This is the enhanced vision of Awesome SNN Conference Paper.
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Boosting Spike Camera Image Reconstruction from a Perspective of Dealing with Spike Fluctuations [paper] [paper with code] [code]
Intensity-Robust Autofocus for Spike Camera [paper] [paper with code] [code]
Towards HDR and HFR Video from Rolling-Mixed-Bit Spikings [paper] [paper with code]
Spike-guided Motion Deblurring with Unknown Modal Spatiotemporal Alignment [paper] [paper with code] [code]
SpikeNeRF: Learning Neural Radiance Fields from Continuous Spike Stream [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Super-Resolution Reconstruction from Bayer-Pattern Spike Streams [paper] [paper with code]
SpikingResformer: Bridging ResNet and Vision Transformer in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
SFOD: Spiking Fusion Object Detector [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Are Conventional SNNs Really Efficient? A Perspective from Network Quantization [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
SpikePoint: An Efficient Point-based Spiking Neural Network for Event Cameras Action Recognition [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Can we get the best of both Binary Neural Networks and Spiking Neural Networks for Efficient Computer Vision? [paper] [openreview]
LMUFormer: Low Complexity Yet Powerful Spiking Model With Legendre Memory Units [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Threaten Spiking Neural Networks through Combining Rate and Temporal Information [paper] [openreview]
TAB: Temporal Accumulated Batch Normalization in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [openreview]
Certified Adversarial Robustness for Rate Encoded Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [openreview]
Sparse Spiking Neural Network: Exploiting Heterogeneity in Timescales for Pruning Recurrent SNN [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Bayesian Bi-clustering of Neural Spiking Activity with Latent Structures [paper] [arxiv] [openreview]
Spatio-Temporal Approximation: A Training-Free SNN Conversion for Transformers [paper] [openreview]
Adaptive deep spiking neural network with global-local learning via balanced excitatory and inhibitory mechanism [paper] [openreview]
Learning Delays in Spiking Neural Networks using Dilated Convolutions with Learnable Spacings [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Online Stabilization of Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [openreview]
Spike-driven Transformer V2: Meta Spiking Neural Network Architecture Inspiring the Design of Next-generation Neuromorphic Chips [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
A Progressive Training Framework for Spiking Neural Networks with Learnable Multi-hierarchical Model [paper] [openreview]
Towards Energy Efficient Spiking Neural Networks: An Unstructured Pruning Framework [paper] [openreview]
Hebbian Learning based Orthogonal Projection for Continual Learning of Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
A Graph is Worth 1-bit Spikes: When Graph Contrastive Learning Meets Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Real-data-driven 2000 FPS Color Video from Mosaicked Chromatic Spikes [paper]
Learning to Robustly Reconstruct Dynamic Scenes from Low-light Spike Streams [paper] [arxiv]
Integer-Valued Training and Spike-driven Inference Spiking Neural Network for High-performance and Energy-efficient Object Detection [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Efficient Training of Spiking Neural Networks with Multi-Parallel Implicit Stream Architecture [paper]
Spike-Temporal Latent Representation for Energy-Efficient Event-to-Video Reconstruction [paper]
BKDSNN: Enhancing the Performance of Learning-based Spiking Neural Networks Training with Blurred Knowledge Distillation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
EAS-SNN: End-to-End Adaptive Sampling and Representation for Event-based Detection with Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Asynchronous Bioplausible Neuron for Spiking Neural Networks for Event-Based Vision [paper]
FTBC: Forward Temporal Bias Correction for Optimizing ANN-SNN Conversion [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Exploring Vulnerabilities in Spiking Neural Networks: Direct Adversarial Attacks on Raw Event Data [paper]
Spiking Wavelet Transformer [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Robust Stable Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Spike Distance Function as a Learning Objective for Spike Prediction [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
High-Performance Temporal Reversible Spiking Neural Networks with
$\mathcalO(L)$ Training Memory and$\mathcalO(1)$ Inference Cost [paper] -
CLIF: Complementary Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
NDOT: Neuronal Dynamics-based Online Training for Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
