Releases: GEOS-ESM/GMI
v1.4.0 on 2025-02-04: JPL19 update to HFC+S mechanism
This release adds a mechanism option. If that option is not chosen, then the run is zero-diff.
@ssteenro incorporated the JPL19-5 chemical updates into the HFC+S mechanism.
This new mech is available under StratTrop_JPL19/
The prior version is still available under StratTrop_HFC_S/
Mechanism choice is made at compile time.
With parallel_build, use this option: -gmi_mechanism StratTrop_JPL19
to get the new version.
The "wetchem" run-time option is now removed.
It was meant as way to toggle off an aqueous chemical reaction, but it was never used.
What's Changed
Full Changelog: v1.3.1...v1.4.0
v1.3.1 on 2025-01-21: volcanic features (for Hunga simulations)
Added features required for the 2024 Hunga experiments, including treatment of SO4v, lbssad_opt 5 (for CARMA), and using volcanic sulfate surface area density and effective radius from the AERO state.
This release is zero diff from the previous one, unless you use a new feature.
What's Changed
- GitFlow: Merge main into develop by @mathomp4 in #20
- Update GitHub Actions by @mathomp4 in #21
- Update github actions by @mmanyin in #23
- add features from Hunga work by @mmanyin in #24
- Update CI to orb v4 by @mathomp4 in #25
- edit CHANGELOG prior to release v1.3.1 by @mmanyin in #26
- merge Develop into Main, prior to v1.3.1 by @mmanyin in #27
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.3.1
v1.3.0 on 2024-05-07: Better convergence, ExtData boundary conds
This release is non-zero-diff compared to the previous release.
Two changes were added to the codebase toward the end of Benchmark G: tighter tolerance for the solver (better convergence); zero het chem rates when HCl is too small (reduces HCl anomalies).
Additional changes:
Forced Boundary Conditions are now read in via ExtData (old ASCII file approach is still available, but not used as the default). "Missing bromine" is automatically added, for both the Orig and HFC+S mechanisms. Flux boundary conditions for CH2BR2 and CHBR3 have been added, for the HFC+S mech (they had been missing). The ExtData yaml file has been modified, to cover more years (e.g. SO2 fire flux now includes future years from SSP2-4.5).
What's Changed
- Add ExtData Boundary Conditions by @mmanyin in #13
- Update CircleCI to use Orb v2 by @mathomp4 in #14
- Boundary conditions, automatic Bromine, and mods to HFC mech configuration by @mmanyin in #16
- Improve convergence in Solver by @mmanyin in #17
- Edit CHANGELOG prior to release by @mmanyin in #18
- Features for v1.3.0 by @mmanyin in #19
Full Changelog: v1.2.0...v1.3.0
v1.2.0 on 2023-12-07: updates from Benchmark G
This release is non-zero-diff for GMI simulations. It is zero-diff for all others.
It includes fixes, additions and updates.
- QQJK diag calc had bug, used time(t+dt) constituents ibstead of time(t) fields
- Fixed bug in Emissions and Deposition where SZA degrees was used instead of cosine(SZA)
- Fixed units for degassing volcano point emissions
- Improved handling of phot_opt cases; allows for phot_opt == 0 again
- Improved handling of sad_opt cases; allows for sad_opt == 0 again
- Capability for AERO_PROVIDER=GOCART2G data-driven (
- Export OCS_JRATE for use by ACHEM
- Update CI to use Baselibs default from the CircleCI orb
- Changed a few kcalc SAD reactions to use JPL 2019 approach
- ExtData now uses Benchmark G configuration (yaml)
- Emissions including 2D, 3D and point source (volcano) now are done as in Benchmark G, including FF fugitive emiss
- Isoprene scaling changed from 1 to 0.7
- Boundary condition file now includes HFCs, and no longer includes extra Br (when HFC mech is chosen)
What's Changed
- Feature/mmanyin/update for achem and gocart data by @mmanyin in #7
- Update CI to use Baselibs 7.13.0 by @mathomp4 in #8
- fix for QQJK diag bug by @ssteenro in #9
- Update CircleCI to use Orb Default Baselibs and BCs by @mathomp4 in #10
- Edits from Benchmark G by @mmanyin in #11
- Preparing for GMI release v1.2.0 by @mmanyin in #12
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v1.1.0...v1.2.0
v1.1.0 on 2023-04-24: Aerosols from GOCART2G; SZA from MAPL
This PR is non-zero-diff for GMI simulations due to SZA.
Solar zenith angle had been computed locally for Emission and Deposition, but now SZA is
taken from MAPL, as had been done for Photolysis.
Aerosols from GOCART2G are now supported. Also, GMI can provide its own aerosols (via ExtData).
NOTE: this requires CHEMISTRY release v1.13.1 or later.
- Added capability for AERO_PROVIDER=GOCART2G
- Added capability for AERO_PROVIDER=GMICHEM
- Added capability for AERO_PROVIDER=CARMA (uses GMICHEM right now)
- Changed default aerosdust filename (for case AERO_PROVIDER=GMICHEM)
- Removed code that might have eventually run GOCART-like aerosols from within the GMI framework (note: doubtful this ever worked and would take significant effort to get working
- Instead of calling the GMI routines for SZA (in Chem_Shared), now call a wrapper for the corresponding MAPL routine
What's Changed
- AERO_PROVIDER=GMICHEM and cleaned up non-working code by @ssteenro in #1
- Reset default aerodust filenames by @ssteenro in #4
- Use solar zenith angle from MAPL by @mmanyin in #3
- Feature/vvalenti/gocart2g to gmi connectivity by @vlvalenti in #2
- Edited CHANGELOG prior to v1.1.0 release by @mmanyin in #5
- AERO_PROVIDER can now be GOCART2G, GMICHEM; get SZA from MAPL by @mmanyin in #6
New Contributors
- @ssteenro made their first contribution in #1
- @mmanyin made their first contribution in #3
- @vlvalenti made their first contribution in #2
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.1.0
Initial release of GMI based on GMIchem_GridComp code from GEOSchem_GridComp v1.11.0