This repository contains R scripts for data visualization with GOplot, ggplot2, gplots, pheatmap and DESeq2 packages.
- circ_plot.R circle plot of GOplot, combined genes heatmap with DAVID GO analysis.
- DEseq2.R: an independent R script separated from RNAseq pipeline.
- GO_BP_bubble.R bubble plot for DAVID GO analysis in Biological Processes category.
- GO_KEGG_bubble.R: bubble plot for DAVID GO analysis in KEGG pathways category.
- GO_GAD_bubble.R: bubble plot for DAVID GO analysis in Genetic Associated Diseases category.
- GO_MF_bubble.R: bubble plot for DAVID GO analysis in Molecular Function category.
- GO_barplot.R: barplot for any GO analysis in multiple categories.
- barplot.R, boxplot.R, densityplot.R, ggplot.R, histogram.R, heatmap.R: bar/box/line/plot/histogram/heatmap for customized data.
- PrePost.R: assert the Pre/Post bias of the cisVar output.
- corr.R: compute correlation coefficient and P value of expression matrix.
R and its packages: DESeq2, GOplot, ggplot2, gplots, pheatmap, dplyr, scales, Hmisc, corrplot.
This script uses GOplot to generate the combined heatmap and GO terms circle plot.
DAVID output, i.e. biological processes (BP).
Change sep=":" for KEGG output on line19 and 20.
Genes with log2FoldChange, should have at least 2 headers: Genes, log2FoldChange. i.e. DEseq2 output:
Genes log2FoldChange AL627309.1 -0.504002431105474 OR4F16 -1.09710442921879 AL669831.1 -0.0569390224776838 SAMD11 -1.55921375002106 AL645608.1 -0.907587021624037 NOC2L 0.00413102160118557 KLHL17 -0.276980590945544 PLEKHN1 0.568610828210618 PERM1 0.434108117735876 ....
A text file with 2 columns, interested genes and GO terms:
YAP1 cell-cell adhesion SMAD2 heart development CDKN2B cell proliferation TGFB2 EGF receptor signaling pathway TGFBR3 VEGF receptor signaling pathway SRF cell migration EGFR TAGLN2 KRT18 ZEB1 SMYD1 ...
Don't add header in the text file. The numbers of genes and terms can be different. Make sure every term has >=1 gene included.
./circ_plot.R DAIVD_BP.txt DEseq2_out.txt gene_term.list
A DEseq2 script to run differential expression genes analysis.
- featureCounts output.
- a condition text file, see
./DEseq2.R featureCounts.txt conditions.txt
NOTE: This script cannot compare the DE genes condition by condition automatically if you have >2 conditions to compare, uncoment line26 and edit the condition names.
- all_genes_exp.txt
See more about DESeq2.
These scripts directly use the text output of DAVID without any format converting.
Just run with the input file:
./GO_BP_bubble.R BP.txt
The output will be BP.png
You might want to change the height and width on line8 and 9 to adjust the figure and text size.
- X-axis indicates -logP values.
- Y-axis indicates terms.
- Color indicates fold enrichment.
- Bubble size indicates enriched gene number.
A tab-delimited text file with 3 columns and headers (Term, group and Pvalue):
Term group Pvalue
platelet degranulation Biological Process 1.61847E-06
blood vessel endothelial cell migration Biological Process 4.93053E-05
actin filament bundle assembly Biological Process 8.65968E-05
abnormal wound healing Mouse Phenotype 1.64E-11
abnormal cell adhesion Mouse Phenotype 1.46E-08
delayed wound healing Mouse Phenotype 2.12628E-06
abnormal vascular wound healing Mouse Phenotype 8.71974E-05
abnormal choroid vasculature morphology Mouse Phenotype 0.000175231
impaired wound healing Mouse Phenotype 0.000184417
Genes involved in Smooth Muscle Contraction MSigDB Pathway 6.40E-09
AP-1 transcription factor network MSigDB Pathway 1.93489E-06
Transcriptional targets of AP1 family members Fra1 and Fra2 MSigDB Pathway 4.56405E-06
RhoA signaling pathway MSigDB Pathway 6.33505E-06
Integrin Signaling Pathway MSigDB Pathway 1.52305E-05
PDGF Signaling Pathway MSigDB Pathway 0.000108793
Beta3 integrin cell surface interactions MSigDB Pathway 0.000222277
PDGFR-alpha signaling pathway MSigDB Pathway 0.000333935
Then run the script:
./GO_barplot.R GO.txt
The GO.png will be generated:
line8 and 9 for figure height and width
- X-axis indicates -logP values.
