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KissLick edited this page Dec 20, 2015 · 10 revisions

Wardens can spawn a square fence for prisoners (through TG fences menu). fence

###Fences settings

ConVar Description
tg_fence_type Fence type (or turn off fence)
tg_fence_height Height of fence
tg_fence_notify Notify in chat that player crossed laser fence
tg_fence_punishlength Time in seconds to punish (color and freeze) player who crossed laser fence
tg_fence_freeze Freeze player who crossed laser fence
tg_fence_color Color player who crossed laser fence
tg_fence_punishcolor Color used on punished player

File prefix `[FenceMaterial ]` - Example: `[FenceMaterial 1.0 255 255 255 255] materials/cable/bf_rope.vmt`
Argument Description
width Width of the fence beam/rope
r Rendered amount of red color (0-255)
g Rendered amount of green color (0-255)
b Rendered amount of blue color (0-255)
a Rendered amount of alpha (0-255)

File prefix `[FenceCorner]` - Example: `[FenceCorner] models/ks/tg/ring_corner.mdl`

Note #1


Note #2

You can also disable fences on certain maps. This way is better than ConVar tg_fence_type 0, because this won't precache needed models.

Example for jb_clouds_final5:
Create file jb_clouds_final5.disabled in directory configs/teamgames/fences/ (empty file is OK, the file just has to exist)