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AMBER Robot Studio software quickstart

AMBER B1 edited this page Sep 25, 2022 · 4 revisions

AMBER B1 Robotic Studio is a cross-platform web-based tool that provides Controlling, Dragging to program, monitoring, and testing functions for AMBER Multi-Axis robots and gripper.

Getting Start

**Important: ** EVERY time to launch AMBER B1, please follow the steps below exactly.

Step 1, Make sure B1 is POWERED ON with ZERO POSITION.

About Zero Position, see

Step 2, keep the e-stop in RELEASE mode, power on the Master box. Open a terminal and run



*** If AMBER B1 doesn't work or something wrong, please see the backend service log by the link below. Or mail it to us to help to locate the issues.

Useful:Debug mode for AMBER B1 control.

If there is any issue or you want to see the AMBER B1 ROS2 and B1 backend service log, try another bash command as below.

Step 1, Open a terminal to start AMBER Master Service for ROS2.

sudo -sE ros2 launch amber_b1_bringup

Step 2, Open another terminal to start AMBR backend serveice, the current directory should be /home/amber.

python3 amber_robot_studio_backend/ runserver

By this way, you will see the log for AMBER ROS and backend service, this will be helpful to locate the issue once you need help.

Step 3, open firefox and visit

If everthing goes well, the degree of the aixes will be updated on the MAIN page.

Main page

  • The connection status between B1 and Master System. If it shows disconnected, pls click the button to connect them.

  • The power status of B1, click the power button to power the B1 on EVERY TIME.

  • This area shows the Joint (or Actuator) degree from the 0 position. Click button,+, the joint will make a clockwise turn (it's 3 degrees by default), the button,-, make a turn on the oppsite side.

  • Section TCP(Tool Center Position), the status will follow the step with the Joint Space changing.

    ***Important: If you click the button in the section TCP, please click the Z axis first to keep the B1 to an available attidude, the other axis's button, X/Y/Roll/Pitch/Yaw, will works.

  • It shows B1's Arm Angel status.

  • When you change this number, the B1 will change the speed to make turns. The number means how many second when you click + or - once in Joint Space.

  • The B1 will go back to the zero position once you click the home button.

Dragging to program Dragging(teaching & learning mode) will help to program by dragging B1 to follow the track you want. It's a web based Graphical User Interface with kinematics algorithm at the backend providing user friendly environment for controlling the end-effector of robot arm locally or remotely.

**Important: Keeping B1 on Zero position before dragging.

  • Input a file name or open a file created before, click the Record button while you're ready to drag. Click when it's done.
  • ![] Open a file to replay. The replay repeats until you Click .
  • To adjust the sampling frequency to meet your requests. It's 200ms by default. --Currently we suggest it's less than 30 seconds for every dragging.

Calibration When you are familiar with B1 and want to reset or change the zero position, just click the button "Calibrate" behind the axis number. The axis connected to the power cable is No.1 by default.


**Important: DO auto-calibrate first everytime before you use gripper just by clicking

To adjust the intensity of the gripper to hold the payload. It's 10 by default.

Gripper AMBER offers to access the Master, control B1 locally or remotely. Connect the Master to a router (DHCP enabled) by a regular Ethernet cable to get IP. When it's done, you can access AMBER Robotic Studio by web browser on any device. If WLAN or LAN's firewall is enabled, please add tcp port 80, 8080 and UDP port 25001 to inbound rules.