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Noodle PageLineSeq() Method

Dan Kranz edited this page Oct 3, 2021 · 1 revision

Add sequence numbers to a column within the detail portion of a data view page. Sequence numbers start at 1 and increment by 1 for each line on the page.

Noodle is useful for maintaining data lists. When inserting new rows, or moving rows around in a list, one needs to make data updates to preserve the sort order desired by the user. PageLineSeq facilitates this chore.


PageLineSeq(page, bfi)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
page Page number in data view
bfi Field index


var items = [
var db1 = new Noodle(items, ["Seq","Category","Item","Count"]);

// Create a new data view, Items by Category

// Create a new line with Item value = "Cougar"
db1.OpenLine(1, 2);
db1.PutValue("Cougar", 1, 2, 3);

// Update Sequence values to maintain the sort order
db1.PageLineSeq(1, 1);
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