Exposed the monitors API
Specify getMonitor
function as a parameter to get monitor object with the following methods:
- start (function) - starts monitoring (relaying logs to the monitor).
- stop (function) - stop monitoring (the monitor will not get new changes till you
it again with the function above). - update (function) - update state history. Usually you want to use it when stopped monitoring (with the function above) and want to update the logs explicitly (useful for apps which dispatch actions too frequently).
- isHotReloaded (function) - return
if reducers just got hot reloaded (useful for dealing with side effects, which didn't get hot-reloaded). - isMonitorAction (function) - return
if the last action was dispatched by the monitor (was: 'TOGGLE_ACTION', 'SWEEP', 'SET_ACTIONS_ACTIVE', 'IMPORT_STATE'). - isTimeTraveling (function) - return
if the state was set by moving back and forth (the last action was dispatched by the monitor was 'JUMP_TO_STATE'). Usually you want to use it to skip side effects.
Example of usage:
export let isMonitorAction;
export default function configureStore(initialState) {
return createStore(reducer, initialState,
window.devToolsExtension && window.devToolsExtension({
getMonitor: (monitor) => { isMonitorAction = monitor.isMonitorAction; }
Now we prevent flooding. In case your app dispatch more than 5 actions in a second, they will be collected and sent all at once.