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File metadata and controls

163 lines (147 loc) · 16.1 KB




  • Cecret pipeline analysis directory contents for a given sequencing run
  • Sequencing run directory, including sample sheet


The report process generates human-readable reports from the flat files generated by the base Cecret pipeline. It does not generate any new data. The associated scripts and template files are written in R and Rmarkdown. Rmarkdown documents contain some HTML as well as YAML and LaTeX in the headers.

To view script options: singularity run-help --app report <singularity-container-name.sif>

To run script: singularity run --bind /mnt,<hostMntPt> --app report <singularity_container_name.sif> <runID> <analysisDirFP> <seqDirFP> <type> <mqc> <sigPage>


All html outputs are placed in the Cecret analysis directory under report by default. Standard outputs include:

  • index.html: an easier to read version of summary.txt from the Cecret analysis output.
  • runInfo.html: an easier to read version of SampleSheet.csv in the sequencer output directory.
  • runQC.html: links to MultiQC report and displays insert size histograms for each sample.
  • ampliconCov.html: displays and links to detailed amplicon coverage analysis for each sample.
  • sGene.html: currently only stub for future development.
  • about.html: lists output directories and the version of component software used to generate them.

The other output is SC2_Variant_WGS_Run_Summary.pdf located in the report directory. This file is for the CLIA technical supervisor to record official approval of the analysis output with an electronic signature. It is split into three sections, eLIMS Fields, Other QC Fields, and Other Dry Lab Fields.

Summary Table Details

Note that the Sample.Name column is repeated regularly to aid in readability in the report documents. Numbers are appended to the ends of the repeated column headers.

The table below provides details about each column found in four different output documents.

  • summary.txt is the primary summary output document from Cecret, and the name of the field in summary.txt is found under "summary.txt column" below.
  • index.html is a lightly modified version of summary.txt. Fields may be removed in index.html relative to summary.txt, but there are no additional fields. Fields with pass/fail thresholds are visually coded to reflect their score. The name of the field is found under "index.html column" below.
  • push_to_elims.txt and SC2_Variant_WGS_Run_Summary.pdf contain identical names for columns that they share, and those column names are listed under "eLIMS report column" below. push_to_elims.txt contains the subset of fields from summary.txt that are uploaded into eLIMS. SC2_Variant_WGS_Run_Summary.pdf is another copy of summary.txt with an electronic signature page for recording official CLIA approvals of the data. There are three tables in SC2_Variant_WGS_Run_Summary.pdf, "eLIMS Fields" for the fields that are entered into eLIMS, "Other QC Fields" for other QC data that is not uploaded to eLIMS, and "Other Dry Lab Fields" for everything else that is in summary.txt but not uploaded to eLIMS or used for CLIA QC.

The "use" column indicates whether a row is reported in eLIMS, not reported in eLIMS, or is an official CLIA QC metric that is reported (QC-R) or not reported (QC-NR).