convSeq: Fast and Scalable Method for Detecting Patterns in Spike Data [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Towards efficient deep spiking neural networks construction with spiking activity based pruning [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Enhancing Adversarial Robustness in SNNs with Sparse Gradients [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Efficient and Effective Time-Series Forecasting with Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Spectral Phase Transition and Optimal PCA in Block-Structured Spiked Models [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Conditionally-Conjugate Gaussian Process Factor Analysis for Spike Count Data via Data Augmentation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Sign Gradient Descent-based Neuronal Dynamics: ANN-to-SNN Conversion Beyond ReLU Network [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Autaptic Synaptic Circuit Enhances Spatio-temporal Predictive Learning of Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Temporal Spiking Neural Networks with Synaptic Delay for Graph Reasoning [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
SpikeLM: Towards General Spike-Driven Language Modeling via Elastic Bi-Spiking Mechanisms [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
SpikeZIP-TF: Conversion is All You Need for Transformer-based SNN [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Catapults in SGD: spikes in the training loss and their impact on generalization through feature learning [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Towards Efficient Spiking Transformer: a Token Sparsification Framework for Training and Inference Acceleration [paper]
Learning a Spiking Neural Network for Efficient Image Deraining [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
LitE-SNN: Designing Lightweight and Efficient Spiking Neural Network through Spatial-Temporal Compressive Network Search and Joint Optimization [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
TIM: An Efficient Temporal Interaction Module for Spiking Transformer [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
One-step Spiking Transformer with a Linear Complexity [paper]
Apprenticeship-Inspired Elegance: Synergistic Knowledge Distillation Empowers Spiking Neural Networks for Efficient Single-Eye Emotion Recognition [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
EC-SNN: Splitting Deep Spiking Neural Networks for Edge Devices [paper]
Transient Glimpses: Unveiling Occluded Backgrounds through the Spike Camera [paper]
Joint Demosaicing and Denoising for Spike Camera [paper]
Recognizing Ultra-High-Speed Moving Objects with Bio-Inspired Spike Camera [paper]
Optical Flow for Spike Camera with Hierarchical Spatial-Temporal Spike Fusion [paper]
Enhancing the Robustness of Spiking Neural Networks with Stochastic Gating Mechanisms [paper]
An Efficient Knowledge Transfer Strategy for Spiking Neural Networks from Static to Event Domain [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Gated Attention Coding for Training High-Performance and Efficient Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Efficient Spiking Neural Networks with Sparse Selective Activation for Continual Learning [paper]
DeblurSR: Event-Based Motion Deblurring under the Spiking Representation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Point-to-Spike Residual Learning for Energy-Efficient 3D Point Cloud Classification [paper]
Finding Visual Saliency in Continuous Spike Stream [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Enhancing Training of Spiking Neural Network with Stochastic Latency [paper]
SpikingBERT: Distilling BERT to Train Spiking Language Models Using Implicit Differentiation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Shrinking Your TimeStep: Towards Low-Latency Neuromorphic Object Recognition with Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv]
Ternary Spike: Learning Ternary Spikes for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Spiking NeRF: Representing the Real-World Geometry by a Discontinuous Representation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Dynamic Spiking Graph Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Memory-Efficient Reversible Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
TC-LIF: A Two-Compartment Spiking Neuron Model for Long-Term Sequential Modelling [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Enhancing Representation of Spiking Neural Networks via Similarity-Sensitive Contrastive Learning [paper]
Dynamic Reactive Spiking Graph Neural Network [paper]
Unsupervised Optical Flow Estimation with Dynamic Timing Representation for Spike Camera [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Evolving Connectivity for Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
SparseProp: Efficient Event-Based Simulation and Training of Sparse Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Temporal Conditioning Spiking Latent Variable Models of the Neural Response to Natural Visual Scenes [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Meta-learning families of plasticity rules in recurrent spiking networks using simulation-based inference [paper] [openreview]
Learning in the Presence of Low-dimensional Structure: A Spiked Random Matrix Perspective [paper] [openreview]
Mind the spikes: Benign overfitting of kernels and neural networks in fixed dimension [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
EICIL: Joint Excitatory Inhibitory Cycle Iteration Learning for Deep Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [openreview]
