ROS2 composable node that generates PoseStamped, Velocity and the Trajectory of the simulated PX4 UAV.
Additionally, it generetas the tf from the map
frame to the UAV's base_link
Topic | Type | Input/output | Description |
vehicle_path | nav_msgs::msg::Path |
Output | The path taken by the drone |
vehicle_pose | geometry_msgs::msg::PoseStamped |
Output | The current pose of the drone |
vehicle_velocity | visualization_msgs::msg::Marker |
Output | The current velocity vector of the drone |
Name | Description |
base_frame | The base frame's name for the tf |
child_frame | The child frame's name for the tf |
pub.pose | Bool to publish the pose msgs |
pub.vel | Bool to publish the velocity vector msgs |
pub.path | Bool to publish the path msgs |