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Zsombor Welker edited this page Jun 2, 2013 · 1 revision

Pull-in / Pull-out data maps an operator to a bus, among other things.The underlying pullout data is TCIP XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<ns2:schPullOutList deactivation="2040-01-04T23:59:00-04:00" noNameSpaceSchemaLocation="??"
 sourceport="1234" sourceip="" sourceapp="TEST APPLICATION" schVersion="B11"
  <!-- TCIP-required header -->
  <!--  Validity Information-->
  <!--  list of pull-out/pull-in actions-->
    <!-- one action related to a vehicle-->
      <!--  boolean: action is pull out if False-->
      <!-- Depot Information -->
        <!-- Required ID-->
        <!-- 4 character depot code-->
        <!-- Depot's agency designator-->
        <agencydesignator>MTA NYCT</agencydesignator>
      <!-- Veh Information -->
        <!-- MTA NYCT == 2008-->
      <!-- Operator Information -->
        <!-- Pass number : 6 digits or less-->
        <!-- Designator : Pass Number-->
      <!-- Service date-->
      <!-- Action datetime (ie time of the pull-out), date may be different than service date.-->
        <!-- concatenation of "route" and "run number" fields in PUPU -->
      <!-- need a block to link the pull-out to the pull-in -->
        <!-- Vehicle Numeric Block, required by TCIP. May be a junk value as MTA does not think at the block
             level -->
        <!-- Concatenated unique ID of (agency_id, date, depot_id, pullout_time, run_route, run_number) -->
        <block-designator>MTA NYCT_20120206_CSLT_123456_S56_001</block-designator>
    <!-- one action related to a vehicle-->
    <!-- NOTE: Pull in and pull-out information may not arrive at the same time.-->
      <!--  boolean: pull in if True-->
        <!-- Depot's agency designator-->
        <agencydesignator>MTA NYCT</agencydesignator>
      <!-- Action datetime (ie time of the pull-in), date different than service date.-->
        <block-designator>MTA NYCT_20120206_CSLT_123456_S56_001</block-designator>
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