Spiking PointNet: Spiking Neural Networks for Point Clouds [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Parallel Spiking Neurons with High Efficiency and Ability to Learn Long-term Dependencies [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Enhancing Adaptive History Reserving by Spiking Convolutional Block Attention Module in Recurrent Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Addressing the speed-accuracy simulation trade-off for adaptive spiking neurons [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
SEENN: Towards Temporal Spiking Early Exit Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Spike-driven Transformer [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
SPQR: Controlling Q-ensemble Independence with Spiked Random Model for Reinforcement Learning [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Exploring Loss Functions for Time-based Training Strategy in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Bayesian nonparametric (non-)renewal processes for analyzing neural spike train variability [paper] [openreview]
Enhancing Motion Deblurring in High-Speed Scenes with Spike Streams [paper] [openreview]
Trial matching: capturing variability with data-constrained spiking neural networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Optimal Algorithms for the Inhomogeneous Spiked Wigner Model [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Bypassing spike sorting: Density-based decoding using spike localization from dense multielectrode probes [paper] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Neural Data Transformer 2: Multi-context Pretraining for Neural Spiking Activity [paper] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Direct Training of SNN using Local Zeroth Order Method [paper] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
1000 FPS HDR Video With a Spike-RGB Hybrid Camera [paper] [paper with code]
Rate Gradient Approximation Attack Threats Deep Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [paper with code] [code]
Constructing Deep Spiking Neural Networks From Artificial Neural Networks With Knowledge Distillation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Bridging the Gap between ANNs and SNNs by Calibrating Offset Spikes [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Heterogeneous Neuronal and Synaptic Dynamics for Spike-Efficient Unsupervised Learning: Theory and Design Principles [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Spiking Convolutional Neural Networks for Text Classification [paper] [openreview]
Spikformer: When Spiking Neural Network Meets Transformer [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Efficient Converted Spiking Neural Network for 3D and 2D Classification [paper] [paper with code]
Towards Memory- and Time-Efficient Backpropagation for Training Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Membrane Potential Batch Normalization for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Deep Directly-Trained Spiking Neural Networks for Object Detection [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Unleashing the Potential of Spiking Neural Networks with Dynamic Confidence [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Temporal-Coded Spiking Neural Networks with Dynamic Firing Threshold: Learning with Event-Driven Backpropagation [paper] [paper with code]
Inherent Redundancy in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
SSF: Accelerating Training of Spiking Neural Networks with Stabilized Spiking Flow [paper] [paper with code]
RMP-Loss: Regularizing Membrane Potential Distribution for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Masked Spiking Transformer [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Surrogate Module Learning: Reduce the Gradient Error Accumulation in Training Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
Linear Time GPs for Inferring Latent Trajectories from Neural Spike Trains [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Adaptive Smoothing Gradient Learning for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [openreview]
A Unified Optimization Framework of ANN-SNN Conversion: Towards Optimal Mapping from Activation Values to Firing Rates [paper] [openreview]
Enhancing Efficient Continual Learning with Dynamic Structure Development of Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Learnable Surrogate Gradient for Direct Training Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
A Low Latency Adaptive Coding Spike Framework for Deep Reinforcement Learning [paper] [arxiv]
Spatial-Temporal Self-Attention for Asynchronous Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
Spike Count Maximization for Neuromorphic Vision Recognition [paper]
A New ANN-SNN Conversion Method with High Accuracy, Low Latency and Good Robustness [paper]
Self-Supervised Joint Dynamic Scene Reconstruction and Optical Flow Estimation for Spiking Camera [paper]
Learning to Super-resolve Dynamic Scenes for Neuromorphic Spike Camera [paper]
Reducing ANN-SNN Conversion Error through Residual Membrane Potential [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Deep Spiking Neural Networks with High Representation Similarity Model Visual Pathways of Macaque and Mouse [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
