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Installation guide

KissLick edited this page Jan 13, 2016 · 35 revisions
  1. Download TeamGames release package
  2. Extract package somewhere
  • not on game server yet
  1. Delete unwanted modules
  • In addons/sourcemod/plugins
  1. Set ConVars in cfg/sourcemod/teamgames/
  2. Set your downloads.cfg
  1. Upload download files to game server and bziped files to fast download server
  • Those in extras/, but you can use your own (I suggest that...)
  1. Upload TeamGames on game server
  • addons/ and cfg/ directories
  1. Change map to load TeamGames and all modules at once
  • TeamGames will fill modules.cfg so you can adjust it
  1. Done! :-)

Some additional/optional steps:

  • Set chat colors in addons/sourcemod/configs/colorvariables

TeamGames release package

├── addons // Necessary for game server
│    │
│    └── sourcemod
│         │
│         ├── configs
│         │    │
│         │    ├── colorvariables // Set your chat colors here
│         │    │
│         │    └── teamgames // Downloads, Modules (TG menu), MoreMarks, Fences configs
│         │
│         ├── plugins // TeamGames core + modules
│         │
│         └── translations // Translations files for TeamGames
│              │
│              └── cze // Czech localization
├── cfg // Necessary for game server
│    │
│    └── sourcemod
│         │
│         └── teamgames // TeamGames (core + modules) ConVar configs
└── extras // Some extra files like models, materials and sounds (of course you can use your own)
    ├── prisoner team // Prisoner skins - broken -> upload fixed !!!
    ├── prisoner team bzip
    ├── countdown // Countdown before game starts
    ├── countdown bzip
    ├── game start-end // Game start/end sounds
    ├── game start-end bzip
    ├── star mark // Red/Blue warden marks
    ├── star mark bzip
    ├── fence corner // Model for fence corner
    ├── fence corner bzip
    ├── bombtoss flag // BombToss module target/flag model
    ├── bombtoss flag bzip
    ├── drunken rambo overlay // Overlay for Drunken Rambo game
    ├── drunken rambo overlay bzip
    ├── jetorebel // Czech sound for becoming a rebel
    ├── jetorebel bzip
    ├── rope // Useless now -> delete !!!
    └── rope bzip