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Rohak edited this page Feb 4, 2017 · 4 revisions


Guillaume DUPONT,
Kwanyuk Agnes CHAN,




We use some different materials for the boat. The hull and the gearbox are made in fiberglass with polyester resin. The top for gearbox is in 5mm plywood and the hull is made of flexible EVA foam (Ethylene-vinyl acetate). The scales are glued on the foam are made of sheet of polycarbonate. Finally, the mast is a aluminium tube of 13 mm diameter and the sails are in polycarbonate.


  • Total weight : 4.1 Kg
  • Sail (including mast and boom) : 260 Gr
  • Control box : 210 Gr
  • Hull + Ballast : 3.63 Kg (approx)
  • Hull (without ballast) : 1.162 Kg
  • Ballast (lead) : 2.468 Kg


  • Internal control box (10.5.7)
  • Remote controller : FS Sky. FS-GT3C
  • Receiver : FS Sky, FS-GR3E (3 channels)
  • Servomotors x 2 : Towerpro MG95 Digi HiSpeed)
  • Power in boat : 4 AA battery (1.5V each, standard

In this version, the gearbox is combined to the cabin in order to reduce the size of cabin and the weight of the whole boat.Previous control system was used - one motor for sail control and one for the hull control.

The performance of the system is fair in this boat as the range of hull shifting is not large.Since the power of motor is limited the long hull resulted in control difficulty.


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We tested “Crazy man” in the pier of Tsuen Wan West in very light conditions (2-5 knots) and with a current quite strong (0,5 knots) in the same direction as the wind. In spite of these conditions, the boat sailed easily and against the wind. There was no wind close to the shore and a little bit more in the center of the channel. The boat was able to tack and to jib. Nevertheless, it is hard to say if the scales we put on the hull significantly improved the performance.

Test report

  • Wind condition : Average 2.5m / sec. Gusts at 5m / sec.
  • Current condition : .5 to 1 knots, really little wind this day
  • Wave height : max 10 cm, not much waves


  • Successful, the boats sailed easily and against the wind despite the light wind condition
  • Wind conditions were very light, no wind close to the shore, a little bit more in the channel
  • Little waves
  • Current was quite strong in the same direction of the wind
  • Protei “Crazy man” can tack - and is good manoeuvrable
  • It is hard to say if the scales are good for the performance
  • “Crazy man” is lighter and more hydrodynamic than “Birthday” (500 Gr), nevertheless it is hard to say if it is faster owing to the light conditions


  • Fiberglass spine works well ! 2 layers or regular 300gr / m2, bidirectional.
  • 10 layers in the middle for the keel and two for the box containing the electronics.
  • Trapezoid shape hull was good for bending - but no so good for hydrodynamics as here is still too much water turbulences between sections (the section angles are way too big, about 40º degrees)
  • The floatation line of “crazy man” seems good. Although light wind conditions did not allow the boat to heel much
  • The hull is not curving enough
  • The DIY cable guides are not very stable
  • The hull is more modular than Birthday, but not quite enough yet.
  • The scales in the hull maybe is one of the factor let the b oat work well
  • Silicon sealant is not good adhesive to join the foam and the polycarbonate. Some of the scales peeled off after testing)


  • hydodynamic
  • The weight of the ballast is good for this boat as it provides a powerful righting moment.
  • Motor and control system (Hull & Sail)
  • The sail and hull control range are not wide enough.
  • Not powerful enough for this length of boat. We need to build a smaller boat, that has more control. We previously abandoned the idea of speed control.
  • Cable guides is not stable

Motor and control system (Hull & Sail)

  • The sail and hull control range are not wide enough.
  • Not powerful enough for this length of boat. We need to build a smaller boat, that has more control. We previously abandoned the idea of speed control.
  • Cable guides is not stable


  • Bright orange sail is well visible and safe. As we are sailing / testing in the busy Hong Kong Waters, this is very important.
  • The big sail work well in the light wind condition
  • The 0.5 mm PC sheet is good for making sail
  • The windvane was giving us a good information about direction or strength
  • Sails area is good for this wind
  • The wood boom added for the jib is good for controlling the flexibility,but it is not stable

Control Box

  • The control box is not easy to open.
  • Too many screws. It takes a lot of time to open it
  • The silicon sealant is good for waterproofing


Previous Actions Validation on Protei “Crazy Man”

  • OK : We need to add a piece of audio tape on the top of the mast to know the wind direction and speed
  • OK : Boat is needs to be lighter, reduce weight
  • Not really improved : Make a hull that curves more
  • OK : Minimize the space between the section to minimize turbulences : scales. We used scales, however, we do not know if that significantly enhanced performances.
  • OK : Increase buoyancy
  • OK : find a solution to not have some water into the wooden box. No leak. But it was a lot of work to put the 8 screws on the deck + silicon joint.
  • NO : find other materials which is possible to make the mast and boom
  • OK : find a solution to adjust easier the ropes for curving the hull. The holesin the spine are a good idea.
  • OK : make guides for lines on the deck
  • OK : make one box and not a wooden box + a plastic box for motors and electronics
  • NO : put a switch and a light for the box
  • NO : find llightweight fabric
  • NO : make the hull modular

Future Actions

  • Build the boat smaller.
  • Make the boat stronger
  • Make a hull that curves more, in a controllable fashion
  • Carbon mast and boom
  • Put a switch and a light for the box
  • Find llight weight fabric
  • Make the hull modular
  • Would be good even lighter
  • Make a simpler system to close the box
  • Find a better materials for the mast & Boom (Carbon rods)
  • Make the cable attachments not on the spine (in the center) but on the outside shell of the hull (to increase torque on the spine)
  • Make it look more beautiful, attractive
  • Make it easy to manufacture, in a chain
  • Make it easy to transport
  • Make it easy to extend
  • Create a location a camera above water
  • Create a location a camera under water
  • Add connectors for sensors above water
  • Add connectors for sensors under water
  • How do we package it
  • Lights (LEDs for night sailing)
  • Easy to disassemble and store
  • Easy to disassemble and recycle
  • Reduce manufacturing time
  • Reduce manufacturing cost (smart use of materials)

Next Step

See Protei-10.6.2