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SevenSegDigit object API

Michael Miller edited this page Apr 5, 2023 · 3 revisions

SevenSegDigit represents a color object that is represented by A, B, C, D, E, F, G, decimal, and special component values; which represent the names of the segments of a seven segment display.


There is one property that represent the component values of the segments. The values in each location range from 0 to 255. Black or off would 0 and white or full on would be 255. The index can be addressed by the enum LedSegment.

uint8_t Segment[Count];

There are also a few constant properties that are helpful to use. These are..


The highest value for a single segment element.

    const static uint16_t Max = 255;


The number of segment elements. Useful when accessing the elements using the [] operators.

    const static size_t Count = 9;


SevenSegDigit(uint8_t defaultBrightness)

Construct a SevenSegDigit with all segments set to the provided brightness.

  • defaultBrightness - the brightness applied to all segments; where (0) = off, (128) = dim, (255) = full bright

SevenSegDigit(uint8_t bitmask, uint8_t brightness, uint8_t defaultBrightness = 0)

Construct a SevenSegDigit with a segment bitmask that brightness is applied to 1s and defaultBrightness is applied to the 0s.

  • bitmask - a bit mask of segments to set, in order from left to right (.gfedcba).
  • brightness - brightness level to apply to segments with a 1 in bit from bitmask.
  • defaultBrightness - brightness level to apply to segments with a 0 in bit from bitmask.

SevenSegDigit(char letter, uint8_t brightness, uint8_t defaultBrightness = 0, bool maintainCase = false)

Construct a SevenSegDigit using the provided char mapped to segments.

  • letter - ASCI char that gets mapped to segments to represent it
  • brightness - brightness level to apply to char segments
  • defaultBrightness - brightness level to apply to background segments
  • maintainCase - should the mapping maintain the case of the given char, true - honor given case, false - force to capital


Construct a SevenSegDigit that will have its values set in latter operations.
CAUTION: The members are not initialized and may not be consistent.


uint8_t CalculateBrightness();

CalculateBrightness will calculate the overall brightness.
NOTE: This is a simple linear brightness

SevenSegDigit Dim(uint8_t ratio);

Dim will return a new SevenSegDigit that is blended to off with the given ratio.
NOTE: This is a simple linear change.

  • ratio - (0-255) where 255 will return the original color and 0 will return off.

SevenSegDigit Brighten(uint8_t ratio);

Brighten will return a new SevenSegDigit that is blended to full on with the given ratio.
NOTE: This is a simple linear change.

  • ratio - (0-255) where 255 will return the original color and 0 will return full on.

void Darken(uint8_t delta);

Darken will adjust the SevenSegDigit by the given delta toward off.
NOTE: This is a simple linear change.

  • delta - (0-255) the amount to dim the SevenSegDigit by.

void Lighten(uint8_t delta);

Lighten will adjust the SevenSegDigit by the given delta toward full on.
NOTE: This is a simple linear change.

  • delta - (0-255) the amount to lighten the SevenSegDigit by.

static SevenSegDigit LinearBlend(SevenSegDigit left, SevenSegDigit right, float progress);

This will blend between two SevenSegDigits by the amount defined by the progress variable.

  • left - the SevenSegDigit to start the blend at.
  • right - the SevenSegDigit to end the blend at.
  • progress - (0.0f - 1.0f) value where 0.0f will return left and 1.0f will return right and a value between will blend the brightness of each segment weighted linearly between them.
    This is a static function, which means you need to call it scoped to the object class and not an instance like...
    SevenSegDigit results = SevenSegDigit::LinearBlend(SevenSegDigit('0', 255), SevenSegDigit('1', 255), 0.33f);

static SevenSegDigit LinearBlend(SevenSegDigit left, SevenSegDigit right, uint8_t progress);

This will blend between two SevenSegDigits by the amount defined by the progress variable.

  • left - the SevenSegDigit to start the blend at.
  • right - the SevenSegDigit to end the blend at.
  • progress - (0 - 255) value where 0 will return left and 255 will return right and a value between will blend the the brightness of each segment weighted linearly between them.
    This is a static function, which means you need to call it scoped to the object class and not an instance like...
    SevenSegDigit results = SevenSegDigit::LinearBlend(SevenSegDigit('0', 255), SevenSegDigit('1', 255), 85);


uint8_t operator[](size_t idx)

The index operator allows accessing the segments with an index directly on the object. There are both read only and read write versions.

   uint8_t decimalBrightness = digit[LedSegment_Decimal];


enum LedSegment.

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