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Releases: Breeze0806/go-etl

v0.2.1: add database source sqlite3 and enable bulk copy functionality in SQL Server

14 Oct 15:39
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New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.2.0...v0.2.1

v0.2.0: upgrade to go1.20, use the sqlserver driver library maintained by Microsoft,preserving precision as possible for data types of float64 and float32。

17 Aug 02:26
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What's Changed

  • feat & docs: improve go1.16 to go 1.20, change package sqlserver to,and Update all packages to the latest version. by @Breeze0806 in #41. In this pull request, we use the sqlserver driver library maintained by Microsoft.
  • feat: in package element add NewBigIntColumnValueFromUint64 and NewDe… by @Breeze0806 in #42. In this pull request, the most importance lies in preserving precision as much as possible for data types of float64 and float32.
  • fix & style: fix the issue that datax output too much log, replace th… by @Breeze0806 in #47. We fix #46.
  • replace interface{} to any, add fuzz test and fi… …x bug -0 by @Breeze0806 in #48. In addition to fixing bugs, in this new version, we have adopted fuzz testing and the corresponding generic any type to ensure compatibility with Go 1.20, and have also deprecated the io/ioutil library among other changes.
  • feat: upgrade jodaTime by @Breeze0806 in #49. Since the original jodaTime supports the Getlayout function, we have deprecated Breeze0806/jodaTime.
  • Officially releasing the release version using go build -ldflags="-s -w" in order to reduce the program's size.

Full Changelog: v0.1.9...v0.2.0

v0.1.9: The last version for v0.1, fix some bugs.

01 Jun 14:53
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.1.8...v0.1.9

v0.1.8: Supporting the UNSIGNED Type in MySQL and Providing English Instruction Documents

21 Feb 12:06
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What's Changed

  • feat: Add English instruction documents,Develop a tool for extracting and translate English comments into Chinese comments. by @Breeze0806 in #29
  • feat & docs: include the UNSIGNED type from the MySQL database in the supported list and change CHN to ch-ZN by @Breeze0806 in #32

Full Changelog: v0.1.7...v0.1.8

v0.1.7: add no db2 release and add trimChar option in database reader

08 Oct 13:17
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What's Changed

  • feat: 新增忽略db2数据源依赖包的编译方式 by @Breeze0806 in #24
  • feat: 仍然使用go generate进行构建,新增go1.21加入ci/cd by @Breeze0806 in #25
  • style & build & docs 格式化代码并且在许可证功能内新增自动格式化代码功能 by @Breeze0806 in #26
  • add trimChar option in database reader to trim the space of char type in database by @Breeze0806 in #27

Full Changelog: v0.1.6...v0.1.7

v0.1.6: 升级db2驱动库至v0.4.4

06 Jul 14:43
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Full Changelog: v0.1.5...v0.1.6

v0.1.5: 修复db2驱动的问题以及querySql特性

05 Jul 12:42
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Full Changelog: v0.1.4...v0.1.5

v0.1.4: 新增querySQL特性和调试监控端口

02 Jul 09:27
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What's Changed

  • fix&docs&test: 修复pprof显示和taskgroup重试任务从队列取出运行,新增文档说明如何使用监控端口 by @Breeze0806 in #16
  • feat: 新增支持db2的reader/writer的CLOB类型,新增数据库dbms的querySQL by @Breeze0806 in #17
  • fix & docs & test: 修复全局数据库配置无法生效的问题以及新增测试用例,修改文档说明,新增reader/writer注册函… …数测试用例 by @Breeze0806 in #18

Full Changelog: v0.1.3...v0.1.4

v0.1.3: 新增监控端口和用户手册

22 Jun 08:31
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What's Changed

  • feat & docs: 1.修改同步工具日志为追加写入 2.大幅修改同步工具的用户手册 3.新增用户手册和使用样例进入用户手册 by @Breeze0806 in #14
  • feat: 1.新增复杂监控特性 2.通过http端口获取监控信息 3.新增http的pprof以方便调试 by @Breeze0806 in #15

Full Changelog: v0.1.2...v0.1.3

v0.1.2: 新增流控特性和简单监控特性

28 May 13:39
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  1. 新增流控特性,可以控制通道字节数和消息数
  2. 新增简单流控特性,输出单个任务的当前全部字节数和消息数
  3. 新增切分特性最大值最小值预置值,减少最大值最小值的查询时间
  4. 修复xlsx reader和writer的部分配置不生效的问题