears as blank, through disable the datetime as title for "Bookmark All Tabs…".
- [Adjust]
to false by default. #76 - Note that some new bugs is known be introduced in this release, please wait for new release. As well as, Firefox 29 and earlier was fully broken for this version, including Pale Moon.
Fix bookmarks items cannot be opened in recent Nightly
See #50.
2015.09.20: tab_utilities_fixed-1.5.2015.09.12-fx.xpi
is verified by Mozilla.