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Roots grpcum() Function

Dan Kranz edited this page Nov 21, 2020 · 7 revisions

Sum the values of block[numfld].

The sums are distributed by the block-line groups of groups/nextLine.

For group g: block lines of groups[g]/nextLine are processed.

The sum of block[numfld] is computed and stored in sums[g].


Roots.grpcum(block, cpl, numfld, groups, nextLine, nGroup, sums)

Parameter Values

Parameter Description
block Uint8Array memory block
cpl The width of a memory block line
numfid Field definition that specifies the location of the number within a block line
groups The starting line number of each group (type Array)
nextLine Subsequent line numbers array
nGroup The number of groups
sums Storage array for the calculated sums
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