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HtmlColor object API

Michael Miller edited this page May 24, 2024 · 6 revisions

HtmlColor represents a color object that uses the Html color value standard that is represented by a single uint32_t. The primary use of this class is to convert to other color objects.

NOTE: HtmlColor has no concept of W channels. It can be converted to RGB, but when converted to RGBW, RGBWW, and RGBWWW the W channels will always be empty.

Below is an example that will create a RgbColor with the Html color value for yellow.

RgbColor yellow( HtmlColor( 0xffff00 ) );


There is one property that represents the coded component values Red, Green, and Blue. The values range from 0 to 0xffffff. Black would 0 and white would be 0xffffff.
This value is three coded bytes of red, green, blue component values. The value 0xff7f10 decoded is red = 255 (0xff), green = 127 (x7f), and blue = 16 (0x10).

uint32_t Color;


HtmlColor(uint32_t color) :

Constructs a HtmlColor using the given value.

  • color - a 24-bit value stored within a uint32_t in RGB order.

HtmlColor(RgbColor color);

Construct a HtmlColor using a RgbColor , converting the Rgb component values to the single Html value.

  • color - a RgbColor object.


Construct a HtmlColor that will have its values set in latter operations.
CAUTION: The Color member is not initialized and may not be consistent until set.


static HtmlColor BilinearBlend(HtmlColor c00, HtmlColor c01, HtmlColor c10, HtmlColor c11, float x, float y);

This will blend between four colors by the amount defined by 2d weighting values.

  • c00 - upper left quadrant color.
  • c01 - upper right quadrant color.
  • c10 - lower left quadrant color.
  • c11 - lower right quadrant color.
  • x - unit value (0.0 - 1.0) that defines the blend progress in horizontal space.
  • y - unit value (0.0 - 1.0) that defines the blend progress in vertical space.

template <typename T_HTMLCOLORNAMES> size_t Parse(const char* name, size_t nameSize);

This will parse the given string and set the color based on the value. The string is expected to be in a HTML4/CSS3 supported format.

T_HTMLCOLORNAMES - a HtmlColorName object (either HtmlColorNames or HtmlShortColorNames) that defines the collection of color names to use. HtmlColorNames will consume more program space as it contains the full set of standard names.

  • name - the string to parse, ending at either null terminated, non-alphanumeric delimited, or nameSize count.
  • nameSize - the size of the name buffer, max number of chars to parse.
  • <returns> - the count of chars parsed (excludes null terminator). Add this to name to get the next char after the parsed value.
    HtmlColor color;
    uint8_t result = color.Parse<HtmlColorNames>(buf, bufSize);

template <typename T_HTMLCOLORNAMES> size_t Parse(const char* name);

Alternative to Parse above, the string MUST be null terminated.

template <typename T_HTMLCOLORNAMES> size_t Parse(String const &name);

Alternative to Parse above, takes a standard String object instead.

template <typename T_HTMLCOLORNAMES> size_t ToString(char* buf, size_t bufSize) const;

This will convert the color value to a standard HTML/CSS3 color string. If a standard friendly name is available it will use it; otherwise it will provide a numerical "#hhhhhh" formatted string.

T_HTMLCOLORNAMES - a HtmlColorName object (either HtmlColorNames or HtmlShortColorNames) that defines the collection of color names to use. HtmlColorNames will consume more program space as it contains the full set of standard names.

  • buf - the buffer to write the string into.
  • bufSize - the size of the buf, room must be provided for a null terminator.
  • <returns> - the number of chars written into the buffer.


    HtmlColor color;
    color.ToString<HtmlShortColorNames>(buf, bufSize);

size_t ToNumericalString(char* buf, size_t bufSize) const;

This will convert the color value to a standard HTML/CSS3 color string. It will always provide a numerical "#hhhhhh" formatted string.

  • buf - the buffer to write the string into.
  • bufSize - the size of the buf, room must be provided for a null terminator.
  • <returns> - the number of chars written into the buffer.
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