use summary.txt column index.html column eLIMS report column threshold value description
not reported sample_id Sample.ID not included not null Sample ID fragment starting at beginning and going through first hyphen
reported not included not included CSID not null
reported not included not included CUID not null
not reported sample Sample.Name not included not null Full sample identifier
not reported aligner_version not included not included not null
not reported ivar_version not included not included not null
reported pangolin_lineage Pangolin Lineage not null
QC-NR pangolin_status Pangolin.QC not included passed
not reported nextclade_clade NextClade not included
QC-R fastqc_raw_reads_1 #FastQC.R1 Total Reads >=100,000
not reported fastqc_raw_reads_2 #FastQC.R2 not included >=100,00
not reported seqyclean_pairs_kept_after_cleaning #Seqyclean.Pairs not included
not reported seqyclean_percent_kept_after_cleaning %Seqyclean.Pairs not included
not reported fastp_reads_passed not included not included
QC-R depth_after_trimming Depth.Post.Trim Average Depth >=100x
QC-R coverage_after_trimming Coverage.Post.Trim Percent Genome Coverage >= 90% with SME discretion to go as low as 60% if mutations reported
not reported %_human_reads %Human.Reads not included
not reported %_SARS-COV-2_reads %SC2.Reads not included
not reported ivar_num_variants_identified #iVar.Variants not included
not reported bcftools_variants_identified #BCFTools.Variants not included
not reported bedtools_num_failed_amplicons #BEDTools.Failed.Amps not included
not reported samtools_num_failed_amplicons SAMTools.Failed.Amps not included
not reported num_N #N not included
not reported num_degenerage #Degenerate not included
not reported num_ACTG #ACTG not included
not reported num_total #Total.Bases not included
not reported Total_Reads_Analyzed Total.Reads.Analyzed not included
QC-NR %_N %N not included <10%
not reported ave_cov_depth Mean.Cov.Depth not included
QC-R %_Reads_Matching_SC2_Ref %Reads.Mapping.SC2 Percent Mapped Reads >=65%
not reported vadr_status Vadr not included
not reported vdr_sample_orfshift Vadr.All.ORF.Shift not included
QC-NR vdr_sgene_orftshift Vadr.S.ORF.Shift Frameshifts false
reported S_aa_indels AA.Changes.S Spike Protein Substitutions not null list of insertions, deletions, and substitutions found in the amino acids reported for the S gene
not reported len_largest_insertion Length.Longest.Insert not included
not reported len_largest_deletion Length.Longest.Del not included
reported pangoLEARN_version pangoLearn.v pangoLEARN Version not null
reported pangolin_subs #Lineage.Subs Number of Lineage-Defined Substitutions not null
reported GenBank# GenBank# GenBank Accession # NA until # obtained
QC-R ORFs.Passing.QC ORFs.Passing.QC Open Reading Frames >=10 a count of ORFs with >=95% coverage and mean depth of >=100x
QC-R Coverage.S Coverage.S S-gene Coverage >= 95% percentage of positions in the predicted S gene length that have any (even 1 read) sequencing data
not reported Mean.Depth.S Mean.Depth.S not included mean depth of coverage of sequencing across predicted S gene
not reported Percent.Pos.Min.Cov.S Percent.Pos.Min.Cov.S not included percentage of positions in the S gene that meet minimum coverage threshold
QC-NR Percent.Ns.S Percent.Ns.S not included <10% percentage of Ns in the region of the consensus sequence for the S gene


  • The Singularity container described in singularity-r.def. For details on obtaining and using container, see the README.
  • Scripts (within the Singularity container unless noted)
    • config.R controls the rendering of the html and pdf versions of the report. View the help document using singularity exec --bind /mnt,<hostMntPt> <containerName> Rscript /opt/config.R --help. Note that the mount point in the host directory tree must be high enough to include all required input files and output locations below it.
    • HTML report
      • index.Rmd produces an easier to read version of summary.txt from the Cecret analysis output.
      • runInfo.Rmd produces an easier to read version of SampleSheet.csv in the sequencer output directory.
      • runQC.Rmd produces a page with links to MultiQC report and displays insert size histograms for each sample.
      • ampliconCov.Rmd produces detailed amplicon coverage analysis for each sample. Calls ampliconDetailTemplate.Rmd to generate subpages.
      • sGene.Rmd blank for future development.
      • about.Rmd produces a list of output directories and the version of component software used to generate them.
    • PDF report
      • report_headers_template.tex is a template document customizing the PDF report's page headers and footers. See Note for more information. Found only in repo, not in Singularity container.
      • clia_sig_page.Rmd is manually rendered to create a PDF with signature lines for CLIA documentation. See Note for more information. Found only in repo, not in Singularity container.
      • clia_summary.Rmd produces a PDF containing tables of the information found in the Cecret output summary.txt organized in a way that is easier for the CLIA supervisor to review.
      • render_clia_sig.R renders a signature PDF that is reused each time a report is generated. See Note for more information.
      • render_clia_report_blank.R renders a blank version of a PDF report. Typical use is inclusion in CLIA certification packages. See Note for more information. Found only in repo, not in Singularity container.
  • Reference documents


Customizing Report Headers and Footers for CLIA or QMS

To customize the PDF that serves as the official record of the run and is signed by the CLIA Technical Supervisor, you must modify report_headers_template.tex.

Open the file in a text editor and scroll to the bottom.