ESL-SNNs: An Evolutionary Structure Learning Strategy for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Complex Dynamic Neurons Improved Spiking Transformer Network for Efficient Automatic Speech Recognition [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Learning Temporal-Ordered Representation for Spike Streams Based on Discrete Wavelet Transforms [paper]
SVFI: Spiking-Based Video Frame Interpolation for High-Speed Motion [paper]
Exploring Temporal Information Dynamics in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Scaling Up Dynamic Graph Representation Learning via Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
IM-Loss: Information Maximization Loss for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [paper with code] [openreview]
Biologically Inspired Dynamic Thresholds for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [openreview]
Emergence of Hierarchical Layers in a Single Sheet of Self-Organizing Spiking Neurons [paper] [openreview]
Learning Optical Flow from Continuous Spike Streams [paper] [openreview]
Toward Robust Spiking Neural Network Against Adversarial Perturbation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Training Spiking Neural Networks with Local Tandem Learning [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Theoretically Provable Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [openreview]
Bayesian Clustering of Neural Spiking Activity Using a Mixture of Dynamic Poisson Factor Analyzers [paper] [openreview]
Biologically plausible solutions for spiking networks with efficient coding [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Online Training Through Time for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Natural gradient enables fast sampling in spiking neural networks [paper] [openreview]
Mesoscopic modeling of hidden spiking neurons [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
SNN-RAT: Robustness-enhanced Spiking Neural Network through Regularized Adversarial Training [paper] [openreview]
Differentiable hierarchical and surrogate gradient search for spiking neural networks [paper] [openreview]
LTMD: Learning Improvement of Spiking Neural Networks with Learnable Thresholding Neurons and Moderate Dropout [paper] [openreview]
Training Spiking Neural Networks with Event-driven Backpropagation [paper] [openreview]
Dance of SNN and ANN: Solving binding problem by combining spike timing and reconstructive attention [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
GLIF: A Unified Gated Leaky Integrate-and-Fire Neuron for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Temporal Effective Batch Normalization in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [openreview]
Optical Flow Estimation for Spiking Camera [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Spiking Transformers for Event-Based Single Object Tracking [paper] [paper with code]
Brain-Inspired Multilayer Perceptron With Spiking Neurons [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Training High-Performance Low-Latency Spiking Neural Networks by Differentiation on Spike Representation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
RecDis-SNN: Rectifying Membrane Potential Distribution for Directly Training Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [paper with code]
Event-Based Video Reconstruction via Potential-Assisted Spiking Neural Network [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Optimal ANN-SNN Conversion for High-accuracy and Ultra-low-latency Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Temporal Efficient Training of Spiking Neural Network via Gradient Re-weighting [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Spike-inspired rank coding for fast and accurate recurrent neural networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Sequence Approximation using Feedforward Spiking Neural Network for Spatiotemporal Learning: Theory and Optimization Methods [paper] [paper with code] [openreview]
Spike Transformer: Monocular Depth Estimation for Spiking Camera [paper]
Neuromorphic Data Augmentation for Training Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Reducing Information Loss for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv]
Towards Ultra Low Latency Spiking Neural Networks for Vision and Sequential Tasks Using Temporal Pruning [paper]
Real Spike: Learning Real-Valued Spikes for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Exploring Lottery Ticket Hypothesis in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Neural Architecture Search for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Scalable Spike-and-Slab [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
State Transition of Dendritic Spines Improves Learning of Sparse Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
Neural Network Poisson Models for Behavioural and Neural Spike Train Data [paper]
AutoSNN: Towards Energy-Efficient Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Self-Supervised Mutual Learning for Dynamic Scene Reconstruction of Spiking Camera [paper]
