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Temperature and Humidity Sensors

José Antonio Jiménez Campos edited this page Sep 8, 2024 · 45 revisions

The HomeKit temperature and humidity sensors have a number of common options and are grouped here.

Type Service Type
22 Temperature Sensor
23 Humidity Sensor
24 Temperature & Humidity Sensors

The following configuration is available for temperature and humidity sensors:

Section Key Description
Actions "0", "1", etc. The actions performed by the service
Wildcard Actions "y[n]" Perform an action when an service reaches a target value
Sensor GPIO "g" GPIO line sensor is attached to
Sensor Type "n" Type of sensor attached to service
Sensor Polling Time "j" Frequency sensor is read
Humidity Offset "k" Correction offset to apply
Temperature Offset "z" Correction offset to apply
Sensor Index "u" Sensor to use when multiple sensors attached to same GPIO. DS18B20 only
Data History Characteristics

Example 1

  "c": { "io":[[[12,13],2],[[0],6]], "l": 13 },
  "a": [{
    "t": 1,
    "0": { "r": [[12]] },
    "1": { "r": [[12,1]] },
    "b": [[0]],
    "s": 5
  }, {
    "t": 24,
    "g": 14,
    "n": 4,
    "j": 30,
    "z": -0.8

This is an example of a Sonoff TH10 unit with a temperature & humidity sensor connected to GPIO 14 and an LED connected to GPIO 13 ("l": 13). The device also has a switch output ("t": 1) connected to GPIO 12 with actions "0" & "1". The switch has a button connected to GPIO 0 ("b": [[0]]).

A second accessory, with the temperature & humidity sensor services ("t": 24), is attached to GPIO 14 ("g": 14) and is a Si7021 sensor ("n": 4). The polling time has been set to 30 seconds ("j": 30) and to improve the accuracy of the reading an offset of -0.8ºC is applied ("z": -0.8). No offset is being applied to the humidity sensor.

NOTE: The following options are not needed in this example as they are the default options but are included to make the example more readable: "t": 1 & "j": 30

Example 2

  "c": { "io":[[[13],3]], "l": 13 },
  "a": [{
    "t": 22,
    "n": 5,
    "j": 10,
    "y0": [{
      "v": 30,
      "r": 0,
      "0": { "h": [{ "h": "influxdb.lan", "p": 8086, "m": 2, "u": "write?db=haadb", "c": "sensor,device=office value=30" }] }

This is an example of a NTC Thermistor temperature sensor "n":5, that is polled every 10 seconds "j":10 and sends an HTTP request to an Influxdb database when the sensor reading is >30ºC.


Action State Description
"5" Sensor Error Action to perform when there is a sensor error

Temperature and humidity sensors only have one action.

Sensor GPIO

Sensor GPIO is defined by the "g" key contained within the service object.

This GPIO must NOT be declared into "io":[...] array.

Key Value Description
"g" GPIO # GPIO line the temperature and/or humidity sensor is connected to

Home Accessory Architect only supports one-wire temperature and humidity sensors. This is a mandatory option that specifies the GPIO the sensor is connected to.

NOTE: When specifying a thermistor sensor type (ADC) for ESP8266, the value of "g" will be ignored.

Sensor Type

Sensor type is defined by the "n" key contained within the service object.

A variety of one-wire sensors are available and supported by HAA.

Key Type Device Type Support Description
"n" 0 22, 23 & 24 Virtual temperature and humidity sensor, without attached hardware
1 22, 23 & 24 DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor
2 22, 23 & 24 DHT22 Type 1 (default) Temperature & humidity sensor
3 22 DS18B20 Temperature sensor
4 22, 23 & 24 Si7021 1-Wire version Temperature and humidity sensor
5 22 ADC NTC Thermistor
6 22 ADC PTC Thermistor
7 22 Raw ADC NTC Thermistor
8 22 Raw ADC PTC Thermistor
9 23 Raw ADC Humidity Sensor
10 23 Raw ADC Humidity Sensor (Inverted logic)
100 22 Built-in chip temperature sensor (Only ESP32-C and ESP32-S)

Sensor type 3 can only be used with device type 22 (Temperature Sensor), but sensor types 1, 2 & 4 can be used with any device type as they contain both a temperature sensor and a humidity sensor.

DHT11 Sensor

Datasheet: DHT11

The DHT11 sensor is a good value temperature & humidity sensor giving a ±2ºC temperature accuracy and a ±5%RH humidity accuracy. It is one of the most common sensors used in Smart Devices.

