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Meeting 13

ArdaBar edited this page Sep 26, 2019 · 3 revisions

Meeting 13 - 26 September 2019 16.00 - 17.00 ~ Lounge


  1. Arda Barış Budak
  2. İbrahim Can Kaplan
  3. Ahmet Gedemenli
  4. Irem Uğuz
  5. Egemen Göl (note taker)
  6. Gamze Gülbahar
  7. Halit Özsoy


  1. Decide what to do about references to Burhan.
  2. What will be the tech stack?
  3. How will we divide the work?
  4. What is our plan? If possible, in weekly basis.
  5. Refactoring our wiki, separate old and new material for clarity.
  6. How to do this week's assignment


  1. Divide the documents we need to update for the Kickoff-Tasks, every person is in charge of only one document, everyone have to learn and refresh the memories abut the other documents. We do not have sufficient time for major changes, our study form is proof-reading.
  2. We divided the teams tentatively as:
  • Backend: Egemen Arda Ahmet
  • Frontend: Halit Emirhan
  • Android: İrem Gamze İbrahim
  1. If we happen to use the microservice architecture on the backend, we decided to use one or many of Django, Golang, NodeJS or Spring. Else, we will use just one of these.
  2. For Android, we will use mainly Kotlin with sprinkles of Java.
  3. Front-end will be Angular or React.
  4. Golang and microservices will be requested from the instructor since we believe we will see some benefits.
  5. Microservice documents will be learned by backend team.

Action Items

No. Who What Deadline Prerequisite
1 Egemen, Ahmet Review requirements 28 Sept 23.59
2 İbrahim, Gamze Review diagrams 30 Sept 23.59 1
3 Arda Review Mockups 30 Sept 23.59 1
4 Halit, İrem, Emirhan Review project plan 30 Sept 23.59 1
5 İrem Request for microservice and golang from instructor 27 Sept 23.59

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