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Array( array/size, default )

Implements: None

A wrapper for primitive arrays and an interface for building more complex ones.

 array = new Array( 10, 0 );

 array = new Array( [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ] );


Name Type Purpose
array/size undef {mixed} Either the starting array to use, or the size of the array to create.
default undef {mixed} optional: if provided, will fill the newly created array. Default: undefined


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toArray toString is


Returns: N/A undefined

Name Type Purpose

Used as a template interface for constructors that inherit Array


Returns: N/A undefined

Name Type Purpose

Returns an array containing all of the unique elements in the array.

concat( target )

Returns: array ([values...])

Name Type Purpose
target array The array to combine

Returns an array containing all the elements from both arrays..

difference( target )

Returns: array ([values...])

Name Type Purpose
target array The array to subtract

Returns an array containing every element not in the provided array.

union( target )

Returns: array ([values...])

Name Type Purpose
target array The array to union with

Returns an array containing all of the unique elements between both arrays.

contains( value )

Returns: int (0..)

Name Type Purpose
value mixed The value to search for

Return the first index which contains value, or -1 if it wasn't found.

set( index, value )

Returns: value

Name Type Purpose
index int The index to set
value mixed The value to assign

Used to set an element in the array.

get( index )

Returns: Mixed

Name Type Purpose
index int The index to retrieve

Used to get an element from the array.

resize( size, default )

Returns: N/A undefined

Name Type Purpose
size int The new size for the array
default mixed optional: the value the array any new elements will be populated with. Default is undefined


Returns: array ([values...])

Name Type Purpose

Returns the structure as a array.

toString( divider )

Returns: string ("string")

Name Type Purpose
divider string optional: The divider between each element. Default: ", "

Returns a comma-separated string(by default) of all values in the array.

is( type )

Returns: boolean (true or false)

Name Type Purpose
type Constructor The Constructor to compare this against.

Returns true if the provided type is Array.


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