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Releases: znuh/microbit-corona-scanner


17 Jul 19:50
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What does it do?

LEDs indicate received Exposure Notification beacons (or BLE devices - see below).

There's one LED per Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) so up to 25 active RPIs with all 25 LEDs.

The number of devices is output every ~8 seconds via the USB serial port.

Press B to change visualisation mode:

  • 0: persistence with fadeout from RSSI [DEFAULT]
  • 1: blink with RSSI brightness (one blink per RX event)
  • 2: persistence at full brightness (useful in sunlight)
  • 3: blink at full brightness (one blink per RX event - useful in sunlight)

Press B for 3 seconds to see all BLE devices, not just COVID-19 Exposure Notifications.

Press again for 3 seconds to switch back to COVID-19 Exposure Notifications only.

When visibility of all BLE devices is enabled LEDs blinking at 2Hz are COVID-19 Exposure Notifications, the rest is other devices.

Press A to toggle sound output.

Beacons from the device with the strongest signal do not trigger a click.

BBC micro:bit: connect headphones to PAD 0 and GND.

Calliope Mini: connect headphones to PAD 1 and GND.

You can also use the builtin speaker of the Calliope Mini: Pressing A the first time enables headphones output, pressing A again switches to speaker output, a third press turns sound output off again.

Press A for 3 seconds to see received Data via USB serial port.

Press again for 3 seconds to disable.


  • general: added webview tool
  • serial: raw output includes LED index for device


11 Jul 22:30
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What does it do?

LEDs indicate received Exposure Notification beacons (or BLE devices - see below).

There's one LED per Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) so up to 25 active RPIs with all 25 LEDs.

The number of devices is output every ~8 seconds via the USB serial port.

Press B to change visualisation mode:

  • 0: persistence with fadeout from RSSI [DEFAULT]
  • 1: blink with RSSI brightness (one blink per RX event)
  • 2: persistence at full brightness (useful in sunlight)
  • 3: blink at full brightness (one blink per RX event - useful in sunlight)

Press B for 3 seconds to see all BLE devices, not just COVID-19 Exposure Notifications.

Press again for 3 seconds to switch back to COVID-19 Exposure Notifications only.

When visibility of all BLE devices is enabled LEDs blinking at 2Hz are COVID-19 Exposure Notifications, the rest is other devices.

Press A to toggle sound output.

Beacons from the device with the strongest signal do not trigger a click.

BBC micro:bit: connect headphones to PAD 0 and GND.

Calliope Mini: connect headphones to PAD 1 and GND.

You can also use the builtin speaker of the Calliope Mini: Pressing A the first time enables headphones output, pressing A again switches to speaker output, a third press turns sound output off again.

Press A for 3 seconds to see received Data via USB serial port.

Press again for 3 seconds to disable.


  • Calliope Mini: proper support for Calliope Mini (buttons and audio speaker)
  • general: better behavior in situations with 25 or more active devices - prevent faulty counters
  • general: external LED matrix support via IS31FL3738 (autodetection via I2C bus)
  • general: Apple/Google distinction removed for good
  • general: support for optional visualisation of ALL active BLE devices - not just COVID-19 Exposure Notification
  • general: prevent a tiny glitch every 49.7 days when the system timer rolls over
  • serial: support for output of raw BLE advertisement data if user enables 'ALL BLE' mode
  • serial: improved prevention of garbled lines due to a full txbuffer


01 Jul 21:05
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LEDs indicate received Exposure Notification beacons. There's one LED per Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) so up to 25 active RPIs with all 25 LEDs.

The number of RPIs seen is output every 10 seconds via the USB serial port.

Press B to change visualisation mode:

  • 0: persistence with fadeout from RSSI [DEFAULT]
  • 1: blink with RSSI brightness
  • 2: persistence at full brightness
  • 3: blink at full brightness

Press B for 3 seconds to toggle Apple/Google visualisation.
Blinking mode: short blinks are Google, longer Apple
Persistence mode: Google blink 2x per second, Apple LEDs are always on

Press A to toggle sound on/off. (Beacons from the device with the strongest signal do not trigger a click.)

