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Hyomoto edited this page Dec 12, 2020 · 16 revisions
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DsStack( values... )

Implements: DsChain

A garbage-collected stack.

stack = new DsStack()

stack.push( "Hello!" )
show_debug_message( stack.pop() );


Name Type Purpose
values... mixed The initial values to be pushed to the stack.


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push( values... )

Returns: N/A undefined

Name Type Purpose
values... mixed The values to be pushed onto the stack.

top( values... )

Returns: N/A undefined

Name Type Purpose
values... mixed Returns the value on top of the stack.

pop( values... )

Returns: N/A undefined

Name Type Purpose
values... mixed Removes the value on top of the stack and returns it.


Returns: DsStack

Name Type Purpose

Returns a copy of this DsStack.

is( type )

Returns: boolean (true or false)

Name Type Purpose
type Constructor The Constructor to compare this against.

Returns true if the provided type is DsStack.


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