- Y-axis indicates terms.
- Color indicates categories.
A tab-delimited text file with 2 columns and headers (Gene, log2FoldChange):
Gene log2FoldChange
CCND1 1.088554626
COL4A5 0.643112384
COL5A3 1.287000505
COL15A1 2.289502681
ECM1 0.885022315
CCL7 2.585949095
CCL8 2.641281056
MMP1 1.275866988
ACTA2 -1.271249703
TAGLN -0.458876773
CNN1 -0.707720472
ACTG2 -2.781711974
MYLK -0.685258488
LMOD1 -0.972606123
Run the script:
./barplot.R exp.txt
The exp.png looks like:
A tab-delimited text file with 2 columns and headers (length, sample):
R2 catalog
0.0192877 Asthma
0.00220702 Asthma
0.0200731 Blood_pressure
0.027027 Blood_pressure
0.050078 Body_mass_index
0.0798623 Body_mass_index
Run the script:
./boxplot.R test.txt
The result will be named test.png:
Plots FPM matrix files from or i.e.
./lineplot.R jun.matrix tcf21.matrix h3k27ac.matrix hnf1a.matrix
The script calculates the average FPM for each column and then layer all the lines:
A tab-delimited text file with 3 columns and headers (pre_freq, post_freq, sig):
pre_freq post_freq sig
0.70847495320260700513 0.84210526315789502316 non_sig
0.9615127090692440204 1.0 non_sig
0.88124078849661391377 0.79310344827586198857 non_sig
0.88124078849661391377 0.78787878787878795617 non_sig
0.5351486772587950025 0.96153846153846200817 p<e-3
0.696367534957764045 0.625 non_sig
0.6862146422851030936 0.6666666666666669627 non_sig
0.9791971032881491288 1.0 non_sig
0.88124078849661391377 0.84210526315789502316 non_sig
0.9791971032881491288 1.0 non_sig
0.6862146422851030936 0.90476190476190510026 e-2<p<0.05
0.9791971032881491288 1.0 non_sig
Run ./ggplot.R plot.txt
The figure is will be named plot.png:
Input: two columns with header (dist and name), i.e.
dist name
1754559 TCF21ToHNF1A
1729807 TCF21ToHNF1A
103141 JUNToTCF21
1159 TCF21ToJUN
135 TCF21ToJUN
Run ./histogram.R his.txt
Input: three columns without header, 1st: gene, 2nd: exp1, 3rd:exp3. i.e.
CFH 7499.49805411 6264.10194253
SLC25A13 153.279671439 88.1102301471
CRLF1 50.018873082 110.84302439
RALA 1642.61455338 1164.83399075
PIK3C2A 892.558770512 729.359640082
DCN 30560.5410263 26172.4138123
CLDN11 3014.60289599 1614.69810131
GPRC5A 73.3835654507 169.7576812
Run heatmap.R heatmap.txt
This script plots the numbers of SNPs which have higher Pre or Post frequencies and the density of the Post/Pre frequency from cisVar output.
Run PrePost.R
This script computes the correlation coefficients and p values from expression matrix and plots a heatmap.
Run corr.R expression.txt output
There will be three output files:
- output.r: coefficient R matrix.
- output.p: coefficient P matrix.
- output.list: flatten coefficient R list.
The heatmap looks like:
Author @zhaoshuoxp
July 17 2020