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User Scenarios and Mock ups

corupta edited this page Apr 25, 2019 · 22 revisions
Table of Contents
1. University Student - Aslı Bulut
2. Caretaker - Gülkız Kızıltuğ
3. Musician - Francisco Tárrega

User Scenarios

1.Aslı Bulut

  • User : Aslı Bulut
  • Platform: Web
  • User Type: Registered
  • Language of Interest: French
  • The requirements that each step in the scenario ensures can be found listed in acceptance criterias

Scenario 1.1 - Login

Steps and Mock-ups

  1. Aslı opens her laptop and logins to the system using her mail address and password.

log in

  1. After successfully logging in, the home page opens. She clicks the French in her languages section. language

Scenario 1.2 - Solving Grammar Excercise For French

Steps and Mock-ups

  1. In the French language's page, she sees different categories of exercises. There is listening, writing, vocabulary and grammar section. She clicks the grammar section to continue her exercise. categories

  1. She sees the 4th question of the Past Tense exercise. She remembers that she had to leave when she was solving the exercise due to her friend's call. She continues where she left off and clicks the choice A as she thinks the answer to the question is that.
  2. A note below the question appears after she clicks, saying the right right answer is B and her answer is wrong. She thinks about it and understands where she did wrong and skips to the next question. question4

  1. She solves this question right and her answer lits up in green, indicating she answered correctly. question5

  1. She finishes 17 questions about Past Tense and completes the exercise. At the end of the exercise, she sees that she made 13 correct answers and 4 wrong answers in 13 minutes. She feels tired after solving so many questions and closes the program. end

Scenario 1.3 - Advanced Search

Steps and Mock-ups

  1. She clicks the search bar on the page and clicks the advanced search. search

  1. In the advanced search page, she adds measurements and vocabulary tags to her search and adds a filter for B2 level as it is her current level in French. Then she hits the search button. advanced_search

  1. The results of her search appear. On the top result, there is a vocabulary exercise about food recipes and measurements of the ingredients. She likes that exercise and clicks on it. results

  1. She studies the notes about the exercise by clicking the notes button on the exercise part. notes

2. Gülkız Kızıltuğ

  • User : Gülkız Kızıltuğ
  • Platform: Android
  • User Type: Guest-Registered
  • Language of Interest: English
  • The requirements that each step in the scenario ensures can be found listed in acceptance criterias

Scenario 2.1 - Guest User

Steps and Mock-ups

  1. After installing the application Gülkız runs it and see the login page. She wants to try the application as a guest before signing up. She chooses to be a guest and see only some limited content.

log in

  1. Then she chooses 'English' in a list of available languages.


  1. The application provides her a limited vocabulary content because she is a guest. In first exercise, she learns what apple, pear, and watermelon mean.


Scenario 2.2 - Register

Steps and Mock-ups

  1. Without skipping to the second exercise, she decides to sign up because she likes the format and the content. So she goes back to the first page to create an account for herself. Gülkız gives the necessary information; her e-mail address and her name. She creates a password and username for herself. Then she clicks to 'done' and finishes the registration.

log_in_again sign_up

Scenario 2.3 - Beginner Exercises

Steps and Mock-ups

  1. After logging in to her new account, she is at the home page, she sees the language options and she chooses English.


  1. She does not want to solve the proficiency exam, which is recommended by the system, since she is aware that she is a beginner. So she goes to the A1 level exercises.


  1. In the page of English language, she sees five different exercise categories. These categories are listening, reading, writing, vocabulary and grammar. She clicks vocabulary.


  1. In first question, she answers randomly and sees that the button she clicked turns into red, so she understand it was a wrong answer. Then she sees the correct one turned into green.


  1. Gülkız solves totally 3 questions like the first one. She gives the correct answer to the second question randomly, then wrong to the third one.

second_question third_question

  1. When learning English words from questions, someone at the office orders a coffee so she quits the app. After she leaves the app, she sees her score from the beginning of the vocabulary exercise until that moment, 1/3.


Scenario 3

3. Francisco Tárrega

  • User : Francisco Tárrega
  • Platform: Android
  • User Type: Registered
  • Language of Interest: English
  • The requirements that each step in the scenario ensures can be found listed in acceptance criterias

Scenario 3.1 Login from mobile phone

Steps and Mock-ups

  1. Francisco opens his mobile phone and logins to the system using her mail address and password.

log in

  1. After successfully logging in, the home page opens. He clicks the English in her languages section.

log in

Scenario 3.2 Speaking practice and feedback

Steps and Mock-ups

  1. After a look at the exercise meterials such as vocabulary, writing, reading etc. he decides that he wants to make some speaking practice with a native.

log in

  1. He looks up for a native English speaker(also an expert in English) and starts a conversation with someone who is native in English.

log in

log in

log in

  1. After 30 minutes, Francisco and the expert finishes the conversation. An evaluation panel opens up in front of both of them. They give each other feedback and evaluate themselves. Francisco likes the talk and give the expert 3 stars.

log in

Scenario 3.3 Grading essays

Steps and Mock-ups

  1. In his Spanish page, he sees a writing exercise of a Spanish learner waiting to be reviewed.

log in

log in

  1. He reads the essay, corrects the mistakes, give feedback and a grade. After that, he uploads the corrected and graded essay for the learner.

log in

log in

  1. He thinks he is done for today, he clicks exit and closes the application.

log in

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