DHT22 Sensor

Datasheet: DHT22

The DHT22 sensor seems to be available in two forms; a new type branded as a Sonoff product and older types branded as ASAIR and other names. The older types should be configured as DHT22 Type 1 "n": 2 and the newer Sonoff branded type should be configured as a Si7021 "n": 4.

DS18B20 Sensor

Datasheet: DS18B20

The DS18B20 sensor is capable of measuring temperatures from -55ºC to +125ºC (-67ºF to +257ºF) and has an accuracy of ±0.5ºC. It is available for Sonoff TH10/TH16 devices.

Firmware version 3.0.0 introduced the ability to read multiple DS18B20 sensors when connected to the same GPIO. The "u" option is used to specify the sensor index.

Multiple DS18B20 Sensors Example

Three DS18B20 sensors connected to GPIO 14:

  "a": [
    {"t": 22, "g": 14, "n": 3},
    {"t": 22, "g": 14, "n": 3, "u": 2},
    {"t": 22, "g": 14, "n": 3, "u": 3}

Si7021 Sensor

Datasheet: Si7021

HAA supported version is 1-Wire.

The Si7021 sensor chip is an I2C device. The Sonoff branded sensor has a Si7021 sensor and an 8-bit MCU combined. The MCU translates the I2C commands into a 1-bit interface suitable for 1-Wire communication.

NOTE: The Si7021 sensor contains an integrated resistive heating element that can be used to drive off condensation. The data sheet recommends enabling the heater when the humidity readings are >80% as above this the sensor readings can become unreliable. This feature is not currently supported.

Bear this in mind if you are intending to use this sensor outdoors.

Thermistor Sensor

Thermistors (thermal resistors) are temperature dependent variable resistors. There are two types of thermistors, Negative Temperature Coefficient (NTC) "n":5 and Positive Temperature Coefficient (PTC) "n":6. When the temperature increases, PTC thermistor resistance will increase and NTC thermistor resistance will decrease. They exhibit the opposite response when the temperature decreases.

HAA assumes the thermistor is connected to the ADC pin on the ESP8266 MCU.

Sensor types 5 & 6 assume that the device is using a standard 10K Ohm thermistor and the temperature is calculated in ºC from the ADC value. Sensor types 7 & 8 return the raw ADC value (see note on humidity offset) for a way to reduce the raw ADC value so that it can be viewed within HomeKit.

Sensor Polling Time

Sensor polling time is defined by the "j" key contained within the service object.

Key Value Description
"j" 30 Sensor is polled every 30 seconds (default)
0.1 to 65535 Float specifying the number of seconds between polls

A temperature and/or humidity sensor is polled on a regular basis to read the latest values. These values are then posted to HomeKit. If this option is not specified then the sensor will be polled once every 30 seconds.

Temperature Offset

Temperature offset is defined by the "z" key contained within the service object.

NOTE: This option is NOT available for device type 23

Key Value Description
"z" 0.0 No offset is applied (default)
-∞ < 0.0 > +∞ Offset is added to temperature value read

The accuracy of the available one-wire sensors varies and may sometimes read consistently higher or lower than the actual temperature. The temperature offset option enables calibration of the sensor by specifying a positive or negative offset to apply to the reading.

The option uses is a floating point value, accurate to 1 decimal place e.g. 1.1

Humidity Offset

Humidity offset is defined by the "k" key contained within the service object.

Key Value Description
"k" 0 No offset is applied (default)
-∞ < 0 > +∞ Offset is added to humidity value read

The accuracy of the available one-wire sensors varies and may sometimes read consistently higher or lower than the actual humidity. The humidity offset option enables calibration of the sensor by specifying a positive or negative offset to apply to the reading.

The option uses is an integer point value.

NOTE: The humidity offset can be used with a temperature sensor ("t":22) in conjunction with thermistor types "n":5,"n":6,"n":7 & "n":8. The temperature value will then be multiplied by the humidity offset value e.g.

Humidity Offset as ADC multiplier example

  "c": { "io":[[[13],3]], "l": 13 },
  "a": [{
    "t": 22,
    "n": 8,
    "k": -3,
    "j": 10

In this example the raw ADC value returned from the PTC thermistor is multiplied by 0.1 before being returned to HomeKit. This can be used to overcome the maximum value a HomeKit temperature sensor can report i.e. 200°C.

Wildcard Actions

Wildcard Actions "y[n]" are supported by this service. The supported list is:

Key Action
"y0" Trigger action when service reaches a specific temperature
"y1" Trigger action when service reaches a specific humidity

Refer to Wildcard Actions for more detail.

Data History Characteristics

Characteristic Description
0 * Current Temperature
1 * Current Relative Humidity
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