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SoundCast to SeaCast

goreaditya edited this page Sep 17, 2024 · 2 revisions

The folder soundcast_to_seacast_scripts provides Python scripts that are used to convert SoundCast data to the SeaCast model's format. These scripts are not run part of a model run; instead, these scripts are used to convert data in the SoundCast model's format to the SeaCast model's zone system. if required. The folder soundcast_to_seacast_scripts\data contains the crosswalk files and traffic count data necessary to run some of these python scripts.

A script is run by opening a command window in the scripts folder (soundcast_to_seacast_scripts) and running the following:

[python_executable] [script_name]

where; python_executable=Anaconda python executable path. Ex. C:\Progra~1\Anaconda3\python.exe; script_name=one of the scripts in the list below Before running the script it is necessary to update all the file paths in the script to point to correct directories

Here is a list of the scripts available in the folder:

Name Description Updates zones in truck inputs Updates zones in primary parcel filetion summary input files Updates household zone in synthetic population Updates from/to zones for intrazonal inputs Updates transit fare zones in network file Update zones in model inputs and traffic counts in validation data found in the database file

Objective: This script updates truck inputs located under inputs/model/trucks: truck_districts.ens

Settings: Update the following settings before running the script:

Setting Value Description
wd r"E:\projects\clients\SeaTac\GitHub\SeaCast\inputs\model\trucks" Working directory containing truck input files; this should be directory with SoundCast data files
st_psrc_taz r'data\psrctaz_sttaz.csv' SoundCast to SeaCast zones correspondence in the data folder of the script

Outputs: The converted data files are produced in the working directory (wd) with "_st" appended to input file names.

Objective: This script updates zones in primary parcel file: inputs/scenario/landuse/parcels_urbansim.txt

Settings: The user needs to update the following settings before running the script:

Setting Value Description
wd r"E:/projects/clients/SeaTac/GitHub/SeaCastScenarioInputs/inputs/landuse/2018/land_use_2018" Working directory containing the primary parcel file; this should be directory with SoundCast data file
parcel_file 'parcels_urbansim.txt' Primary parcel file name
parcel_st_taz_file r"data/psrcprcl_sttaz.csv" SoundCast parcel to SeaCast zones correspondence in the data folder of the script

Outputs: The converted data file is produced in the working directory (wd) with "_st" appended to file name.

Objective: This script updates household zone in synthetic population: inputs/scenario/landuse/hh_and_person.h5.

Settings: Update the following settings before running the script:

Setting Value Description
wd r"E:/projects/clients/SeaTac/GitHub/SeaCastScenarioInputs/inputs/landuse/2018/land_use_2018" Working directory that contains PopSyn input files
popsynFileName "hh_and_persons.h5" Synthetic population file name
xwalkFile r"data/psrcprcl_sttaz.csv" SoundCast parcel to SeaCast zones correspondence in the data folder of the script

Outputs: The converted data file is produced in the working directory (wd) with "_st" appended to file name.

Objective: This script updates from/to zones for intrazonal inputs located under inputs/model/intrazonals:,,

Settings: Update the following settings before running the script:

Setting Value Description
wd r"E:\projects\clients\SeaTac\GitHub\SeaCast\inputs\model\intrazonals" Working directory that contains intrazonal files
files_list ["", "", ""] Intrazonal time and area files
st_psrc_taz r'data\psrctaz_sttaz.csv' SoundCast to SeaCast zones correspondence in the data folder of the script
taz_shapefile r'E:\projects\clients\SeaTac\Data\FromClient\Zones\TAZ_Export.gdb' Path to a shapefile that can be used to calculate area in acres for SeaCast zones

Outputs: The converted data files are produced in the working directory (wd) with "_st" appended to file names. The file may write quotes around values in the first column. To correct this, open the file in a text editor and replace " all" with all (space should be present before the text).

Objective: This script updates the zones for which transit fares are listed: inputs/scenario/networks/fares: transit_fare_zones.ens

Settings: Update the following settings before running the script:

Setting Value Description
wd r'E:\projects\clients\SeaTac\GitHub\SeaCastScenarioInputs\inputs\networks\2018\networks_2018\fares' Working directory that contains transit fares files
fares_file r'transit_fare_zones.ens' Name of the SoundCast transit fare file
st_psrc_taz r'data/psrctaz_sttaz.csv' SoundCast to SeaCast zones correspondence in the data folder of the script

Outputs: The converted data files are produced in the working directory (wd) with "_st" appended to file names.

Objective: This script updates the SoundCast zones to SeaCast zones in model inputs and optionally validation dataset (traffic counts and screenline counts): inputs/db/soundcast_inputs.db

Dataset: Following is a list of model inputs dataset in the soundcast_inputs.db database where the zone information is updated

  • external_nonwork
  • external_trip_distribution
  • group_quarters
  • heavy_trucks
  • jblm_trips
  • parking_zones
  • psrc_zones
  • seatac
  • special_generators
  • taz_geography


  • daily_counts
  • hourly_counts
  • observed_screenline_volumes

Settings: Update the following settings before running the script:

Setting Value Description
wd r'E:/projects/clients/SeaTac/GitHub/SeaCastScenarioInputs/inputs/db' Working directory that contains soundcast_inputs.db file
db_input_file r'soundcast_inputs.db' Name of the SoundCast inputs database
st_psrc_taz r'data/psrctaz_to_sttaz.csv' SoundCast to SeaCast zones correspondence in the data folder of the script
st_psrc_prcl r'data/psrcprcl_to_sttaz.csv' SoundCast parcels to SeaCast zones correspondence in the data folder of the script

Outputs: The converted data files are produced in the working directory (wd) with "_st" appended to file names.

The wiki describes the basic theory and process to use SeaCast for travel modeling applications.

Calibration and Testing


Release Notes

  • Notes on Latest Code and Inputs
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