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Gianpaolo Gulletta edited this page Apr 6, 2021 · 4 revisions

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The design and the development Human-like Upper-limb Motion Planner (HUMP) started in January 2016 at the Mobile and Anthropomorphic Robotics Laboratory (MARLab), Department of Industrial Electronics, University of Minho in Porugal. The HUMP offers a set of functions to endow humanoid systems with the capability of generating human-like collisions-free arm-hand movements. The description of the planner and the results of different experimental tests are published in Gulletta, G., Silva, E. C. e, Erlhagen, W., Meulenbroek, R., Costa, M. F. P., & Bicho, E. (2021). A Human-like Upper-limb Motion Planner: Generating naturalistic movements for humanoid robots. International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems.

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