Spiking Graph Convolutional Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Multi-Level Firing with Spiking DS-ResNet: Enabling Better and Deeper Directly-Trained Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Efficient and Accurate Conversion of Spiking Neural Network with Burst Spikes [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Recent Advances and New Frontiers in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Signed Neuron with Memory: Towards Simple, Accurate and High-Efficient ANN-SNN Conversion [paper] [code]
Optimized Potential Initialization for Low-Latency Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Multi-Sacle Dynamic Coding Improved Spiking Actor Network for Reinforcement Learning [paper]
PrivateSNN: Privacy-Preserving Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
SpikeConverter: An Efficient Conversion Framework Zipping the Gap between Artificial Neural Networks and Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
Fully Spiking Variational Autoencoder [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Spiking Neural Networks with Improved Inherent Recurrence Dynamics for Sequential Learning [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Self-Supervised Learning of Event-Based Optical Flow with Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Sparse Spiking Gradient Descent [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
A universal probabilistic spike count model reveals ongoing modulation of neural variability [paper] [paper with code] [openreview]
Training Feedback Spiking Neural Networks by Implicit Differentiation on the Equilibrium State [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Probabilistic Tensor Decomposition of Neural Population Spiking Activity [paper] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Learning to Time-Decode in Spiking Neural Networks Through the Information Bottleneck [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Fitting summary statistics of neural data with a differentiable spiking network simulator [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Deep Residual Learning in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Three-dimensional spike localization and improved motion correction for Neuropixels recordings [paper] [paper with code] [openreview]
Differentiable Spike: Rethinking Gradient-Descent for Training Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [paper with code] [openreview]
High-Speed Image Reconstruction Through Short-Term Plasticity for Spiking Cameras [paper] [paper with code]
Spk2ImgNet: Learning To Reconstruct Dynamic Scene From Continuous Spike Stream [paper] [paper with code]
Efficient Inference of Flexible Interaction in Spiking-neuron Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Optimal Conversion of Conventional Artificial Neural Networks to Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
NeuSpike-Net: High Speed Video Reconstruction via Bio-Inspired Neuromorphic Cameras [paper] [paper with code]
HIRE-SNN: Harnessing the Inherent Robustness of Energy-Efficient Deep Spiking Neural Networks by Training With Crafted Input Noise [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
DCT-SNN: Using DCT To Distribute Spatial Information Over Time for Low-Latency Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Super Resolve Dynamic Scene From Continuous Spike Streams [paper] [paper with code]
Incorporating Learnable Membrane Time Constant To Enhance Learning of Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Temporal-Wise Attention Spiking Neural Networks for Event Streams Classification [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Detection of Signal in the Spiked Rectangular Models [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
A Differentiable Point Process with Its Application to Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
A Free Lunch From ANN: Towards Efficient, Accurate Spiking Neural Networks Calibration [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Backpropagated Neighborhood Aggregation for Accurate Training of Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Pruning of Deep Spiking Neural Networks through Gradient Rewiring [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Event-based Action Recognition Using Motion Information and Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
Optimal ANN-SNN Conversion for Fast and Accurate Inference in Deep Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Exploiting Spiking Dynamics with Spatial-temporal Feature Normalization in Graph Learning [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Deep Spiking Neural Network with Neural Oscillation and Spike-Phase Information [paper]
Strategy and Benchmark for Converting Deep Q-Networks to Event-Driven Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Training Spiking Neural Networks with Accumulated Spiking Flow [paper]
Near Lossless Transfer Learning for Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
Going Deeper With Directly-Trained Larger Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Temporal-Coded Deep Spiking Neural Network with Easy Training and Robust Performance [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Rescuing neural spike train models from bad MLE [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Minimax Dynamics of Optimally Balanced Spiking Networks of Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Estimating Rank-One Spikes from Heavy-Tailed Noise via Self-Avoiding Walks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Understanding spiking networks through convex optimization [paper] [paper with code] [code]