  • To modify the report title in the page headers, edit the following line. The existing header reads "SARS-CoV-2 Variant Whole Genome Sequencing Run Summary". \chead{\textbf{SARS-CoV-2 Variant Whole Genome Sequencing Run Summary}}
  • By default each page will be numbered in the lower right corner of the header, but since the signature sheet is rendered separately from the report, the signature page will always be numbered 1 even though it appears at the end of the final output PDF. You can resolve this by removing the line \rhead{\thepage} from the .tex file before rendering the signature page (usually performed only once on initial set up of the pipeline) and rendering the signature page without a page number, then putting the line back in before running the pipeline. This will result in a correctly numbered report with an unnumbered signature page at the end.
  • To customize the version number of your document in the footer, replace the "#" in the following line with the desired version identifier. \cfoot{\textbf{Ver. No.} #}
  • To customize the document identifier number in the footer, replace the "#" in the following line with the desired identifier. \lfoot{\textbf{Doc. No.} #}
  • To customize the effective date in the footer, modify the placeholder date of 01/01/1900 in the following line. \rfoot{\textbf{Effective Date:} 01/01/1900}

Once modifications are complete, save the file as `report_headers.tex` in `SC2CLIA/Cecret/configs/internal`.

Rendering the CLIA Signature Page Template

The CLIA signature page template file clia_sig_page.Rmd found in SC2/Cecret/bin/report must be manually rendered to create a PDF before running the pipeline. This PDF is reused by all subsequent analysis runs of the pipeline by appending it to the PDF of results tables outputted by each run.

To render this page, we recommend you first see the instructions in the above section regarding the customization of the page headers and footers. Once customization is complete, navigate to the directory SINGULARITY-CACHE and check for the container sc2clia-cecret-r:version#.sif. Note that the container is not included in the git repo and must be obtained first (more info here). Once you have a copy of the container, run the command singularity run --bind /mnt,<hostMntPt> --app sig_page <singularity_container_name.sif> <inputRMD> <inputTEX> <outputDir>. The PDF will automatically render as clia_sig.pdf in . Run command singularity exec --bind /mnt,<hostMntPt> <containerName> Rscript /opt/render_clia_sig.R --help to see help documentation. Move clia_sig.pdf to SC2CLIA/Cecret/configs/internal for use by the pipeline.

Alternatively, if you have a reasonably modern version of R installed locally, you can render the file using that install instead of the Singularity image by running Rscript Cecret/bin/report/render_clia_sig.R -r <inputRMD> -t <inputTEX> -d <outputDir> from the SC2CLIA directory.

If you wish to keep your entire records system digital for CLIA, we recommend you use a program such as Adobe Acrobat Pro to create fillable fields on the clia_sig.pdf file before running the full pipeline.

Rendering an Empty CLIA Report for Workflow Validation

It is common for groups creating a CLIA workflow validation package to include a mocked up or blank copy of a report in the package. To produce an empty report (includes tables and page headers/footers without any data) with a sign off sheet for the CLIA Technical Supervisor, navigate to the directory Cecret/SINGULARITY-CACHE and run the command singularity run --bind /mnt,<hostMntPt> --app report_blank <containerName> <inputTEX> <inputSig> <outputDir>. We recommend only running this script using the R Singularity container included in the pipeline because this script has a non-R dependency. The output file is SC2_Variant_WGS_Run_Summary_blank.pdf in the output directory.

Full Rmd Parameter Documentation

  • Common params across most report Rmd documents
    • analysisDirFP: Cecret output directory, full path
    • runID: sequencing run identifier, string
    • seqDirFP: sequencing data directory, full path
  • Document-specific params
    • index.Rmd, clia_summary.Rmd
      • sampleIDInsertFreq: number of columns after which the script repeats the sample ID column in wide tables
    • clia_summary.Rmd
      • runNormal: when TRUE, document renders with data filled into tables. When FALSE, renders tables with single row of NA instead of data
      • in_header: LaTeX document name that contains header and footer information
    • runQC.Rmd
      • multiQC: location of MultiQC report HTML
      • insertDir: directory to search for insert sizes data
      • insertFileSuffix: redundant file suffix to trim off of insert sizes files to obtain sample ID
      • expectedInsertSize: expect insert sizes in bp
      • extremeInsertSize: threshold for considering an insert size extreme in bp
    • ampliconCov.Rmd
      • pacbamDir: directory to search for pacbam files
      • pacbamFileSuffix: redundant file suffix to trim off of pacbam files to obtain sample ID
      • ampBED: amplicon BED file
      • ampMinCov: minimum depth of coverage acceptable for any given nucleotide in the amplicon
      • ampMeanCov: minimum mean depth of coverage acceptable for amplicon
      • ampMaxNFail: maximum number of amplicons that may fail and the sample still pass
      • ampMinNPass: minimum number of amplicons that must pass for the sample to pass