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Lizzie v0.6

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@featurecat featurecat released this 08 Nov 20:15
· 333 commits to master since this release

Lizzie Version 0.6


Finally Lizzie 0.6 is here. It is compatible with Leela Zero 0.16. Please make sure to replace your current config file with the current version's config file. It's better to start with an entirely new folder.

It comes with LZ#157, the last 15 block network. You can replace it manually with the larger networks if you wish for increased strength. LZ#188 and above are likely stronger than LZ#157 with equal time.

Big thank you to all contributors

🥇zsalch, 🥇OlivierBlanvillain, 🥇alreadydone, 🥇TFiFiE, 🥇sinf, 🥇kaorahi, 🥇phiming, 🥇ParmuzinAlexander, 🥇infinity0, 🥇odCat, 🥇kuba97531, 🥇Ka-zam, 🥇bittsitt, 🥇apetresc and all who have helped find bugs and suggest features in the Issues page.

❤️ 🎆 Thank you! 🎆 ❤️



  • Added the ability to click nodes in the variation tree to navigate. #414
  • Added ability to save SGFs from Lizzie, including the winrate analysis. Press S to save. #364
  • Added a 'blunder bar' in the winrate graph. It shows how bad of a blunder each move is. The higher the line, the worse the move was. #384
  • Added autosaving - enable it by setting "resume-previous-game": true in the config. #298
  • Added ability to read comments from SGF files. #365
  • New board and background. #385
  • Added custom themes. To try our example out, set "theme": "yasnaya" in the config file. Theme by ParmuzinAlexander. #420 #378
  • Added Romanian localization. #342
  • Added ability to switch between multiple different engine settings using "engine-command-list"; see #368
  • Added configurable threshold for displaying move statistics. #333
  • Allow file loading when opening Lizzie via commandline - example usage: java -jar lizzie.jar game1.sgf #326
  • Added different colors in the variation tree for blunders/good moves. Currently the feature is experimental, you can find it in the "yasnaya" theme. #413
  • Additional support for alreadydone's dynamic komi version of Leela Zero. #329


  • Greatly improved SGF support. #376
  • Assets are now part of the .jar file. Please modify the jar file or create a theme in order to change the UI settings. #380
  • Window size and maximization are now stored automatically in the config file. #287
  • Support display of only the last move number, via M. Pressing M toggles between different options. #367
  • Support seamless textures for the background. #366
  • Improved rendering of variation tree. #412
  • Handicap stones now appear when starting a new game. #270
  • More keyboard shortcuts. See #415
  • Added config setting to hide captured stones panel. #325
  • Added config setting to hide status text. #324
  • Allow config to show coordinate by default. #419
  • Always show statistics for blue-ringed moves. #294


  • Compatability with Leela Zero 0.16.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause Lizzie to display in extremely low resolution.
  • Slightly better error handling when either the Leela Zero executable or network file are not found. #284
  • Removed automatic network downloading. Instead, LZ157 will come by default, and users may replace it manually. #387
  • Removed superko rule, added basic ko rule. #411
  • Fixed: dead stones now display their actual color in the branch variations. #401
  • Fixed SGF-related crashes. #272
  • Fixed slow Ctrl-C Ctrl-V bugs. #288 #289
  • Fixed inversion of y-coordinates (it was the opposite direction of Leela Zero's coordinates). #354
  • Automatically detects the difference between .gib and .sgf files. #416
  • Significant code refactoring. #402