Press A for 3 seconds to see all received Exposure Notifications via the USB serial port (format is RPI, AEM, RSSI). Press again for 3 seconds to disable.


important BUGFIX! use instead of v0.5!
(number of active Apple RPIs was incorrect and a pointer got messed up instead /o)


30 Jun 12:54
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v0.5-rc2 Pre-release

better attempt at Apple/Google distinction: is_apple = (RAND_BDADDR_TYPE(peer_addr) == RAND_BDADDR_NONRESOLVABLE) && flags_present


30 Jun 10:14
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v0.5-rc1 Pre-release

reintroduced device type distinction based on bluetooth addr. type (non-/resolvable)


29 Jun 19:30
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What does it do?

LEDs indicate received Exposure Notification beacons. There's one LED per Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) so up to 25 active RPIs with all 25 LEDs.

The number of RPIs seen is output every 10 seconds via the USB serial port.

Press B to change visualisation mode:

  • 0: persistence with fadeout from RSSI [DEFAULT]
  • 1: blink with RSSI brightness
  • 2: persistence at full brightness
  • 3: blink at full brightness

Press A to toggle sound on/off. (Beacons from the device with the strongest signal do not trigger a click.)

Press A for 3 seconds to see all received Exposure Notifications via the USB serial port (format is RPI, AEM, RSSI). Press again for 3 seconds to disable.


  • Apple/Google distinction removed (there are Android devices with and without flags)


28 Jun 07:54
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LEDs indicate received Exposure Notification beacons. There's one LED per Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) so up to 25 active RPIs with all 25 LEDs.

The number of RPIs seen is output every 10 seconds via the USB serial port.

Press B to change visualisation mode:

  • 0: persistence with fadeout from RSSI [DEFAULT]
  • 1: blink with RSSI brightness
  • 2: persistence at full brightness
  • 3: blink at full brightness

Press B for 3 seconds to toggle Apple/Google visualisation.
Blinking mode: short blinks are Google, longer Apple
Persistence mode: Google blink 2x per second, Apple LEDs are always on

Press A to toggle sound on/off. (Beacons from the device with the strongest signal do not trigger a click.)

Press A for 3 seconds to see all received Exposure Notifications via the USB serial port (format is RPI, AEM, RSSI). Press again for 3 seconds to disable.


  • serial: prevent garbled lines (check serial buffer space before printing)
  • serial: FIX: display correct RSSI value (value is int8_t not uint8_t)
  • display: use gamma correction for LED brightness


21 Jun 21:47
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LEDs indicate received Exposure Notification beacons. There's one LED per Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) so up to 25 active RPIs with all 25 LEDs.

The number of RPIs seen is output every 10 seconds via the USB serial port.

Press B to change visualisation mode:

  • 0: persistence with fadeout from RSSI [DEFAULT]
  • 1: blink with RSSI brightness
  • 2: persistence at full brightness
  • 3: blink at full brightness

Press B for 3 seconds to toggle Apple/Google visualisation.
Blinking mode: short blinks are Google, longer Apple
Persistence mode: Google blink 2x per second, Apple LEDs are always on

Press A to toggle sound on/off. (Beacons from the device with the strongest signal do not trigger a click.)

Press A for 3 seconds to see all received Exposure Notifications via the USB serial port (format is RPI, AEM, RSSI). Press again for 3 seconds to disable.


  • serial: show number of Apple and Google RPIs
  • general: show project name and version on LEDs and USB serial during start
  • input: Button A during reset switches to sequential LED usage
  • audio: mute clicks from RPI with highest RSSI
  • serial: mark RPI with strongest RSSI
  • visual: Apple/Google visualisation

iOS fix

20 Jun 22:10
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iOS fix Pre-release

LEDs indicate received Exposure Notification beacons. There's one LED per Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) so up to 25 active RPIs with all 25 LEDs.

The number of RPIs seen is output every 10 seconds via the USB serial port.

Press B to change visualisation mode:

  • 0: persistence with fadeout from RSSI [DEFAULT]
  • 1: blink with RSSI brightness
  • 2: persistence at full brightness
  • 3: blink at full brightness

Press A to toggle sound on/off.

Press A for 3 seconds to see all received Exposure Notifications via the USB serial port (format is RPI, AEM, RSSI). Press again for 3 seconds to disable.


20 Jun 12:23
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fancyfade Pre-release

LEDs indicate received Exposure Notification beacons. There's one LED per Rolling Proximity Identifier (RPI) so up to 25 active RPIs with all 25 LEDs.

The number of RPIs seen is output every 10 seconds via the USB serial port.

Press B to change visualisation mode:

  • 1: fade from RSSI [DEFAULT]
  • 2: blink with RSSI brightness
  • 3: fade from full brightness
  • 4: blink at full brightness

Press A for 3 seconds to see all received Exposure Notifications via the USB serial port (format is RPI, AEM, RSSI). Press again for 3 seconds to disable.