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Rohak edited this page Feb 4, 2017 · 5 revisions


Guillaume DUPONT,
Kwanyuk Agnes CHAN,




  • Total weight : 8.5 Kg
  • Sail (including mast and boom) :275.5 Gr
  • Control box : 344.5 Gr
  • Hull (without ballast) : 3.56 Kg
  • Ballast (lead) : 2.468 * 2 = 4.94 Kg



2 3 4 5


General observations from the whole process, fabrication, test

Most of the effort on this prototype have been put into optimizing for manufacturing so we have materials, dimensions that we can repeat for ensuring consistency of the quality of the product. The prototype is nearing what the product will look like even if test was not spectacular in terms of performance.

Test conditions

  • Wind : 8 knots
  • Small waves (10/20 cm)
  • No current

Test performance, observations


  • The boat looks good
  • The boat doesn’t sail very well
  • The boat doesn’t manage to tack
  • It is too heavy (The floatation line is almost in the same level of the deck )
  • It is not easy prepare the sailing (Too many knots and the screws are not convenient )
  • The boat goes upwind when we do nothing with the remote control


  • The foam is easy to get dirty
  • Te bow turns well but not the stern and the second module
  • There is too much area in the back because the boat goes upwind alone


  • The jibsheet broke
  • The jib luff is too soft
  • The second mainsail has to be monitored and adjusted any time
  • Controlbox
  • It is not convenient to open it and to turn on the batteries
  • The motor stopped
  • Nylon screws are good to increase amplitude of the curve



  • A little bit water inside the boat
  • The boat doesn’t sail very well (not very fast in particular)
  • The ropes is sometimes caught in the bearing or between the bearing and the washer
  • The boat is too much heavy

Next actions

  • Make the boat lighter and especially the ballast -> Modular ballast, with adjustable weights
  • Make the stern more flexible, with another motor
  • Reduce the the number of holes in the keel not hydrodynamic, slow to manufacture, makes it more fragile in breaking points
  • Find a solution to attach the cables easily (“U” tail, “I” connect) - Real modularity
  • Rationalize fabrications steps
  • Better cable
  • routing on the deck - currently too lose
  • Fishing accessories for instant setup
  • Fit all the electronics into a drybox, screwed to the cover.
  • Triangle at the front
  • lift / handle points
  • Symetrical holes
  • Shorter screws for the nuts with ears, to reduce setup time
  • Better support for GoPro
  • We do not need bearings, glued circles are just fine

Next Step

See Protei-10.9