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Doom Mod Loader - v2.5 Gold [Windows]

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@Premo36 Premo36 released this 22 Apr 17:31
· 13 commits to master since this release

Please read this whole page before downloading. Also take a look to the readme bundled with the software.
This is the download for the Windows version, if you're on Linux/Mac OS, please follow the instructions for the mono version here

Note: This is temporarly in "pre-release" state until I'm sure it does not have any bug and I can publish it on moddb and rollout the update notification via the internal update system. For now the internal updater notification will prompt you to install the old 2.4 version, so just ignore it for the next few days.

Before I start this text-wall, I want to stop for a second and thank eviltechno on moddb, as most of the new features have been developed starting from some of his suggestions, as v2.5 initially started only as a port for Linux.

This version as been tested only on Windows 10 (21H2) but it should run without any issue also on older windows version like 8.1 or 7 (If fully up-to-date). It may work also on XP, but it's never been tested under that OS.
Needs .net framework version 3.5 to work. If you don't have it installed or unsure about it, be sure to be connected to the internet the first time you open DML 2.X so that if it's missing, Windows can ask if you want to install it. On 7/8.1/10 it's an automated process, basically you just need to click ok/yes when prompted. On XP you may need to install net framework 3.5 manually, as DML 2.X will just crash on launch if the needed net framework it's missing. Again remember that it was never tested on XP. Take a look to the readme .txt bundled with the download for more info.

As always, make a backup of your CONFIG folder before updating! So if anything goes wrong you don't have to remade everything from scratch!

You may need to update your preset to store the new gzdoom way to set the rendering. If unsure on what those setting means or you're using an older gzdoom version that still use the old system, select "SDL + OPENGL | OPENGL" and "HARDWARE ACCELERETED (OPENGL)" or "DOOM SOFTWARE RENDERER". Take a look to the zdoom wiki for more info

Changelog v2.4 => v2.5


  • Now it works under Linux/Mac through mono (Be sure to have downloaded the mono version, the one with "mono" in the exe name, and follow the instructions otherwise it will not work! The page you are reading it's for the windows one that will NOT work in any way under Linux/Mac) (#12)
  • The preset name it's now fully visible while browsing the preset list, no matter how long the preset is (#13).
  • Mods list "Order By" value it's now kept between application launches (#8).
  • Preset order can now be changed via the software settings. Possible order are "Alphabetical - Ascending", "Alphabetical - Descending" , "Date - Ascending" and "Date - Descending" (#11).
  • Mods list can now also be ordered by "Date - Ascending" and "Date - Descending".
  • Added a workaround that mitigate the gzdoom bug where quicksave made with 'BIND [KEY] "SAVE QUICKSAVE.ZDS"' are saved in the wrong folder. Can be enabled in DML 2.X preferences. (Windows/Linux only) (#14) .
  • In the mod order window, the selected mod can now be pushed directly to the top/bottom of the list also by using pageUP/pageDOWN (#19).
  • Now the mod that you always use can be placed in a preset and loaded automatically each time you play, just select the preset in the "autoload" combobox in the "Game" section of DML 2.X (#20).
  • Updated the renderer selection in order to work with the newest gzdoom releases(#21).
  • Added a monero address in the welcome/about windows and readme txt, in case anyone wants to donate.


  • Fixed bug where the DMLv2.ini will store the whole path of the alternative sourceport configuration file instead of just the name, making DML 2.X not fully portable (#9) .
  • Fixed bug where the "please insert a preset name" error message had of a information icon instead of an error one (#18).
  • Fixed bug where the mods list extension filter only showed matching file that had a lowercase extension. Now it shows all matches (#24).



As for this version, the only tested sourceport are:
(Remember that as long as it follows the zdoom command line standard, any engine will work fine)


  • GZdoom (v4.7.1), -height and -width do not work due to gzdoom way of handling resolution)
  • LZdoom (v3.87c)
  • Zandronum (3.1)
  • Zdoom(2.8.1)
  • QZDoom (2.1.0)
  • Skulltag(98d)

PARTIAL COMPATIBILITY (Some DML features will not work):

  • Chocolate Doom (3.0.1)
  • PrBoom+ (2.6.2)

Note: Some antivirus on virustotal (and maybe locally) flag it as malicious. I've tried to report this issue to both virustotal and the AV companies, but in the end I've just wasted time getting either ghosted or getting conflicting information where Virustotal says they can't do anything and that I should have contacted the AV company while the AV company says they can't do anything and that I've should have contacted virustotal... So if your AV flag it as malicious either whitelist it if you trust me, report it yourself to your AV company or take a look to the sourcecode and compile it yourself (The "master" brench is for Windows, the "mono" brench is for Linux/MacOS).

How to update from an older DML version

  • DML v2.2 (or newer): You can just replace the old .exe with the new one keeping all your configuration files, and it should work right away, but just to be extra safe, go ahead and make a backup before updating, so if it messes up your presets or configuration files you can restore them without the need of re-configure everything from scratch. If you still have the "P36_UTILITIES.dll" you can safely delete it as it's no longer used since v2.2b.
  • DML v2.1: Move all the contents of %AppData%\Roaming\P36_Software\DMLv2\ inside the CONFIG folder next to dml exe, then follow the v2.2 (or newer) instructions.
  • DML v2.0/v2.0b: You have to first download the 2.1 version, go trough the presets update procedure (explained in the 2.1 readme) and then follow the v2.1 instructions.
  • DML v1.0/v1.1: There is no way to update from 1.X to 2.X, you will have to recreate your presets from scratch.

I've found a bug/something is not working right/I have a suggestion/I want to contact you

If you find any bug with this version please report it trough github (if you're familiar with it), or by sending an email at with subject "DML 2.5 *Here your OS* Bug - *Here describe the bug in a few words*" and in the mail itself try to explain with much accuracy and details as possible what happened, what did you expect it should have happened and a step by step guide on how to reproduce it, as if I can't reproduce it on my end, I can't fix it.

If you just want to contact me you can get in touch via email:


If you like my work and you would like to support me, you can send monero to this address:

NOTE: Donation will NEVER be required, but are more than welcome ;) Don't worry if you can't/don't want to donate as it will not change the way I work. I would not make my software open source if I just wanted to profit from it.


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