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Energy Exercises

dromologue edited this page Jun 9, 2016 · 4 revisions

Some Exercises to increase Energy in the room.

Topic Circle

  • Get everyone into a circle. Choose someone to start.
  • The starter picks a topic, e.g. Names and chooses something that falls within that topic, e.g. James.
  • The next person, moving clockwise, picks another item in that same topic but starting with the letter that the previous item ended with, i.e. 'S'.
  • If anyone repeats an item or hesitates... the topic changes and the 'hesitator' stands in the middle of the circle.
  • The objective of the game is to get around the full circle with as few people standing in the middle as possible.

--> Pro-Tip... people will assume that they can't help each other. Wait for them to find out that they can. Running this game a few times over a couple of days can be fun as the group tries to beat its record.

Rock-Paper-Scissors (RPS)

  • I assume you know the underlying game...
  • This works best if people are already in teams.
  • Get everyone to pair off and run a 'best of 3' RPS game with their partners.
  • The winner of each pair plays the winner of another pair in the same team. The losers... and this is important...have to vocally cheer for the person who beat them.
  • Eventually you get to a team winner, who plays the winner of the other team...
  • Until you get a Champion.

--> Pro-tip... you want it loud. You might even give a prize to the winner.