Releases: green-code-initiative/creedengo-rules-specifications
Releases · green-code-initiative/creedengo-rules-specifications
Release 1.4.4
- upgrades
- technical upgrade for maven central publication
- #182 disable java plugin beacasue moved to new repository
Release 1.4.3
- #248 EC2 : Add tests to prove there is no problem with 'instanceof' operator
- #123 Complete resources for EC7 rule for Python language
- Update ecocode-rules-specifications to 0.0.10
- #4 Deprecate rule EC66 for Python because not applicable (see details inside issue)
- #240 Deprecate rule EC53 for Java because of no good arguments and not enough green measures
- #258 Deprecate rule EC63 for Java because there are already 3 native Sonarqube rules that cover the same use cases
- #259 Deprecate rule EC75 for Java because not applicable since JDK8
Release 1.4.2
Release 1.4.1
- android#67 Move Android rules into centralized rules repository
- ios#3 Move iOS rules into centralized rules repository
- #103 Upgrade set proposed HTML rule "HTML page must contain a doctype tag" as refused with link to the justification
- #106 Upgrade : rule EC67 not relevant neither for Python nor Rust
- #112 Updating EC1 rule to add controls on streams
- #128 Adding EC35 rule for Python and PHP : EC35 rule replaces EC34 with a specific use case ("file not found" sepcific)
- #132 Upgrade set proposed Python rule "Use numpy array instead of standard list" as refused with link to the justification
- #136 Upgrade rule EC53 for Python : no implementation possible for python
- #140 Upgrade rule EC3 for Python : no implementation possible for python
- #185 Add build number to manifest
- #216 Upgrade rule EC2 for Java : Multiple if-else statement improvment
- #225 Upgrade licence system and licence headers of Java files
- #247 Upgrade rule EC2 for Java : float and double types deleted because of non compatibility with rule
Release 1.4.0
Release 1.3.1
Release 1.3.0
- #108 new Python rule EC66 : Use single quote (') instead of quotation mark (")
- #109 new PHP rule EC3 : Getting the size of the collection in the loop. For further file
- #113 new Python rule EC10 : Use unoptimized vector images
- #127 new Python rule EC404 : Usage of generator comprehension instead of list comprehension in for loop declaration
- #190 Add Python rule: Use unoptimized vector images
- #191 Update rule tags for Java, Python, and PHP plugins
- #192 new Python rule EC203 : Detect unoptimized file formats
- Add JavaScript rules from ecoCode ESLint plugin v0.2.0
- #19 process changed for development environment installation : easier to initialize locally environment (check
file) - #187 upgrade librairies to SonarQube 10.0.0
- #196 updating PHP files to make them following the coding standards (PSR-12)
- #201 Clean-up plugins and dependencies
- technical : upgrade of maven plugins versions
Release 1.2.1
- #180 correction of SonarQube review for MarketPlace (sonar plugin)
Release 1.2.0
Release 1.1.0
- #63 Update plugins to be compliant for SonarQube MarketPlace integration ( PR #79 )
- #88 upgrade rules matrix with new ids + refactoring rules documentation (
)- WARNING : since this plugin version, ids of plugin rules changed. In consequence, if you have already made some issue checks in your SonarQube instance, you will have to do them again (example : false-positive issues will appear again)
- #85 Cleaning some useless classes on PHP plugin