Temporal Spike Sequence Learning via Backpropagation for Deep Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Point process models for sequence detection in high-dimensional neural spike trains [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Spike and slab variational Bayes for high dimensional logistic regression [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
All-or-nothing statistical and computational phase transitions in sparse spiked matrix estimation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Nonasymptotic Guarantees for Spiked Matrix Recovery with Generative Priors [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Unifying Activation- and Timing-based Learning Rules for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Retina-Like Visual Image Reconstruction via Spiking Neural Model [paper] [paper with code]
RMP-SNN: Residual Membrane Potential Neuron for Enabling Deeper High-Accuracy and Low-Latency Spiking Neural Network [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Spike-based causal inference for weight alignment [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
SpikeGrad: An ANN-equivalent Computation Model for Implementing Backpropagation with Spikes [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [openreview]
Enabling Deep Spiking Neural Networks with Hybrid Conversion and Spike Timing Dependent Backpropagation [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
Deep Spiking Neural Network: Energy Efficiency Through Time based Coding [paper]
Spike-FlowNet: Event-based Optical Flow Estimation with Energy-Efficient Hybrid Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv]
Inherent Adversarial Robustness of Deep Spiking Neural Networks: Effects of Discrete Input Encoding and Non-Linear Activations [paper] [arxiv]
- Efficient Non-conjugate Gaussian Process Factor Models for Spike Count Data using Polynomial Approximations [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
LISNN: Improving Spiking Neural Networks with Lateral Interactions for Robust Object Recognition [paper]
Exploiting Neuron and Synapse Filter Dynamics in Spatial Temporal Learning of Deep Spiking Neural Network [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Deep Spiking Delayed Feedback Reservoirs and Its Application in Spectrum Sensing of MIMO-OFDM Dynamic Spectrum Sharing [paper]
Effective AER Object Classification Using Segmented Probability-Maximization Learning in Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
Biologically Plausible Sequence Learning with Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
New Efficient Multi-Spike Learning for Fast Processing and Robust Learning [paper]
Spiking-YOLO: Spiking Neural Network for Energy-Efficient Object Detection [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
The spiked matrix model with generative priors [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Enabling hyperparameter optimization in sequential autoencoders for spiking neural data [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Scalable Spike Source Localization in Extracellular Recordings using Amortized Variational Inference [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Spike-Train Level Backpropagation for Training Deep Recurrent Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Who is Afraid of Big Bad Minima? Analysis of gradient-flow in spiked matrix-tensor models [paper] [paper with code] [code]
Weak Detection of Signal in the Spiked Wigner Model [paper]
Bayesian Joint Spike-and-Slab Graphical Lasso [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Passed & Spurious: Descent Algorithms and Local Minima in Spiked Matrix-Tensor Models [paper] [arxiv]
STCA: Spatio-Temporal Credit Assignment with Delayed Feedback in Deep Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
Fast and Accurate Classification with a Multi-Spike Learning Algorithm for Spiking Neurons [paper]
Direct Training for Spiking Neural Networks: Faster, Larger, Better [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code]
TDSNN: From Deep Neural Networks to Deep Spike Neural Networks with Temporal-Coding [paper]
MPD-AL: An Efficient Membrane Potential Driven Aggregate-Label Learning Algorithm for Spiking Neurons [paper]
Implementation of Boolean AND and OR Logic Gates with Biologically Reasonable Time Constants in Spiking Neural Networks [paper]
Gradient Descent for Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv]
Hybrid Macro/Micro Level Backpropagation for Training Deep Spiking Neural Networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
SLAYER: Spike Layer Error Reassignment in Time [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Long short-term memory and Learning-to-learn in networks of spiking neurons [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]
Temporal alignment and latent Gaussian process factor inference in population spike trains [paper] [paper with code]
- Temporally Efficient Deep Learning with Spikes [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code] [openreview]
- Non-linear motor control by local learning in spiking neural networks [paper] [arxiv] [paper with code] [code]